Although there are doubts similar to Dassault's: This old man's blindness is not fake, right?

But Lothar had no desire to talk to the orcs at all. It wasn't that he never believed in the orcs, and the female half-orc Garona gained his trust, but in exchange, Ryan's icy corpse was exchanged.

Afterwards, there was a saying that Garona was under the control of a warlock, to which Lothar said he believed, and he really believed.

It's just that when an orc is standing in front of him, how should he judge whether it is a good orc or a bad orc? Or, could he be a good... but warlock-controlled orc?

Therefore, Lothar responded somewhat contemptuously to the request made by the old orc Drek'Thar.

"You want the Alliance and the Frostwolf Orcs to maintain peace? But tell me, how to convince the 30,000 troops? If my troops don't assemble, you won't come to ask for peace. Don't you think it's too late to say this now? Son?"

The lion of the alliance spoke uprightly and sternly, but there was no panic on Drek'Thar's face. Instead, he talked about irrelevant things.

"It is said that you used to get old because of magic, but the way you look so energetic now shows that you are really young, both physically and mentally.

This really makes me envious. I once did something wrong and fell into the embrace of fel energy. Now I have found myself, but the lost years can never be returned. "

Drek'Thar's remarks finally made Lothar couldn't help but ask.

"Are your eyes blind or good?"

The old orc took off the blindfold without any pressure, and showed Lothar his empty eye sockets flatly.

"I'm blind, but I can see everything."

When he said this, Drek'Thar had a smile on his face. It was hard to imagine a blind person who could use the word "see" so naturally.

This time, Lothar finally faced the old orc. Before, he was only curious about what the orc would say to him before agreeing to meet Drek'Thar, but now the miraculous performance of the old orc has made Lothar put away his contempt. .

"Can you tell me how you 'see'?"

While speaking, Lothar also tentatively stretched out his hand and made a "please sit down" motion. After Drek'Thar entered the door, the two were just standing and talking.

Sure enough, Drektal walked to the chair very calmly and sat down, said Lothar, who sat down in surprise.

"Although I have lost my physical eyes, the eyes of my heart have opened. Orcs were not such a tyrannical race. We have a noble shamanic tradition. We believe in the spirit of the elements and listen to the voice of the world.

As long as the elemental spirits are around us, we are part of nature, and nature will help us see everything. "


Lothar does not agree with this, generally speaking so absolutely, basically it is big talk.

"Yes, it is everything, not only the figurative things that happen around us, but also our own destiny..."

"Fate... Interesting, you might as well start with fate. If what you say makes sense, maybe I will change my mind."

Since he converted to the light of civilization, Lothar felt that fate was so unpredictable. The old orc mentioned fate at this time. In Lothar's eyes, it was just a trick, trying to use the mysterious "destiny" to persuade himself.

If it were someone else, he might be fooled, but Lothar knew that his heart was already unbreakable, and the current Alterac was no longer in charge of an idiot like Perenold.

Lothar would let Drek'Thar speak, just to hear how he should "deceive" himself.

I just didn't expect that Drek'Thar was so speechless that he died endlessly.

"It should not be the fate of the orcs to bring misery to both worlds. Please defeat the tribe."

Then, before Lothar could express his opinion, Drek'Thar said in a low tone.

"Ten years ago, Gul'dan used fel magic to confuse the entire race of orcs, subverting his titular teacher Ner'zhul. At that time, I also abandoned the shamanic teachings and threw myself into fel energy to become a warlock.

After that, Gul'dan established a tribe with fel energy and demon blood as a link, and our Frostwolf clan also followed the tribe to Azeroth.

As soon as I entered this world, I felt the atmosphere of the elements here more active than our world. Although more manic, they were also extremely tolerant, and the elemental spirits of Azeroth accepted me.

I thank Azeroth, it can be said that it gave me a new life, and only when I regained the elements can I understand what the things the orcs lost mean!

