The streets of Alterac were peaceful, and there was no sign of an anticlimactic coup that had taken place not long ago, at least on the surface.

In the face of absolute power, the conspiracy of the nobles is not even a fart. As long as Lothar lives, there is only one object of allegiance to the army.

Back in Alterac, Lothar still showed his kindness, killing only the dozens of merchants and nobles who planned a coup to disrupt the market. After confiscating their family property, they also left enough material for the family of the criminals to live, and if those people want to work honestly, they are also given a certain chance.

In general, the coup did not cause actual damage to Alterac. On the contrary, the seized property further stimulated the economy and helped Lothar implement a series of policies that benefited the people, such as repairing houses for civilians, and helping to alleviate domestic problems. Stress played a positive role.

It is worth mentioning that Dathohan was forgiven by Lothar, and he was able to return to Alterac to continue leading the troops. After this storm, Da Suohan also became more mature, and he began to think about the relationship between the Holy Light and the people.

Li De walked into the government affairs hall, and Lothar, who was dealing with affairs, was already devastated at this time.

"You are finally here! The alliance needs you now! The annihilation of the former army has had a very bad impact on the alliance! The other leaders are calming down the domestic mood.

Just over a year after the end of the war, the war started again, and an army of 10,000 people said no. In the case of Alterac, although the society was stable on the surface, everyone was worried about when to die.

Terenas needs to coordinate the deployment of food and personnel, and Varian also wrote to me that Stormwind Kingdom is now in a panic, afraid of the orcs calling again.

The Alliance has given me the highest authority in the military, and my opinion is that you are the new commander of the former army. Of course everything can be changed before the official appointment is made, so I would like to hear from you first. "

Li De understands that Lothar is testing himself. If he is not competent enough, he will consider other candidates.

"The first thing the alliance needs to understand now is what kind of strategic goals we want to achieve. After the extermination of the former army, it has become a false proposition to wipe out the orcs in a short period of time. What we need to do is to destroy the orcs headed by Ner'zhul. Controlled in the southern part of the kingdom continent, they cannot be allowed to go north and join the remnants of the tribe headed by Reid and Maim."

Li De's analysis went straight to the core of the problem, causing Lothar to nod again and again.

"Orcs have poor strategic analysis skills and are easily guided by their opponents. A few skirmishes can entice their armies to turn around, cut off the road in Redridge, and keep them from heading north to the Burning Steppes. Attract the Orcs to Duskwood. In addition, take Stormwind City as the base camp, and limit the orcs to the south."

"Okay! It's you!"

Lothar made a decision immediately, but then he gave Li De another problem.

"But I can only give you 5,000 people! The annihilation of the former army has caused a lot of negative emotions in the northern countries. Many citizens think that people should not be sent to the south to die."

"I understand that 5,000 people are barely enough for strategic defense. If there are not enough troops, you can recruit troops locally in Stormwind Kingdom."

"It's good that you have this confidence."

As he spoke, Lothar put a document at the bottom of the drawer.

"Marshal, what is this?"

"This is a recommendation letter. In addition to you, there is actually another candidate in Greymane. But this guy, the last time we made the highest decision in the league, was brushed down."


Speaking of the person recommended by Greymane, Li De immediately thought of that guy. When he was in Ironforge, Blackmore didn't make a good impression on several high-level executives, but he had to admit that he was still very capable, at least Greymane still admired him.

"It's him. To be honest, although I don't like this person very much, I can't deny his ability. If you are not competent enough, I can only appoint him as the new commander of the former army."

Hearing Lothar say this, Li De immediately understood, he knew why Lothar couldn't leave Alterac.

"Have you made up your mind?"

"It has been decided, there is no further delay. This time, the northern countries supported me to train 30,000 new troops, and the Frostwolf clan entrenched in the southern part of Alterac must be destroyed. This is why, I can only give you five Thousands."

Once upon a time, it was only a rumor that there were orcs living in the Alterac Valley, and the first thing Lothar did after taking over was to confirm the rumor.

With Ravenholdt's ability, it was not difficult to find out about this matter. It didn't take long to put the detailed information on Lothar's table:

There is a complete orc clan living in the Alterac Valley. It is conservatively estimated that the population is around 15,000, and at least an army of 10,000 people can be organized!

That's why, after the ogres were wiped out, Lothar would continue to accept Dathohan, and he needed to unite every force against the orcs.

