It was originally sunny in the Redridge Mountains, but after the team entered the Dusk Forest, they could feel the obvious changes in the surrounding environment.

The sky became gray, but the bright sunlight outside could not penetrate this big forest. Even the trees here looked strange. The canopy of unruly branches seemed to be twisted ghost claws.

"Is this environment affected by the guardian's magic?"

In the marching team, Kel'Thuzad spoke meaningfully. Even the aftermath of magic before death can completely transform the environment of an entire forest, which made Kel'Thuzad, as a mage, deeply feel the gap between him and Medivh.

From the triangle intersection more than 200 kilometers south, the team finally encountered a fork in the twilight forest. There is a large-scale town at this fork. It used to be called Sunshine Town, which can accommodate more than 10,000 people. population.

But now this place has been renamed Yeshi Town, and most of the houses are vacant. These vacated houses can be used as military camps.

"How prosperous the Sunshine Forest used to be."

To this day, Li De can't help but sigh about the decline of this place. Sunshine Forest used to produce the best quality fruits in the Kingdom of Stormwind, and these fruits were brewed into various fruit wines, which were sold to northern countries and became popular banquets for nobles and gentry.

Because of the development here, Stormwind Kingdom has invested a lot of construction in Sunshine Forest. Except for the road from Stormwind City to Shining Gold Town, the road in Sunshine Forest is the widest and smoothest.

It is precisely because there is still good infrastructure here that Li De will set this place as the headquarters for fighting the orcs.

The person in charge of Nightshade Town is named Marquis Elro Eberlock. Speaking of which, the Marquis is also a very noble nobleman, but Li De dares to say that this Marquis Eberlock is one of the most shabby and atypical nobles in Stormwind Kingdom. .

He bears the name of a marquis, but now he has little property in his name. Because of the drastic changes in the environment, his shares in many orchards have all gone to waste.

What's interesting is that after bankruptcy, Eberlock's mood changed a lot. Perhaps during the initial period of bankruptcy, the change in the attitude of people around him made him think a bit.

Now Eberlock is no longer like a nobleman. He realizes that there is no difference between nobles and commoners, and they are not born noble. He took out the remaining property and formed a local security team of 200 people to guard this The fallen town, even when Stormwind retreated, he did not leave.

This is also his luck. Perhaps the dark, cold and magical environment of the Dusk Forest made the orcs feel uncomfortable, so that after taking Stormwind City, Orgrim only sought to go north, and did not occupy it at all. It means that thousands of people in Eberlock and Dusk Forest survived.

Knowing Eberlock's past, even Li De, who disdains nobles the most, respects him. The aristocracy of the human kingdom has developed for thousands of years, and a huge aristocratic group has been formed under the layers. This group is so huge that it is divided within itself, so it cannot be generalized.

Like Ello Eberlock, obviously a force that can unite.

"We are going to build a fortification on the road to the east, and I hope you can mobilize people to help us."

"I will organize people from Yeshi Town to assist the army, but I think I still have to remind you, your honorable commander-in-chief, the headwind valley in the east of the road is the source of the unknown. If you use there as a battlefield, it is likely to cause disasters. occur."

The pain that Medivh brought to Duskwood was so great that Eberlock was reluctant to mention words like Medivh and Karazhan.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, we are going to use the power of Karazhan this time, and we are already in disaster, aren't we?"

Eberlock pursed his lips and didn't say much. The environment of the Dusk Forest made them accustomed to being reticent.

The plan to include Deadwind Valley and Karazhan on the battlefield was jointly formulated by Li De, Kel'Thuzad, and Ansrem. In a sense, the power of guardians was used to protect the world.

"Master, we can indeed lead the Orc troops to our direction through a series of strategic guidance, but how can we ensure that the Orcs will not take the road to the east of Redridge Mountain?"

At the combat meeting, Garin raised such a question, to which Li De gave a clear answer.


From here to the intersection of the easternmost Swamp of Sorrows into the Redridge Mountains, there are hundreds of kilometers. Garin is curious about how Li De is sitting here and how to destroy the road there, but at this moment, many people outside the headquarters are shocked. exclaimed.

"Dragon! Dragon!"

Li De smiled confidently.

"Our allies are here."

The officers walked out of the headquarters together and looked up at the sky. Four red dragons hovered over Yeshi Town, and then they all swooped down and landed into four young men and women.

"Li De, we didn't come late, did we?"

"Just in time, long time no see, Buck, this time we're going to fight side by side again."

Reed stepped forward and shook hands with Buck Romworth and said that since the last time Grim Batol said goodbye, they had indeed been gone for a long time.

Buck Romworth also spoke with emotion about his experience some time ago.

"In the Battle of the Blasted Land, we followed the Queen to chase the black dragon to the Endless Sea, but they escaped in the end.

Now we understand that this is clearly the trick of the black dragon to divert its attention, the purpose is to transfer us away and let the orcs carry out their conspiracy and tricks!

If we were still in the cursed land at that time, we would definitely have sensed the movements of the orcs and would not have allowed their tricks to succeed! "

Only when he said this, Buck himself was a little discouraged.

"It's a pity that it's meaningless to say this now. His Royal Highness Krasus was injured in the battle. He entrusted me to apologize to you."

"I accept the apology from the Red Dragon Army, but the crux of the problem is that there is a big problem with the internal command of the coalition army. I'm afraid you, in my army, can't fight in the 'dragon's own way'."

Buck Romworth has no doubts about that.

"I understand that the four of us are under your command this time, and we will resolutely obey your command. Please give your order Li De was overjoyed, looking at the faces of the four giant dragons, and immediately It was decided to put them in a flying squadron directly under the division headquarters, with Buck Romworth as their squadron commander.

After learning about Li De's troop formation, Buck expressed his doubts while accepting the adaptation:

If only considering the flying ability, they are very close to Kurdran's Griffin unit. They fully accept that they can be incorporated into Kurdran's flying special operations battalion. ?

Li De has the answer.

"The destructive power of dragons is unmatched by griffins, and the combat missions you have to perform are also completely different, and in your squadron, you will not be the only four red dragons, and other warriors will join you later. middle."

Buck agreed to obey the arrangement, and then Li De assigned Buck and the four of them the first combat mission.

"I need you to destroy the road from the Swamp of Sorrows to the Redridge Mountains, hundreds of kilometers away, please unleash your fury there!"


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