Only when you have been in the abyss can you understand the value of light and freedom. The victory of the tribe definitely does not mean the victory of the orcs!

In this war between the Horde and Azeroth, if the Horde wins in the end, then the orcs will always be kidnapped by the fel and never have the possibility of liberation.

Please send your precious power to the correct battlefield.

As for what you just said, the Frostwolf clan will never come to beg for peace if you don't assemble your army...

This is the best way to deal with it. Humans will never like orcs, and orcs are unwilling to deal with humans. If the door of darkness is not opened again, we can live and die.

Since the first year of the Dark Portal, no orc from the Frostwolf clan has brought pain to this world.

If you insist on exterminating the Frostwolf clan, we can only take up arms and resist in order to survive. Even if the result is the Frostwolf exterminating the clan, we will fight to the last person.

But this is a meaningless war, and only the tribes in the south will benefit from it. I don't know who the orcs will be now, I just hope it won't be Ner'zhul.

His mind is heavier than any orc. When he was ousted by Gul'dan, I peeped into his heart unintentionally. If one day he returns like a storm, he will definitely leave an indelible mark on the world. Imprint!

This world includes our world, and possibly Azeroth. Thinking of these, I will have a deep fear, please be sure to stop the madness of the Horde and Ner'zhul, and give the orcs one last bit of life. "

After Lothar listened to Drek'Thar's words, he began to admire this old orc. How much can an orc do for the survival of the group? !

Drek'Thar's remarks can be said to take care of both the righteousness and the subsections, and the most important point is that Drek'Thar has cut the orcs and the tribe.

The tribe is not equal to all orcs. Isn't that "the last bit of life for the orcs" in Drek'Thar's mouth, worthy of the Frostwolf clan?

Looking at the problem from the standpoint of the tribe, the Frostwolf clan's behavior of leaving the tribe was deserters, and it could even be attributed to traitors.

If the Horde wins this war in the end, the fate of the Frostwolf clan can be imagined. From this perspective, the interests of the Frostwolf clan and the Alliance are the same.

There was still a hint of hesitation in Lothar's eyes.

"If it weren't for the interrogation words of a large number of prisoners in the Second War, I would never believe what you said today, but why do you believe that the alliance will win? Standing on our side, it is very likely that you will never be saved."

Drek'Thar smiled and pointed to the blind.

"This is the fate I can see. Evil will never overcome justice. In a short period of time, evil will destroy many lives and cause a lot of pain.

But one day there will be a justice equal to that evil power, and that justice will destroy this evil. The destiny that the elemental shaman can see is to move towards justice in the process of constantly finding balance.

Just like I can visit you today, I know that you represent justice. As long as you feel the Frostwolf clan’s yearning for peace, you will give us a way out. "

Lothar began to sit still a little, and he even wanted to ask Drek'Thar:

'Have you heard of 'Light of Civilization'? ’

Without him, what Drek'Thar said was very close to the thought of the Light of Civilization. Of course, even if the thoughts are very close, Lothar doesn't rub sand in his eyes.

"I need to prove that you are truly and that you want to give the orcs a chance to survive, you can't fool around with your words.

Hate the fel enslavement and mutilation of the orcs, show your courage to fight back!

Orcs who have revived their shamanic traditions cannot prove that your shamanic traditions are truly noble if they cannot go to war with their 'slave masters'.

Orcs can't count on other races to help you get rid of fel energy, and you have no right to hide behind the races of Azeroth and be liberated with peace of mind. "

Drek'Thar hesitated for a long time before sighing, this is the lion of the Alliance, powerful and domineering when dealing with the enemy.

"The days for the Frostwolf clan to completely get rid of the fel energy are still very short. If they come into contact with war and slaughter again, they are likely to be lost again. The number of people we can participate in the war will not be too many."

Although in the eyes of some people, Lothar's request is no different from the name of the vote. But the nature of the position is different. What Lothar wants Drek Talna to do is indeed for the interests of Azeroth and the orcs, a noble and just...


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