The latest website: The invasion of the orcs from another world has also been contaminated with the black dragon, so the default is a second-level crisis event, which requires the high-level attention of the meeting.

The first half of the meeting was highly confidential, with only eight official representatives present.

Antonidas recounted the loss of Gul'dan's Skull, and also confessed frankly to the other delegates.

In addition to the Skull of Gul'dan, Dalaran lost its most precious artifact: the Eye of Dalaran.

This is a powerful artifact with the power to observe the star world. Now in the hands of black dragons and orcs, it is likely to cause great disaster, Antonidas knows that this is not the time to take care of Dalaran's face.

Li De sighed deeply, the situation can be said to be very bad.

Committing such a mistake, Antonidas could no longer continue to serve as chief in any case, and the position of chief was temporarily replaced by Krasus.

Only when discussing whether the ousted Antonidas could remain in the Supreme Council, the delegates voted unanimously.

'Antonidas is the strongest human being, and Dalaran is also an indispensable force in dealing with the crisis. Antonidas should remain on the Supreme Council. ’

This is the unanimous opinion of everyone. Of course, although he can stay in the Supreme Council, Antonidas' decision-making power is deprived to a certain extent. much weaker.

This way of handling is not a "self-penalty two cups" for Antonidas, but

That is to say, if necessary, the Supreme Council and the representative seats will be supplemented.

Reflecting on the process of losing the two artifacts, in addition to the loopholes in Dalaran's internal secret magic, Li De also raised concerns about the illusion magic.

This resonated with other leaders. Nefarian, who stole the artifact, was able to hide in the magic capital for twenty years with his illusion magic!

Powerful dragons can be transformed into other races and hidden among other races. This is really terrifying to think about. Not to mention anything else, Krasus, the red dragon prince present here, didn't he also stay in the Kirin Tor Council as the great wizard of the elf before revealing his identity?

So Li De put forward a proposal, which is to hope that the Dragon Legion can disclose the magic circuit of illusion magic.

This can be regarded as speaking for the other representatives. If the illusion magic is not restricted, it can easily bring a crisis of trust within a race.

But at the same time, apart from Krasus, other representatives also had doubts in their hearts. Transmutation magic is one of the important means for the dragon to interfere in the mortal world. How could it be handed over so easily?

However, Li De also explained to Krasus that he was not targeting the Dragon Legion and had no intention of restricting the dragon's activities in the mortal world, just to prevent evil elements from harming the world.

Crassus understood this, but after all, it involved the specific interests of the dragon race, and in the end, he just said that he needed to ask the Red Dragon Queen for instructions, allowing them to consider it.

The other representatives accepted this statement, and it is true that there are more important things at the moment, and this proposal is put on hold for the time being. At this point, the first half of the confidential meeting of the joint meeting has ended.

The meeting in the second half was open to the public, and in addition to the eight delegates, there were two more observers: Kaelsas and Talanji.

The countries behind the two do not have a unified statement, and the joint meeting is not suitable for the time being, but they can be invited to sit in on the meeting.

When it comes to specific issues, the discussion process is particularly detailed:

"Through the information we have, the orc tribe is composed of many clans. Above these clans is the common chieftain. Before the appearance of the great chief of the tribe, the orc clan respected the shaman high priest Ner'zhul.

Gul'dan, a disciple of Ner'zhul, turned to fel and betrayed his teacher.

Gul'dan elected the warchief Blackhand to control the Horde, and invaded Azeroth with clans such as Blackrock, Frostwolf, Blood Ring, Stormreaver, Dragonmaw, and Duskhammer.

It was only after entering Azeroth that the Frostwolf clan, who did not want to participate in the war, was excluded and split with the tribe.

The tribe that lost the Frostwolf clan was the tribe that later fought with the Alliance. The history that happened to this part of the orcs is the two orc wars we are familiar with. "

Li De shared all the information he gained from Chogall, Reid, Maim and other captives, and spread the power struggle and grievances and grievances among the orcs for other representatives.

After some narration, the Supreme Committee gradually locked in several core figures:

Talon Gorefiend, Deathwing, and Ner'zhul, the former shaman warchief.

"Duhu Li De, according to the information you control, Ner'zhul has lost his prestige among the orcs. Is he really that important in this crisis?"