Lothar's attitude towards the Frostwolf clan is actually quite contradictory. This orc has lived in Alterac Valley for several years and has never violated the surrounding area. And the land they occupied with only snowmen and sheep was not suitable for human life.

In this situation, the status quo can be maintained without incident, and the alliance is not willing to organize an army to clear a piece of worthless land with a large number of casualties.

But now it was different, Ner'zhul led the orcs to invade Azeroth again. The Frostwolf clan has changed from a lone army struggling to survive in harsh environments to a safety hazard nailed to the rear of the Alliance.

For the safety of the Alliance, Lothar couldn't bet on whether the Frostwolf clan was harmless.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. We all have to work **** our respective battlefields. When you are ready, go with the army."

Considering that Reed had never fought with a large force before, Lothar assigned five experienced men to Reed: Marcus Jonathan, Bolvar Fortagan, Grian Stallman, and Garin Tolburne and Ashkandi Doragh.

Among them, Garin Trollbane volunteered to join Li De's team. After the last high-level meeting of the alliance, the old King Trollbane had a long talk with his son.

The communication between father and son is an eternal big problem. Jia Lin understands everything his father said, but never underestimate the competitive spirit of males.

Most of the misunderstanding between Garin and his father has been solved, but he still wants to prove that he is stronger than his cousin. He can only say that this young prince still does not understand the difference between a king and a general.

The defeat of the former army and the disappearance of his cousin this time brought Jia Lin a great touch. Years of secret competition suddenly lost his goal. This time he asked to come under Li De's command, not to prove anything, at least he wanted to find his cousin's body.

Except for Garin, the remaining four officers were all from Stormwind Kingdom, the most outstanding officers of the younger generation. In terms of the number of troops, Lothar couldn't really help Li De more, so he gave Li De the greatest support.

Li De and the army boarded the ship in South Sea Town, and the destination of the landing was Stormwind City Port. In addition to the army and officers, Kel'Thuzad also went south with Li De to act as an advisor to contact the mage army.

Even in Nanhai Town, thousands of kilometers away, Li De could feel the panic of the people because of the defeat in the south, not to mention the army that was about to be sent to the battlefield. Under the risk of death, fighting in a foreign country, you can imagine the pressure of the troops.

"Ashkandi, go and disperse all the members of the Brotherhood of the Iron Horse, and live in different ships and cabins to ensure that the brothers are familiar with the situation in the army when they disembark."

Of these five thousand people, three hundred belong to the Brotherhood of Iron Horses. Many of them are veterans who survived the two orc wars, and they are needed to take the lead in this army.

"As ordered!"

Ashkandi led the order neatly and neatly, and Li De then looked at several officers.

"Fordragon, Marcus, Grian, you are on your respective ships, you must remember to listen to the voices of the soldiers, and summarize the opinions of the soldiers. I will see when I disembark in Stormwind City, and we must also be targeted. work."

Both Marcus and Grian took orders directly, and only Bolvar was a little puzzled. He came from a noble family, his father was a noble general, and he would inherit the marquis seat in a few years' time.

In his previous education, as long as the generals were good enough to lead the soldiers to victory, it would be good. Never heard of the 'voice of a soldier' ​​to listen to. Isn't it good for soldiers to obey orders?

"Commander, what's the use of doing this?"

"You don't see the negativity among the soldiers? If we can't tell them why they're fighting, we're just taking them to death!"

Bolvar didn't quite understand Li De's words, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com but the duty of a soldier is to obey, so he had no choice but to go down with the commander.

Looking at the other party's back, Li De couldn't help thinking of Lothar's evaluation of Bolvar:

'The military literacy is excellent, but the brain is a bit rigid. ’

At the same time, the 800 soldiers of the Huanhai Protector also boarded the ship of Kul Tiras under the leadership of Brad. Vereesa over there also boarded the boat with a heavy heart, and Lao Chen, who was a friend, saw her off in person.

It was only after the boat set off that Lao Chen looked at the sails of the sailing ship and could not help but recite a poem written by Li De before his departure as a pre-war mobilization poem.

It's not that Chen Stormstout is so arty, it's that this poem is too disgusting for the Pandaren Brewmaster.

"Why did the war burn, why did the autumn leaves fall, the nature cannot be taken away, and my heart is also puzzled.

Whoever holds the angry fist, protects the country and Anbang punishes the treacherous, and Taoism naturally eliminates the demons of the heart.

The war is endless and disaster is endless, why do we fight for war. "

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