Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds

Chapter 97: last mercy

From the housekeeper's memory, Kant read several important pieces of information.

That's all, because his current mental strength is limited, and he can only capture the most important part of the information he wants to know in a short period of time... But, it's enough.

He learned about the little beggar.

He had received Kant's favor and said he wanted to repay, but in the end he betrayed Kant and the Cleveland Cavaliers for fifty silver coins and the status of knight attendants.

The result is ironic.

Because the little beggar's whistleblower was Glenn, Knight Glenn did not notify the nearby search force for exclusive credit, but decided to lead his team to kill Kant and Cleveland alone. He was very happy and promised to accept the little beggar as a The attendant, perhaps promised fifty silver coins as a reward.

But he was dead, and the search party was wiped out.

Before Glenn died, he ordered the little beggar to ask for help, and the little beggar did indeed bring the search team, but people only saw the messy corpses on the ground, and Glenn Knight and the two fugitives all disappeared.

In other words, no one has been able to prove that the little beggar provided important clues.

The most important thing is that neither Goethe nor the Aurora people were caught, and a lot of people were lost.

Not surprisingly, when the excited and frightened little beggar huddled close to Huisha Manor, trying to get the silver coins and status he got from selling his benefactor, the butler who heard the news kicked out the door impatiently.

If someone catches it, that's fine. Viscount Samuel may give the little beggar a chance to change his fate when he is happy, but now, what are you kidding?

If no one catches it, on the contrary, it has suffered heavy losses, and no one can prove that you have indeed provided clues.

- Do you still want money and status?

Even this kind of thing does not need to trouble Viscount Samuel, the housekeeper can decide.

Just a beggar. Crying, begging, swearing, explaining, whatever he says, the housekeeper will not care.

Who would believe the words of a beggar?

There was once a man who would, but he doesn't believe it now.

When Kant saw the little beggar, the little beggar bought a few pieces of poor-quality rye bread, put it in his arms, and walked slowly and carefully along the corner of the wall to the house.

After being kicked out of the manor by Butler Huisha last night, the little beggar returned home, fearful and resentful, but there was nothing he could do. He fell into a deep sleep in this mood. When he woke up in the morning, he felt hungry and took it from the bricks at home. Out of a few copper coins, went out to buy food.

The grandmother on the bed was still sleeping, murmuring to herself in her sleep. There was a musty smell in the house, it was cold and damp, and there was no hope. The little beggar always felt that his life should not be like this, but he didn't know what went wrong. He couldn't tell, he just instinctively wanted to get out of this situation, but the reality was cruel, he hid the copper coins carefully and went to buy today's food for himself and his grandma.

After buying the bread, he walked towards the house, calculating how many days the money he got yesterday would last. He listened to the talk on the street and looked at the worried faces on people's faces. They seemed to be saying something, but saw When he was there, they all showed disgust, and the little beggar couldn't hear the conversation.

But that had nothing to do with him.

The little beggar just wanted to go home. He thought of what happened last night, and his heart became more and more sad. He was so sad that the wealth and honor flew away, and even complained about why the two people didn't just die neatly. When he thought of this, he was on the cusp of a bullshit. Imagining what it would look like when he got money and became a knight's attendant, and thinking of the cold reality, his heart became more and more depressed.

Then, he saw a person walking out of the house in front.

The little beggar subconsciously stepped aside to avoid being kicked, beaten and scolded by adults in a bad mood, but the next moment, he heard a familiar voice: "Liszt."

No one called him that name except Grandma. more person.

The little beggar suddenly raised his head.

Black-haired, smiling softly, but eyes cold.

The bread in the arms of the little beggar was scattered on the ground.

He turned his head and ran without saying a word, but where did a malnourished child run to?

Before taking two steps, he was grabbed by the neck, and the Aurora people carried him into the unfamiliar house, and then threw him to the ground.

The moment he fell to the ground, the little beggar curled up.

This was a habit he had cultivated by begging on the street. If he was beaten, he could make himself less injured, but then, he knew that such a defensive posture was useless.

Because he saw the blood on the ground, he looked up again, and two corpses lay on the ground.

The little beggar was short of breath, and his body began to tremble.

is dead.

The Aurora person said lightly: "Don't think of me as a bloodthirsty murderer, this couple has new wounds on their bodies, left from last night, one of them, I remember his face, he was burned by a Molotov cocktail. One time, there was only a small piece, so it survived, and the other one was trampled and injured his arm. They were the gang I drove away last night, the people who chased us last night, this town, most of the have a share."

"I didn't stay in the drugstore to poison and set fire, and toss all the people who came to see the wound to death, because the first evil was not eliminated, and I didn't bother to waste time on idiots. After all, Samuel, they are bad, those people It's just stupid, but I have to borrow a house to use, that's another story."


He moved a stool over and added some wood to the stove in the house. Something was burning in the stove. Kant sat in front of the little beggar: "If you understand, let's start."

The little beggar lay on the ground and trembled: "Don't kill me, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Kant sighed.

"Don't be afraid, really, don't be afraid."

He said so.