Terenas asked with some doubts, as a king, he knew too much about power. He really couldn't imagine that the leader of a race would have the possibility of recovery after losing in the power struggle.

"There's always something special about a bad old man who lost his political battle with Gul'dan and managed to save his life in the end.

And, Your Majesty Menethil, you do not understand orcs, and the elemental shamanism has extraordinary teachings in their world.

I can't think of anyone other than Ner'zhul who would be able to unite them again to wage war on us among the orcs who stayed behind. "

What Li De said was not a lie. Talon Gorefiend was carrying the head of Gul'dan and opened the door of darkness again. After returning to his original world, Talon Gorefiend came to the dilapidated Shadowmoon Valley and found Ner'zhul who lived in seclusion.

As the shaman with the highest status in the Orcs, Ner'zhul recognized the man with the image of a human and the breath of death at the first sight of Talon Gorefiend, who was his former friend Talon Gore .

"Is this Gul'dan's masterpiece? You can't be called an orc now."

Ner'zhul just raised his head and glanced at Talon Gorefiend, then kept his head down and went about his business.

"Gul'dan is dead! I was able to get back here with Gul'dan's head."

Hearing the news of Gul'dan's death, Ner'zhul, who was using a knife to cut a large mushroom tree into small pieces and put them in a pot, was stunned.

"Oh, yes. I seem to have heard of this. After the Dark Portal was closed, the restless clans became suspicious of the warlocks. It was you who contacted the Warsong clan warlocks through the Dark Portal. Save those sneaky guys from dying."

After Gul'dan replaced the orcish elemental shaman tradition with fel spells, it became a fashion for shamans in the original tribe to become sorcerers.

After Blackhand invaded Azeroth with the Horde army, and successfully returned the supplies from the Swamp of Sorrows, Redridge Mountains, Sunshine Grove and other places to the world of the orcs, the prestige of the warlocks among the orcs also reached its peak, and the orcs believed that Warlocks will take them to glory again.

However, after the coup in Orgrim, the prestige of the warlocks has also been damaged to a certain extent, and the status of the warlocks left behind in the major clans in the original world has become worse than before.

Until the Horde in Azeroth suffered a fiasco and the Dark Portal was closed by Khadgar, the status of the warlocks in the original world instantly became inferior to the Orcs.

The orcs began to resent these warlocks, blaming them for using fel energy to make their world a harsh environment, so-called conquering the new world with the orcs, but in exchange for a fiasco.

Now that the Dark Portal is closed, all orcs must stay in this decaying world to die! In such a large environment, warlocks suffered from all aspects of exclusion and persecution. Even clans with abundant martial virtues, such as Warsong, Thunder King, and Broken Palm, have begun to execute warlocks in an organized manner.

And Talon Gorefiend was able to get in touch with the original world, and after obtaining the head of Gul'dan, he reopened the door of darkness, thanks to the warlocks of the unwilling Warsong clan.

After the Dark Portal was closed, many warlocks hoped to open the Dark Portal again, so that a few clans eager to fight to the point of madness could go through the Dark Portal to conquer, instead of venting their anger on them.

With such a strong belief, those warlocks who were like bereaved dogs evaded pursuit and came to the door of darkness, using fel magic day and night, hoping to open the door of darkness again.

Just relying on these ordinary warlocks, how can they unilaterally open the giant gate opened by Gul'dan and Medivh?

It must be said that these warlocks were lucky, they kept releasing fel magic, and finally got a response from Talon Gorefiend on the other side of the Dark Portal.

It is precisely because of the contact with the Talon Gorefiend that these warlocks barely obtained information on the world of Azeroth, and made a plan to open the door of darkness with the skull of Gul'dan.

With the information of Talon Gorefiend and the possibility that the Dark Portal can be opened again, these warlocks survived under the butcher knives of several major clans.

Now that the gate of darkness has really opened, several major clans such as Thunder King, War Song, Broken Palm and others will immediately enter the world of Azeroth, but several chiefs were finally persuaded by Talon Gorefiend.

Several chiefs did not want to pay attention to this monster that was no longer an orc, but the reason why Talon Gorefiend was helpless was indeed sufficient.

The alliance is a powerful enemy that defeated the old tribe. The major clans must choose a character to unite everyone's strength.

And the candidate that Talon Gorefiend thought of was the old guy in front of him who was described as withered and his face was full of white bone tattoos.


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