After all, Leng Fan stood on Li Yan's head, and the fifth sky thunder fell on him. The violent thunder and lightning tore his body frantically. Fortunately, his body was hard enough that the thunder and lightning could not do anything to him for a while.

"Hey, he used his physical body to resist this fifth sky thunder." Ying Long was already ready to help him resist this sky thunder, but he didn't expect Leng Fan to use his spiritual power, just relying on the power of his body. If he can carry Tianlei down, even an old antique like him has never been seen.

The fifth sky thunder passed quickly, and the sixth sky thunder had already begun to accumulate power in the clouds, and it should take a while to fall. At this moment, the black hole on the moon suddenly rushed out, and when the shadow rushed out, the black hole closed immediately, but there was something in the black hole faintly trying to come over, but it was finally blocked.

Li Yuanjin saw that Leng Fan was safe, he smiled and said, "Why don't you let the sixth sky thunder let me block you?"

At this time, Leng Fan suddenly had something in his mind.

"Haha, the power of heaven, mine, mine" Ying Long was like a child chasing a golden light source at this time.

Leng Fan ignored the power of Heaven's Dao. He looked at the sky thunder above the clouds, and he frowned, because this sky thunder was significantly different from the previous five ways, and it was not only stronger.

"Li Yuanjin, this heavenly power belongs to my sister. Even if I absorb it now, I will return it to my sister in the future." Leng Fan replied to Li Yuanjin.

Li Yuanjin smiled and replied: "Haha, I'll just talk about it."

Leng Fan found that the black hole on the moon had disappeared. Although he didn't understand what it meant, it was certain that something great must have happened.

The Golden Wing Roc has escaped, and even the monsters from all over the world are no longer near here. So for Leng Fan, this is definitely a good thing.

The sixth sky thunder came very quickly, the previous five sky thunders were almost 20 minutes apart, and the interval between this sky thunder was less than three minutes.

"Boom, boom, boom" Continuous thunder, the Thunder of Heaven's Punishment hit Leng Fan's body again.

This time, the sky thunder penetrated his body and directly hit his soul. In an instant, his soul was entangled by lightning, followed by the power of lightning constantly trying to tear his soul.

At this moment, Zhu Tian Formation, which had not been activated, suddenly stretched out a huge red hand. I saw the giant hand grabbing the sixth thunder and lightning, like a tug-of-war, tearing it apart.

"Spray..." Leng Fan spouted blood suddenly.

"You are exhausted." Ying Long said to Leng Fan.

Leng Fan replied, "Don't you still have you?"

Ying Long replied with a smile: "My divine power can at best help you survive the next thunder catastrophe. If you continue to survive, the deity predicts that you will be annihilated under the eighth thunder. You have to decide. Continue to resist? This is no different from sending you to death, and after you die, your sister will also be annihilated during the ninth thunder. Therefore, your contribution will not change the result, but will only pay one more life. ."

"So what? I still believe in miracles, otherwise I won't live to the present." Leng Fan said.

"Haha, okay! Since you are desperate, the deity will fully support you to see if you can have a miracle." Ying Long said.

Leng Fan's body was once again full of powerful divine power. After the terrifying aura spreads, all living creatures in a radius of a hundred miles would tremble.

Li Yuanjin was all lying on the ground at this time, because before Leng Fan displayed the colorless divine power in his own space domain, Li Yuanjin could not feel the powerful oppression of the colorless divine power. At this time, there was no space domain, and all this power burst out without any cover.

"It's such a powerful colorless divine power. Is this the power of the ancient gods? In the God Realm, I still dream that one day I will have the power to compete with it. I am so stupid. Is this the power that humans can have?" Li Yuanjin Sneered.

Not to mention Li Yuanjin, but Sophie, the Queen of the Holy See, who was far away, was half kneeling on the ground at this time. This kind of power can only be experienced by God, so she knows that this kind of power is impossible for her to resist. If the other party wants to kill her, just a thought is enough.