The tone was very calm, very gentle, without a trace of harshness or resentment.

He said slowly: "I'm here today mainly to talk. Of course, I won't scold you or accuse you. When I capture Samuel and the others alive, I may reason with them and scold them. A few words and condemnation, but for you, I will not do this, because you do not understand the truth, you are just a beggar, no one teaches you the truth of being a human being, you do not understand anything."

"According to my ancestors' point of view, you are not a human being, you are a beast, you are an animal, you are a barbarian."

"It's very simple. You were bitten by a beast. Would you accuse him of not biting someone? It's pointless, because beasts can't understand, you can only beat and kill."

Having said this, the little beggar's body trembled more violently, and he wanted to ask for mercy.

"Don't ask for mercy, shut up, shut up, listen to me, listen to me."

Kant's words were quiet and steady, without the slightest fluctuation.

"You probably don't know what you let me finish first."

He smiled: "You know, if it wasn't for you to inform last night and bring back those who have left, then we would have successfully escaped from this town, and we would not have been in a hard fight, and he would not have died, so you Do you understand what you did? You directly caused his death, and you made me what I am now."

"I'm pissed, really pissed."

"Why? Why? I helped you, you said you wanted to repay me, I don't need your repayment at all, I just need you to shut up, be quiet, go back to your home, I didn't think about being with you I didn't want you to drive away the pursuers, I just let you pretend that nothing happened."

"But you betrayed us, fifty silver coins, the title of a knight's squire."

"I can understand you, really, understandable. In our society, everyone is very human and understands empathy. I know you want to change your life. I know that a few silver coins are better than this. Not worth mentioning, I understand, really, understandable."

"But, I understand, so what?"

Kant said seriously: "My friend is dead, I'm crazy."

"Do you know how much I hate you?"

He stretched out his hand and patted the little beggar's head: "I wish I could torture you with all the cruel methods I can think of, so that you can't survive or die, I want you to be as low as dust in this life, in endless ways. Die in pain and regret, really, really, I'm really, really angry."

His words were still very calm, very calm.

But the flame contained in it almost burned the little beggar's soul.


He said, "You killed him, not me."

"I'm here today to take revenge on his behalf, not me."

"So, if he was here, he would definitely not approve of my means of revenge."

"He's a knight, a good man, and a fool, you know, last night, when you were leaving, I wanted to kill you, but he stopped me, he saved your life, and he killed him I also made me like this, I should scold him, but I don't want to scold him, so I have to come to you to settle the account."

"So, instead of Cleveland, I'm here to avenge you."

"As a knight, given to you, revenge."

The little beggar's body trembled.

Fear, fear, fear.

"Fifty silver coins, the title of a knight's squire."

"You want money, and you want a new identity that changes destiny."

"Then I'll give you these."

Kant took out a set of dirty clothes from one side and threw it to the little beggar: "Put it on."

The little beggar looked at the clothes in front of him, and subconsciously reached out and touched it. This was a fabric he had never touched before. For him, it was clothes that he could not imagine in his dreams.

Kant said, "Hurry up...or you'll be thrown into the fire."

The little beggar hurriedly complied. For him now, the suit in front of him even overshadowed the fear of death... He had never worn such a suit in his life.


When Kant saw him finished wearing it, he nodded and said, "Very spirited, people rely on clothes, very handsome, you know, this is a set of clothes worn by a noble young master, you wear it, from now on, you will be a noble."

"You are the youngest son of a Viscount. You are very clever, talkative, and likable. Your elder brother got a good job in the capital. You may inherit the family business and become a Viscount. Countless townspeople treat you Worship, what you tell them to do, they're going to do it."

Following his description, the little beggar showed a look of envy and envy.

"Glen said that he will reward you with fifty silver coins, and he will also hold a grand reception ceremony for you. He died, but the ceremony still has to be done, so I will arrange it for you."

"From now on, you are not only a knight's attendant, you are also a nobleman. It belongs to your grand ceremony. Although I will be absent, the Viscount will be there in person and watch it all."

He grabbed the little beggar, pressed him to the chair beside him, took out a rope, tied him, and tied him to a heavy and cold iron object.

The little beggar said uneasy: "Then... what is that?"

Kant said: "The gas tank is used for cooking over there. Of course, it also has other uses. For example, it explodes. If you explode it like this, it can blow you into pieces, and you can't even put it together."

The little beggar then remembered the threat of death, and he began to tremble again.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, don't you want to become a nobleman? Then I will fulfill your wish, I will make you wear the clothes of a noble, let you have the status of a noble, and let you know that you What will the so-called nobles face, what will they endure, and what will happen to them.”

"From now on, you are a noble."

"Soon, many people will come here, there will be many knights and guards, they will treat you as their little master, and there will be a distinguished viscount, who will treat you as a son."

"You'll explode, you'll die, you'll be smashed to pieces."

"Your father, will be devastated and will cry."

"And you, your broken body and flesh will be gathered up, buried with noble etiquette, buried in your family's cemetery, and buried there with the bones of your ancestors, and then..."

Kant put his mouth close to the little beggar's ear.

