Civilization of Azeroth: Start the Great Pyramid

Chapter 176: Van Cleef's new role

The portal can be completed so quickly, thanks to Alterac's good magic core foundation.

Ultrak's magic core, which occupies the convenience of being close to Dalaran, is a branch that is directly separated from Dalaran's magic web.

In the vision of mages, the world can be simplified into a coordinate network composed of horizontal and vertical lines, and Dalaran is one of the most dazzling light spots in this coordinate network. Dalaran has a huge magical gravitational force. As long as you have the magic key of Dalaran, it is not difficult to transport Dalaran from all over the world.

The Vast Ocean Protector is connected to the portal to Alterac, which is basically equivalent to going to Dalaran. It only needs to solve a little detail in the magic circuit to go wrong.

If there are any "little flaws" in the portal of the Protector of the Seas, it is easy to go from the Protector of the Sea to Alterac, but it is much more difficult to come to the Protector of the Sea from Alterac. After all, here The magic gravitational pull is much less.

This is not something that can be solved in a short time. If you want to increase the magic gravity of a point, you must sort out the magic net of the entire area and concentrate the magic power. This would take a long time in a place where there is a lack of magic, such as Duhu Huan.

"That is to say, in a short period of time, from here to Alterac is a one-step process. From Alterac to here, the success rate is terrifyingly low?"

Reid summed up Kel'Thuzad's words.

"Yes, that's it."

Still, Kel'Thuzad offered a solution.

"The success rate is indeed very low, but if there is a magus here to maintain the portal for a long time, increase the magic gravity, and ask a great magus to accurately grasp the teleportation node from Alterac, it will still be a one-time success. ."

Li De rolled his eyes, and Kel'Thuzad said it almost as if he didn't say it. To know where the portal is maintained in Alterac, there are only two junior mages.

Although this portal still has some flaws, it is already a great convenience compared to before, and Li De is already satisfied.

"Thank you, Your Excellency, let's go and see the situation of the portal. If there is no problem, I plan to send a messenger to Alterac first to make some suggestions for the next military operation."

The portal is located in a separate house in the academy district. Li De said this to Kel'Thuzad on the way, while reaching out to pull the door of the room.

"I'm sure there's no problem."

Just as Li De said this, a voice suddenly came from the room, and then the door was pushed open from inside, and an old man in a robe walked out.

"Great Mage?!"

Li De looked at Antonidas with some surprise, but he didn't expect him to appear in the Vast Sea Protector just like that.

"I was ready in Dalaran when Kel'Thuzad built the prototype of the teleportation circle. The Alliance needs you now, and Danas was defeated in the Blasted Lands. We need a trustworthy person. Commander, Lothar has recommended you to us."

Hearing Antonidas' words, Li De subconsciously wanted to ask them to hire Gao Ming, but what Antonidas said later made Li De realize the seriousness of the problem. …

"Before, we only communicated by teleporting magic patterns, and many details could not be said. Turalyon was lost in the cursed land and did not come out; Khadgar was already dying when he teleported to Dalaran for help; Danas retreated to the Swamp of Sorrows, we sent Troops went to scout but did not find him, only a makeshift camp that was attacked.

Ansrem has taken Dalaran's mages to the south, but we really can't find any other candidates for the commander-in-chief of the main force.

Lothar must stay in Alterac to guard, Red Blackhand and Maim Blackhand gathered a group of people to hide in Blackrock Mountain, and played the banner of the tribal chief. It has been learned that there are many old tribes. The remnants are gathering in the direction of the Burning Plain. "

Among the fugitives in Lordaeron, the two idiots Reid and Maim jumped out first, which Li De had long thought of.

At any other time, Li De really didn't mind playing with these two idiots, but in this situation, even guys like Red and Maim might cause huge damage to the league.

"I know you have concerns, your country is far away on another continent, if you can't feel at ease, you can't command the troops without distractions.

But the Alliance has decided that the mage troops I brought will be stationed here, and the navy of Kul Tiras is about to arrive. "

At this point, Li De has no reason to shirk.

"I understand, but before I leave, I need to deal with a lot of things first."

"It's natural, I just hope you can do it as soon as possible, and I can strengthen Kel'Thuzad's magic while I have time."

The situation cannot be delayed, Li De immediately started his office, and in order to save time, his office opened the door directly, and processed the documents sent by various departments in this way.

