After Fenris returned to Camp Stonard, he received news of Grom's defeat.

He was instinctively disbelieving to learn of this, but after getting the details of the battle from the orcs of the Warsong Clan, Fenris was speechless, using a tactic he had never heard of.

Of course, Fenris didn't have to imagine Reed's tactics himself, and he soon saw it with his own eyes: Reed would send squadrons of airstrikes against Stonard every day.

Since the war, Fenris' mentality has completely changed.

As the most radical hawk, he never looked down on Azeroth's army, just as he didn't look down on Blackhand and Orgrim.

But after a few battles with the Alliance, he already regards the Alliance as an equal opponent.

"Our new opponent seems to like to use air power... We also need to have our own air power, at least we can't just let others slaughter it like this."

Fenris responded very quickly. Instead of losing his judgment due to the rage of the air strike, he consciously pursued and learned from his opponent.

In a short period of time, Fenris really did not have the means to counter the dragon air attack, and the opponent did not lower the altitude to give them a chance to counterattack.

But Fenris still found a way. He chose to give up Stonard directly, and split the army of the two clans in the barracks into commanders of five hundred people, scattered among the dense vegetation of the Great Swamp.

With dozens of small camps scattered across the Swamp of Sorrows, the dragon's airstrikes lost their target in one fell swoop.

Although such a small team is scattered in the swamp, it is inevitable that there will be conflicts with the aborigines in the swamp, but it is still better than being exposed to the attack on the head and panicking all day long.

"Die! Die! You monsters!"

Grom waved Gorehowl angrily, splitting a Swamp Walker in half.

"Swamp Walker" is actually an unofficial name. After all, the human race scholars in the kingdom have not yet figured out what type of creature with roots wrapped around its body, huge and fat, like a walking tree. middle.

The human scholars of the kingdom continent do not know about the Swamp Walker, but the orcs are familiar with it when they see it.

In Azeroth, there are not many green life with mobile ability, compared with the scary number of mobile plant predators in the orc world.

Of course, this needs to add "once" as an adverbial. After all, after the appearance of Warlock's fel energy, most of the organic greenness of the orc world has been erased.

Although many plant predators in the orc world have become extinct, Grom will not forget the shadows these guys cast on him when he was young in the Tanaan jungle.

Now looking at the swamp walkers with similar life forms, and thinking about this humiliating defeat, Grom could only pour out his anger on these swamp creatures with the wounds that were not clean.

Since the defeat, Grom's words have been much less, and Fenris has seen it all. Passively avoiding air strikes is not a long-term solution, orcs must take the initiative to attack.

He was not as impulsive as Grom, but took an Overseer's forces and walked through the western swamp very secretly. When passing Deadwind Valley, Fenris also marveled at the harsh environment there.

But what Grom couldn't do, Fenris couldn't do either. Those more than 2,000 people finally met a disgraced face under the vigil barrier, leaving more than 300 corpses and retreating.

The Vigil Fortress was the line of defense that Eberlock presided over and built for the First Division. The security team in Nightshade Town is called the Night's Watch, so this line of defense has also acquired the appropriate name of the Night's Watch Fortress in the process of functioning.

In practice, it was confirmed that the defense line of the Alliance army was indeed unbreakable, and Fenris could only send a messenger to return to the Dark Portal to help Ner'zhul.

In addition to helping Ner'zhul to use powerful magic to destroy the alliance's defenses, there is also a follow-up force to urge the orcs.

After the Horde went to Azeroth, the orcs still stayed behind more than a dozen clans in the original world. Although there are some small clans, only a few together can be worth the Thunder King clan, but the accumulation of small amounts is still a force that cannot be ignored.

It was just that Fenris didn't expect that Ner'zhul's messenger arrived just as his messenger set off.

Ner'zhul asked Fenris to return to the Dark Portal, and had something important to talk to him about.

This saves the trouble of retelling, and it is the most clear statement from the side.

Only this time before departure, Fenris sincerely asked Grom not to be impulsive.

This time, it was rare for Grom to hear Fenris' words. Of course, it would be better to say that Grom's desire to kill and fight was also satisfied in the development of the swamp living space.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Grom's current cleaning target, after several changes in Swamp Walker, Swamp Tiger, Giant Spider, and Crocodile, has now been cleaned up on the Murloc.

Such a fishy little guy. As soon as a fight broke out, they called out a large group of friends.

Grom still likes such excellent quality, saving him the slow search for targets one by one.

In fact, Grom was able to suppress his anger so much because Fenris was going to see Ner'zhul. At this time, all the orcs in the Swamp of Sorrows were waiting for the warchief to show his power again and avenge the orc warriors.

Fenris was relieved, and he rode the Warg, whom he regarded as a relative and friend, and set foot on the road back to the Blasted Land.

Both the Frostwolf Clan and the Thunder King Clan have a historical tradition of domesticating giant wolves, but the Frostwolf Clan is more skilled.

But if we want to talk about it now, the level of the Thunder King clan in domesticating wolves is probably already higher than that of the Frostwolf clan.

After all, the identity of the eldest son of Fenris Frostwolf brought technology to the Thunder King.

And Durotan, who became the orthodox Frostwolf chieftain, died in Gul'dan's assassination a few years ago. I heard that the Frostwolf clan is now living in a difficult situation, and it is not clear whether they can keep the warg domestication skills.

Fenris ran wildly on the road holding the thick fur on the neck of the warg with both hands. His wolf name was Fenrir, which was given by Fenris to express his close companionship with the warg.

Thinking of this, Fenris couldn't help but despise the Dragonmaw clan. Even if it's not like Grom's mouth is "tribal scolding", it is destined to have no good words.

Even in the most difficult years, neither the Frostwolf clan nor the Thunder King clan would kill the Orcs to eat their companions, but the Dragonmaw clan had no prospects and dug their own roots.

After entering the cursed land, there is a vast white world for hundreds of miles. The blizzard that determined the Alliance's fiasco has not yet melted, even though Ner'zhul didn't use magic to keep him alive.

"Fenris, here you are."

Ner'zhul had returned to the Tanaan Jungle from Frostfire Ridge, and the two met in the tent of the Orcish Confederation.

"What do you think of the current war?"

Ner'zhul's voice was extraordinarily erratic when he asked questions, making it impossible to hear his emotional attitude.

"After your spell helped us defeat the main force of the alliance, our warriors chased the alliance leader into the Swamp of Sorrows, and once again wiped out the enemy's remnants, but unfortunately we didn't catch the enemy commander, Danas Trollbane."

" The messengers you sent back have all been reported. I ask you what you think about this war now."

Fenris was analyzing Ner'zhul's attitude in his heart, and he kept talking.

"The new commander of the Alliance has a closer relationship with the Red Dragon, who he assigned to destroy the way to the North.

My point is to restore the road and continue the plan to go north.

But before the northward plan can be implemented, the military bases established by the new commander of the alliance in the west must be cleaned up.

We must not allow it to develop and become a great threat to us. "

Ner'zhul nodded, pondering for a long time before speaking again.

"That is to say, our enemies will mainly come from the west...

I order you to go west with all your strength, and after destroying the enemies on the west front, complete the plan to capture the human race's Stormwind Kingdom and go north...

put on hold. "


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