"And then I... raised it together."

The fear in the little beggar's heart rose infinitely. Kant neither beat him nor scolded him, but he still felt the fear that penetrated his bones, and struggled and cried.

"Forgive me, please spare me, I'm not a noble anymore, I..."

"Don't talk, don't talk, it's not over yet."

Kant said softly: "You sold us for silver coins and identity, and now you get nothing, didn't my friend die in vain? So I gave you the status of a nobleman, and I also gave you money..."

He took the wok out of the hot stove.

There is silver smelted in it.

"The weight of fifty silver coins, damn, I have to rob."

He stretched out an iron fiber and stirred in it: "I have melted gold, although I am born with my hands, but I have some experience and will do it well... Liszt, these fifty silver coins will be turned into silver thorns, entwined forever. Your body, lock your soul, remember your betrayal and meanness."

"Wait a minute, it's a little hot, I'm afraid you'll die, I'll let it cool."

"-Wait a moment!"

The little beggar suddenly made the most intense struggle and shout, loudly: "My lord! My lord! Please grant me one request! One! Just one! Please let me go back to see my grandma! She's alone, I'll at least tell her where the money is!"

Kant's movements paused for a moment.

Then shook his head.


He said: "Because Cleveland called out Mom before he died."

Soon, the little beggar groaned in despair and pain from the house.

Soon after, an arrow book was thrown into Huisha Manor.

Viscount Samuel was shrewd this time, Mage Richard was left in the manor to prevent a third raid, and he led someone to the house, which was his son anyway.

The knights and guards blocked all the nearby streets.

Archers on the wall.

Everyone was on guard against the attack of the Aurora Clown. In just one or two hours, the fear and death he brought had swept through the Viscount Huisha, and everyone was like a great enemy.

The door is wide open.

The Viscount and the others moved forward cautiously, and then saw the little boy in the room.

With his head down and wearing familiar clothes, it was Lynch.

Samuel's eyes flashed with worry, but he didn't rush in. The letter was about negotiation. He shouted, "Kant! Come out! Didn't you say you wanted to talk!?"

Without answering, he winked, and the two guards, armed with swords and shields, carefully stepped into the house.

Then, the fire spewed out, bursting and rising.

Terrifying air waves spread out.

Viscount Samuel's body rose with a strong vindictive aura, which was far greater than the scale of Glenn and the butler. Under such a shock from a long distance, his vindictive aura was enough to ensure his safety.

But could not protect his heart.

Helplessly, he watched as the unrivaled power suddenly exploded.

His child, his Lynch, was blown to pieces in an instant. Flesh and pieces of cloth flew in all directions, still burning and shattered to pieces.

He opened his mouth wide and made a **** ho sound.

Then, he let out a howl like a wolf.

Kant in the distance listened to the explosion and the viscount's cry.

"Sure enough, it's much stronger than I imagined..."

He recorded in a notebook.

Then turned around and walked into a house.

He knows this place, he's been here,

This is the home of the little beggar.

The room was damp and had a musty smell. An old lady was lying on the bed, heard the sound, sat up, and tremblingly said: "Is Liszt... No, you are not Liszt, who are you? There is no money in the house. I don't have anything to eat, just find whatever you want..."

Kant looked at her and was silent for a moment.

An old lady who can't see things, can't do anything, and lives with her grandson who begs. Now that she has lost her grandson, there is only one person left. The future life can be imagined.

He said coldly: "I am a knight of the Viscount Huisha, and I am following the order of the Viscount to inform you that your grandson Liszt has made great achievements for the Viscounty. The Viscount has decided to consecrate him as a knight's servant. The ceremony will start tomorrow. To stay at Huisha Castle for etiquette training..."


The old lady struggled to get up: "Master Knight, please sit, please sit, there is nothing here, I'm really sorry, Liszt is a good boy, if he can do something for the lord..."

Kant took a few steps forward, supported the old lady who was groping and wanted to get out of bed, and said calmly: "Old man, please lie down, when Liszt becomes a servant, he will take you to the castle, you can wait another day. Well, wait until tomorrow, he will come back to pick you up, you can just wait and enjoy..."

A happy and expectant smile appeared on the face of the old lady, and she nodded gratefully.

Kant supported her with his left hand and raised the nail gun with his right.

Pull the trigger.

Sharp enchantment, hit the key point, no pain.

The old lady's body trembled, and then fell down, with a happy smile on her face.

Kant closed the old lady's eyes, laid her flat, and let her lie down.

—Rest in peace, poor stranger.

I leave my last mercy to you, from now on I will have no such thing.

He took a few steps back and turned to leave.

Such revenge, okay, Cleveland.

I avenged you.

Then, my hatred is left.

Don't worry, it will be fine soon, it will be fine right away, and the network will be closed.


PS1: The third update, a 5,000-word chapter! Update 12,000 words today!

PS2: I didn’t catch up with the progress as promised. Let’s say tomorrow. By the way, the hostility of the post is indeed a bit big. I think even if it is revenge, it must be tasteful and stylish. I think this kind of revenge is good, what do you think?

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