"Leng Fan, how many secrets do you have?" Sophie looked at Leng Fan in the crystal ball.

"Boom..." The sixth sky thunder descended, and this sky thunder condensed a sharp sword in the air.

"Haha, it's interesting, this tribulation can turn into a sword, it seems that God doesn't want me to live too long." Leng Fan laughed.

I saw the thunder and lightning sword fall, piercing the giant red hand that had condensed from the Heavenly Suppression Formation.

"Ah..." Leng Fan yelled, gathering all his divine power on his right fist, and then punched out at the sword.

The huge noise seemed to tear the world apart. This city built by countless people was completely turned into rubble in an instant, as if a dozen nuclear bombs exploded at the same time.

In the command center of the National Security Bureau, Mr. Yin looked at the CD city turned into ruins, and his heartache was hard to express in words.

"Report, current analysis shows that the number of casualties in this disaster is within 200,000." A subordinate reported to him.

After hearing this number, Old Yin punched his fist on the table and said, "What the **** is happening? What will happen next?"

The next moment, Boss Yin said loudly: "Order all people in the province to evacuate."

"What?" Everyone in the command center was shocked. Such a retreat order shocked the world and could shake the entire nation. If one is not good, it may cause national riots.

Old Yin said; "I have no other choice, I will explain to the above, but the order must be executed. If the home is gone, it can be built, but the person is gone and nothing is gone."

In the end, the order was issued, and the entire province began to evacuate. Fortunately, there is too much movement today, and the evacuated people have no complaints. After all, everyone will put their own lives first.

At this time, Leng Fan was lying on the ground, not far away from Li Yan.

"Brother, why are you doing this? Both of us are going to die here, as if we were both submerged in a pile of rocks at that time." Li Yan looked at Leng Fan, but in the face of life and death, she didn't seem to be so scared. .

Leng Fan squeezed a smile and said, "Sister, this picture really looks like that time. This time, maybe no one will come to save us."

Li Yan said: "I'm not afraid, don't you often say, do you have a good relationship with King Yama?"

Leng Fan is embarrassed. Although he has something to do with King Yama, it is impossible for King Yama to bring the dead back to life, right? At most, after they go to hell, they can be reborn into a good family through relationships.

The eighth sky thunder turned blood red, and the dazzling blood red in the sky seemed to pierce the earth.

"Squeak" dozens of iron chains formed by lightning fell from the air, entwining Leng Fan in an instant, and then pulled into the air. At this moment, Leng Fan seemed to be **** in the air by heaven and earth, as if a prisoner was being punished by heaven and earth.

"Ah..." Leng Fan had never uttered such a painful cry, which shows how terrifying the thundering robbery hurt him.

"Brother..." Li Yan, who was lying on the ground, cried and called to Leng Fan. She could feel what Leng Fan was going through. She had to bear the pain.

Leng Fan was confused, and he seemed to feel that his soul was being erased. Once the soul was erased, he didn't even have the qualifications to go to the underworld, and he disappeared in these three realms.

"Apprentice, give up everything, don't resist the punishment, just let the power of thunder and lightning be at will." At this time, he heard the master's voice.

"Master, is that you?" Leng Fan asked.

"It's me. I came back in time. I count the time and know that today is your catastrophe." The master replied.

"Master..." Leng Fan's eyes were full of tears. Every time he was in danger, the master would show up in time to pull him back from the edge of death.

After listening to the master's words, Leng Fan let go of all defenses against the Thunder of Heaven Punishment, letting the Thunder Punishment tear his body to his heart's content.

"Ah..." Of course, the result of doing this is that the pain he endured was tens of millions of times as much as he had just, his eyes could not see anything, and his body was slowly disappearing.

But he believed that the master would never harm him, the master must be helping him, so even if his life came to an end, he believed the words of the master.

"Leng Fan..." Li Yan shouted, because she could no longer see Leng Fan with her naked eyes, and the eighth thunder of Heaven's Punishment had disappeared.

"Leng Fan, brother, answer me..." Li Yan shouted heartbreakingly.