"There is no progress in the exploration of Thousand Needles? Tell Niebuhr and Brad, this matter can be postponed. First, 500 soldiers will be drawn from the army... No, 800 elite soldiers will be drawn from now on for pre-war mobilization. ."

"Van Cleef has completed the design drawings of the bridge from Dustwallow to Theramore? Very good, I brought back the first batch of 150,000 gold coins through the logistics business last month. Now the funds are sufficient, the Ministry of Finance There can be discretionary funding there.”

Selling the compressed biscuit production line, selling canned food and quilts, brought 15 gold coins to Hanhai Du Hu. To be honest, Li De is already very kind, and it is purely a friendship price within the alliance.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^, that is enough to consume half a year of materials for 10,000 troops, saving half of the alliance's expenses.

It's just that most of this batch of supplies has gone to waste with the former army, and the thought of these Li De can't hold back his anger. Du Hu and Kezan are destined to have a fight. Now, through the trade with Lordaeron, the food problem is basically solved, and now it is the cotton raw material that is stuck by Kezan's neck.

Just when Li De was thinking about this, Veresa came in with a piece of information.

"Duhu, we have found out that the cotton of Kezan comes from the barren land in the north, mainly in the Razor Marsh, and the hot sand enslaved a large number of wild boars to grow cotton for him."

After listening to Veresa's report, Li De suddenly realized.

"This guy has been hiding deep enough, and he has been in business for so long that he can figure out where all his cotton comes from. Knowing where his cotton comes from, what can we do?"…

Li De's question stumped Veresa.

"Hot Sand has absolute control over there through Ratchet City. It is impossible for us to go beyond Hot Sand to directly purchase cotton. Even if we plan the riots of the local wild boars, it will be difficult to help us in a practical sense."

After Veresa tentatively expressed her opinion, Li De also sighed.

"It's true, outside of Tanaris, our influence in Kalimdor is quite limited. Geographical conditions limit us, so that we don't know the specific situation in many places in the north! What races live? What kind of property!"

Everything has its pros and cons. Since I settled in a relatively closed and safe land like Tanaris, I have to bear the disadvantages it brings. Before, the sand trolls were trapped here for 10,000 years and did not go out. How easy is it to go out now?

"I'm sorry Duhu, it's our incompetence at work."

Li De waved his hand.

"I don't mean to blame you, you are both a cadre of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and a women's representative in the Duhuli, and now you have to assist Haggard in intelligence espionage work. It is not easy to achieve this level with multiple functions. .

That's it for this matter, I'll think of ways through other aspects, you go back first. Veri, you deliver Veresa for me. "

Because there was so much work to be done, it was obviously impossible for everyone to be entertained for too long. As a security guard and secretary, Veri sent Veresa out of the office.

Just as the two of them walked out the door, another person walked into the office almost wiping their bodies.

"Vancliffe? Didn't someone from the Academy of Engineering send the design plan for you just now? I've already approved it?"

Li De asked in confusion, but Van Cleef shook his head unexpectedly.

"Duhu, I took the initiative to ask you for a position, and I asked to take over the intelligence work from Minister Haggard."

"Why do you suddenly have such an idea?"

"Duhu, I know you have always valued my talent in architecture, but now I feel like I'm the one being protected.

Our urban construction work is on the right track, and I no longer have to think like a foreman to go to the front line of the construction site all the time. Most of my other colleagues hold at least two jobs, which makes me a little restless. "

Li De began to think about the feasibility of this matter. Van Cleef was indeed a master of stealth, and from this aspect, he was irreplaceable in the Protectorate of Vast Ocean. In contrast, in terms of urban construction Although Van Cleef is still very important now, it is not as irreplaceable as it was in the early days of Hanhai Duhu.

Van Cleef thought that Li De didn't want to agree, and immediately said.

"I propose to open another architecture school in the college district. I have summarized my work experience into notes, which can be used as teaching materials for the architecture school."

This move by Van Cleef made Li De laugh.

"Okay, it looks like you've 'premeditated'! Since you said so, from today you will take over the intelligence work from Haggard. Of course, you can't immediately deal with the affairs of the city construction side. Put it down, you need to coordinate with Bigowitz."

Saying this, Li De quickly signed the letter of appointment in his hand. Van Cleef immediately stood at attention and said in a loud voice.

"Guaranteed to live up to the mission!"


Please remember this book's first domain name: . . . : m..

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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