Li De declined the suggestion to directly annex Ratchet City, which made Boris take another look at Li De.

After Li De and Daelin left, Boris was led by a waiter to his room at the Gadgetzan Hotel. After entering the room, Boris locked the door of the room on the grounds that he needed a rest, and then he took out a notebook from his carry-on bag and started writing at his desk.

At the same time, above Mount Hyjal, the highest peak in Kalimdor, in the lush sea of ​​life, under the tall canopy of the world tree Nordrassil.

In a magnificent temple of the moon, the leader of the night elves: High Priest of the Moon, Chosen of Elune, Tyrande Whisperwind, is talking with her adopted daughter Shandris.

"So, your friend with mysterious power has no intention of creating more wars in Kalimdor?"

Tyrande, dressed in white, spoke so slowly, her full hair was like a streamer plucked from the stars, which made people wonder how there is such an elegant life in the world.

"Yes, Mindo. He told me his true thoughts, that war is only for peace, and his ideal is to make life better for the mortal race."

When Shandris said this, she couldn't help but flash a hint of shyness in her heart, because when Li De said this, she was snuggling in the other's arms and listening.

What Yuyue didn't notice was that when Tyrande heard her say that, her brows were slightly wrinkled.

Shandris was still "younger", and although she had experienced the War of the Ancients as a child, she had never seen Queen Azshara with her own eyes.

It was a proud woman with lofty ideals, and Tyrande disliked that kind of person. A person with high aspirations, who possesses both power and ability, is prone to neglect others and engage in risky behavior.

Tyrande is not an indiscriminate and narrow-minded person. She will not automatically bring Li De into someone like Azshara just because she thinks of the past.

But she still felt that Shandris had said Reed too well. As for the situation recorded in Shandris's report, most of them were in a dilemma.

Even if this explanation makes sense, then there is no problem with the explanation:

Leading the human race alliance to fight the goblins, not only has the righteous motive to punish the betrayal of Azeroth, but also can see that the alliance is robbing the property of the goblins.

Lobbying the red dragon to join the army can be understood as helping the guardian dragon to manage the world; it can also be seen as deceiving the dragon to use its powerful power to help it for personal gain.

It's just that because everything has two sides, Tyrande did not jump to conclusions and identified Li De on one side.

Of course Tyrande trusted her adopted daughter, but she just didn't trust Li De. She felt that Shandris was deceived by Li De.

"Shandis, your relationship with this Li De shouldn't be that simple, right?"

Although Tyrande noticed some changes in Feather Moon when he returned to the Eastern Continent last time to report on his work, it was far from the changes he had come back this time.

As a past person, Tyrande keenly noticed that this change came from personal emotions.

Shandris didn't shy away from the question, and she didn't think it was anything to hide.

"We're in a relationship now, Mindo."

Tyrande nodded, frankness and straightforwardness were Shandris's most valuable qualities in character, and this was what Tyrande liked her most.

"my daughter……"

It was in the workplace that Tyrande always used the exact title. She seldom used this kind of personal emotional address, so Shandris was stunned for a moment, and then she felt a drum in her heart.

"My daughter, although you have had a long time, in fact at least ninety-nine percent of our time is wasted haphazardly.

So in some respects, I can quite understand your immaturity.

When it comes to choosing a partner, I think you should be more careful.

Because it means you're giving a part of yourself to the other person and taking something from the other person to rub into your life.

This process is irreversible. Once something is contaminated with its own life, no matter what changes it has experienced, its traces will still be there.

So don't be fooled by the superficial status and power, you must understand what kind of person do you want to spend the countless years with? "

Tyrande warned Shandris in the attitude of a passing person, and Feather Moon nodded in agreement.

Tyrande was very happy that her adopted daughter could listen to her, but Shandris actually didn't think about her at all, only taking it as Tyrande's accusation against him for so many years.

Shandris respects her Mindo very much, but Shandris really has some opinions about Mindo's husband: Arch Druid Malfurion Stormrage.

Shandris couldn't remember how long she hadn't seen Malfurion by Tyrande's side.

And what's even more outrageous is that the reason why Tyrande has been without company for a long time is not that Malfurion devotes more energy to his career, the truth of the matter is that Malfurion spends a lot of time sleep.

Perhaps reading something from Shandris's expression, Tyrande also thought of her spouse, and instantly she felt that the words just now were not convincing.

"Well, in short, you must not let personal feelings interfere with your judgment.

The cooperation between goblins and Deathwing is indeed the way to die, but to what extent the goblins should be punished, I think the decision should be left to the dragon.

So I will order you to go to Tanaris again, this time what we have to do is to keep abreast of the latest developments in the war, and to accurately judge the alliance of this war - mainly Li De's true intentions.

And if necessary, we will also intervene to bring about a peaceful truce between the two sides. "

Shandris nodded neatly. In fact, she had already guessed that Tyrande would issue such an order.

But what Shandris did not expect was that in the next action, in addition to Shandris, Tyrande ordered another companion.

"Grassina, you have to work hard. This time, let's accompany Shandris to the south, and by the way, you can check the situation of those things."

"Yes, High Priest."

Donating from behind Tyrande, a priestess with a slender figure than Tyrande wearing a pale yellow robe walked out.

She belongs to the Sisterhood of Elune, one of Tyrande's most trusted assistants, Grashina Lingfeng.

In the Kaldorei, Grashina Lingfeng has always been known for her ability to distinguish and distinguish, and Tyrande appoints her to go with her, and there are many practical considerations.

But this arrangement made Shandris feel a little uncomfortable. It seemed that Tyrande appointed Grashina to act together, as if it was determined that Shandris's current judgment ability was wrong.

"Mindo, I can complete the task well by myself!"

Although Tyrande's order was highly unlikely to be changed, Shandris felt compelled to express his attitude.

But no one thought that just after Shandris said these words, a heroic man's voice came from the door of the temple directly behind Shandris.

"Never let Shandris be responsible for this! I propose to dismiss Shandris from all current positions!"


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