Li Yuanjin looked at the front, he could no longer see Leng Fan, but he could still feel the existence of Leng Fan.

"This kid can't be so short-lived." After Li Yuanjin got along with Leng Fan these years, his identification with Leng Fan became stronger and stronger, so he didn't want Leng Fan to die here.

At this time, Leng Fan was not dead, his consciousness came to a mysterious space, this space was a vast expanse of whiteness.

"Am I dead? Where is this place? Where is King Yama?" Leng Fan walked around the world and said a lot, but no one responded to him.

Suddenly, a black thing appeared in front of him. He walked over quickly, and then carefully observed what the black thing was? This is a mass of black material, from the outside you can see that there are many light spots moving fast inside.

"What is this?" Leng Fan asked.

"This is the universe, the universe you live in." Suddenly a voice appeared in the space.

Leng Fan was shocked, he was looking for the direction of the sound, but the sound did not seem to have a fixed direction, and he could hear it from all directions.

"Who? Sneak up, come out and talk to me." Leng Fan shouted.

"Haha, I am in this space, didn't you just scold me so coolly?" The speaker heard that it was a little old.

Leng Fan thought for a while and asked, "When did I scold you?"

"Haha, just now, you scolded God. Just right, I am the God in your mouth." The speaker smiled.

"Huh? You are God?" Leng Fan was messed up, there really is a God in this world.

"You said you are God, do I have to believe it?" Leng Fan said.

"You can not believe it, but if you don't believe it, you will live forever here, even if you die, you can't die." God said with a smile.

Leng Fan looked at his body, it was almost transparent, which meant that he did not have a body here, but he was not a soul body, just a consciousness here.

"What am I now?" Leng Fan asked.

God said: "You are nothing now. Of course, as long as you are willing to listen to me, I will let you own everything about you again."

"Are you threatening me?" Leng Fan hated being threatened by others in his life, so when the **** said this, his attitude changed a hundred and eighty degrees.

"Hehe, you have a temper." God said, and then said, "But here, what's the use of your temper? Everything you have cultivated for decades is blank here."

Hearing what he said, Leng Fan found that all the spiritual power he cultivated was gone. So he really panicked, and said: "What are you going to do to me?"

God smiled and said: "I don't need it now, but when you enter the God Realm, you will do a lot of things for me."

Leng Fan thought for a while, and asked, "You said you are God, you are so amazing, do you still need my help?"

God said with a smile: "You cultivators who have changed their lives against the sky, one by one, have surpassed the limitation of lifespan. I, the god, can still control you. Ashamed, your existing planes already exist for thousands of years. For thousands of years, I have gradually lost control of this face, so I need someone to help."

"Haha, God has things that I can't do. It seems that I still have to promise you, otherwise I will definitely not be able to leave here. But I am surprised, why would you choose me?" Leng Fan asked.

God smiled and said: "From the day you were born, your destiny is to help me. This is also your mission. Otherwise, you think you have made such rapid progress over the years, and others have spent tens of thousands of years but not as good as yours. Years of practice."

Leng Fan smiled and said, "Isn't it because of my aptitude for evildoers?"

God smiled and said, "Then who gave you your qualifications?"

Leng Fan was taken aback and said, "Could it be that you gave me my qualifications? You gave me such terrible qualifications?"

God said: "Your physique is called Chaos Divine Body, the only and the most powerful cultivating physique among hundreds of millions of people. Your cultivation speed will be thousands of times faster than others, and your comprehension is unmatched by others."

God continued: "Do you know who created the Heaven Slashing Sword Style?"

Leng Fan was shocked again, and said, "Could it be you?"

God smiled and said: "Yes, it's me. But I haven't passed down this sword style from beginning to end. The most powerful three styles have been kept with me."

Leng Fan said, "Are you planning to give it to me now?"

God said: "Of course, since I'm talking about this, I will naturally give you this complete Heaven Slashing Sword."

When he finished speaking, a complete set of sword pose appeared in Leng Fan's mind.

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