Civilization of Azeroth: Start the Great Pyramid

Chapter 206: Holy Light Never Dies

The rescue of Turalyon was carried out at the same time as Reed's battle with Fenris.

Combining the intelligence of Garona and Khadgar, the Griffin Knight searched for a long time, and finally found Turalyon and the others in the forest southwest of the Blasted Land.

It's just that when they were discovered, Turalyon and the others were in extremely bad condition.

Including Turalyon, Alleria, more than 30 Paladins, and more than 4,000 soldiers, they were all sealed in an iceberg that stretched for more than ten kilometers!

And even so, Ner'zhul arranged for five hundred soldiers to guard the place.

Trapped in such a huge iceberg, it's really hard to imagine the possibility of surviving, especially when Vereesa almost fainted when she learned that her sister was frozen in ice.

Vereesa's second sister, Sylvanas Windrunner, sent her a stern but sad letter some time ago.

Instructed her to bring back the big sister... Even if it is a corpse, only Quel'Thalas is the destination of the high elves.

The orc guards who guarded the frozen forest did not understand why the warchief arranged for them to do meaningless things.

In fact, how did they know that what Ner'zhul had asked them to guard was Ner'zhul's own demon.

After Ner'zhul received the Eye of Dalaran, he inadvertently glimpsed the future through that powerful magical energy.

In the future Ner'zhul saw, his war with the Alliance was not so grand at all:

He was strongly opposed by Fenris and Grom because he directly stated his plan to escape from this plane when he summoned the orcs.

In order to ensure the stability of his rule, Ner'zhul killed Fenris, who had excellent military ability, and let the impulsive Grom attack the Alliance himself.

On that timeline, the Horde after the infighting didn't pose a decent threat to the Alliance at all. Grom, who was unable to support himself, was quickly defeated by the Alliance, and he disappeared.

The mighty Alliance leader drove straight into the Dark Portal, eventually defeating Deathwing, reclaiming the three artifacts, and Ner'zhul himself lost in the void.

After seeing this, Ner'zhul felt like he had a big dream. He couldn't remember many details, but he clearly remembered five key figures in this dream:

Turalyon, Khadgar, Alleria Windrunner, Kurdran Wildhammer and Danas Trollbane.

The old shaman Ner'zhul thought that this was a revelation given to him by the Eye of Dalaran. As long as he got rid of these five people, he would be able to break his fate of failure.

It now appears that Ner'zhul is basically certain that he succeeded, Turalyon and Alleria were frozen to death in the ice, and Danas died in the Swamp of Sorrows during Fenris' raid.

Only Khadgar, who escaped from him, and Kurdran Wildhammer, who was under Reed's command, remained.

"History has been changed. In this world full of possibilities, I still have to be careful... Li De? It's just a small role. The real thing to guard against is the giant dragon!"

Ner'zhul's mind raced through his mind, but he quickly dismissed all distractions, because then he had to focus on nothing else.

The Book of Medivh, the Eye of Dalaran and the Staff of Sargeras, these three artifacts are already in his hands.

He must penetrate the secrets among them in order to open the correct portal and successfully escape to another plane.

In order to better understand these artifacts, Ner'zhul took them to the temple in the easternmost part of Shadowmoon Valley.

This temple originally belonged to the draenei who fled here, but it was later captured by Gul'dan, and the holy temple was also polluted by fel energy.

It doesn't matter what the name of this temple used to be, now it's called the Temple of Darkness.

However, just as Ner'zhul had put aside all distractions and let his heart sink in, Talon Gorefiend walked in and said softly.

"Great Chief, something happened."

Fortunately, Talon Gorefiend stopped the reckless orc in time, and reported it on his behalf.

Even so, Ner'zhul's blood surged.

"What happened?! You have to disturb me at this time?!"

Talon Gorefiend was also helpless and could only report at the same time.

"Khadgar, Turalyon, and Alleria reappeared on the battlefield. They blocked Fenris from the Blasted Lands, and the Dark Portal was in danger."


Khadgar rescued Turalyon and the others three days ago.

At that time, Khadgar, Vereesa, Ronin and others brought a comprehensive elite force and descended from the sky on a griffin, almost without difficulty, they took care of the 500 orcs guarding here.

The rest of the rescue team looked at Khadgar with dazed eyes. In the original plan: after they landed, there would be a fierce battle against the five hundred orcs.

However, after landing, Khadgar used a very rude method to eliminate more than 90% of the orcs!

"Lord Khadgar... your magic?"

Also a mage, Ronin knows the gold content of Khadgar just now, and he feels that this guy may even be stronger than the Great Magus Antonidas now.

Ronin knew that Khadgar was a magister, and he still had a long way to go from the great magister.

For a time, Ronin couldn't help but remember that when he was in Grim Batol, under the control of Deathwing, he briefly possessed the strength that surpassed that of the magister.

Khadgar didn't sell anything, but rubbed the staff in his hand dearly.

"In order to fight against powerful opponents, I used the power of my teacher."

Ronin's face changed greatly, and he only then took a serious look at the strangely shaped staff Khadgar was holding.

It's not wrong to describe this staff with a strange flower. It bears a bloated "hammer head" and looks very discordant.

Carrying it on your back is like carrying a long-handled hammer and a big drumstick on your back.

Of course, after a closer look, I found that the "hammer head" shape was a raven standing with its wings folded.

"The staff of Medivh?"

When raising this question, Ronin lowered his voice subconsciously. It is true that the guardian Medivh is too special for the mage.

Khadgar nodded, and did not tangle too much on the stick, but walked to the iceberg that was several meters high and stretched for more than ten kilometers.

Through the ice wall, Khadgar could barely see Turalyon's face.

"Aurelia is in there?"

Vereesa stroked the ice wall with her hands, tears couldn't help flowing down, Ronin stepped forward and supported Vereesa's shoulders to comfort her silently.

Khadgar held Atiyesh, the Staff of the Guardian, which once belonged to Medivh, in both hands, and held it up to his chest.

As Khadgar closed his eyes and chanted the incantation, the raven's eyes on the top of the staff flashed red.

A powerful magical energy enveloped the forest, and the iceberg that stretched for more than ten kilometers melted in an instant!

What makes people unimaginable is that there is a thin layer of holy light shield between the ice and the people inside!

Turalyon activated the dozens of Paladins, almost burning his own vitality, and together they supported such a super-large Holy Light Shield, which inadvertently formed a balance, making them sleep-like. The state has survived the past two months in the ice!

"Ka... De... Jia?"

After the scrawny Turalyon regained his sight, he struggled to even close his eyes subconsciously. He kept his sword on the ground with both hands, and said to Khadgar who appeared in front of him in disbelief.

While talking, UU read www.uukanshu. com Turalyan's tears flowed from his eyes like two clear springs poured into a dry well.

The others have been dormant for nearly two months, but Turalyon really used his strong willpower to endure it for two months, and finally reached the limit of his body!

"You've been like this for two months?!"

Khadgar couldn't believe it, Turalyon grinned hard.

"Shengguang didn't give up on us, so we fought hard."

The actions of the Paladins headed by Turalyon moved everyone, and Turalyon used his last strength before he fell unconscious to signal everyone to pay attention to his back.

"O... Alleria..."

Only then did everyone see that Alleria was wrapped in the cloak behind Turalyon.

Alleria only wore close-fitting clothes and was wrapped in the same coat as Turalyon. The two relied on this to keep each other warm in the ice. Perhaps it was also because of Alleria behind him that gave Turalyon the motivation to persevere. to now.

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