Civilization of Azeroth: Start the Great Pyramid

Chapter 279: Who is on the 5th floor?

Remember [] for a second,!

As soon as Lu Kui finished speaking, Li De cried out in his heart. He was too impatient to express his demands, and it was easy to make unreasonable demands on the other party's use of the topic.

But even with the preparations in his heart, Li De was still shocked that the goblins were so daring, trying to threaten everyone by detonating Azerite.

"Hot Sand, are you serious?!"

Li De was already speaking with obvious murderous aura, but Stromwilder said without giving up.

"The general goblin will not accept such harsh conditions, we would rather die together!"

"If I remember correctly, the trade kings are equal, right? Are several trade kings willing to go crazy with hot sand?"

Kel'Thuzad suddenly asked such a sharp question, and Redorfons, who was sitting opposite him, answered without hesitation.

"The opinions of all the trade kings are the same. We don't need you to instigate, we will never surrender to the alliance!"

The airship force, built with great effort, by Redorfons suffered heavy losses in the battle with the Alliance, which made him firmly stand on the side of the anti-Alliance.

Kel'Thuzad sneered and didn't speak again. He noticed that when Hot Sand said the crazy plan, both Rydorfons and Giggundt had a calm expression, only Gallywix showed a shocked expression at that moment. , and then his face became extremely ugly.

It's just that this guy quickly realized what the occasion was, and soon he followed Ruiduofengsi and the others, posing as a common enemy.

The unreasonableness of these goblins made Li De disgusted to the extreme.

"You really would rather die than admit defeat?!"

Resha smiled a little surly.

"Failure? We haven't failed yet. There is still our territory on the Eastern Continent, and the army of Booty Bay has not lost yet. If they can take the Kingdom of Stormwind, the winner is uncertain."

Hearing what he said, Li De had no desire to talk to him at all. Livigaz's current situation is that he is completely huddled in Booty Bay. Anything that points to him turning defeat into victory is completely nonsense.

"Since you insist so much, there is no need for us to talk any more..."

When Li De was talking like this, Kel'Thuzad on the side coughed twice, letting Li De swallow the words temporarily, and after whispering a few words sideways, Li De said it again.

"I can give you three days to think about it. During these three days, we will not have any military action. If you do not surrender after three days, all consequences will be at your own risk!"


Li De originally planned to fulfill his promise and just detain these guys here, but Kel'Thuzad persuaded him out of caution.

To be honest, Li De, who calmed down later, didn't take it seriously except for the fact that Hot Sand was going to blow up Azerite, except that he was a little emotional at first. He didn't believe in greedy goblins who dare to kill others thing.

However, after listening to Kel'Thuzad's analysis after the event, Li De felt that it was very reasonable: even if the odds were only one in ten million, don't bet easily. Because they don't know the size of the Azerite underground in Kezan, and they don't know if these goblins are taking the wrong medicine.

If the goblins really detonate Azerite under their rashness and bring irreparable damage to Azeroth, they will all become historical sinners. Not to mention the presence of night elves, they would definitely not dare to gamble, and now even Deer Helm has become a conservative.

After Kel'Thuzad completed his analysis, Li De also reflected why his chief of staff proposed a three-day time limit.

"These three days are enough for us to come up with a countermeasure to destroy the goblin's suicide plan."

Li De said so, but he didn't expect Kel'Thuzad to add more after that.

"Not only that, we have to give some goblins time to think about it."

"Some goblins? Mentor G is referring to..."

"Of course it's Gallywix, that guy has a lot of luck in becoming the trade king, and he has never entered the inner circle of the trade king from beginning to end.

From his performance at the negotiating table today, it can be seen that he has no idea about Hot Sand's plan.

And this guy doesn't look like he has a backbone. I believe he is definitely not willing to follow that guy from Hot Sand to the dark. "

When Hot Sand threw out that crazy plan, everyone just looked at the guy with his teeth and claws, and only Kel'Thuzad focused on the others.


After the four trade kings returned to Resha's bedroom, Jig Wundt had the best friendship with Resha, and he was the first to ask questions.

"Strim Wilder, are we really going to die with the Alliance?"

At this moment, Hot Sand changed his face, stretched out his hand and took out a cigar from the crystal coffee table to light it for himself, with a relaxed smile on his face.

"How is that possible? I can't bear to part with this flamboyant world! I deliberately said that to blackmail the alliance. If the war is like this, surrender must be surrendered, but it's just that we have to negotiate a good price before surrendering.

This time, we took the initiative to ask for the negotiation. If we don't show a bit of toughness, we will be reduced to a situation where we can be manipulated by the alliance.

For the three days you have won, you can use my name to contact the alliance privately. If you can negotiate a suitable price, we can naturally surrender to the alliance. "

Giggundt snapped his fingers, and the waiter immediately came over with the wine on a silver tray, he asked while tasting the wine.

"Who will use this name to contact the Alliance?"

Hot Sand pointed at Gallywix, who was sitting by the side without speaking, with his cigar-folded hand.

"I just look at little brother Gallywix. He and Li De are also old friends. It is most suitable for him to come forward and contact Li De."

When Resha was saying this, Gallywix didn't bother to think about how much humiliation there was in it, because he didn't care about it at all right now, and there was only one thought in his mind right now: what exactly is this guy Resha in the first place? How many floors? !

A guy who can murder his father-in-law for the sake of his superiors is also a master at disguising himself, and he is also the best at seeing through other people's disguise.

Hotsand's explanation to Jigfundt is that claiming to blow up the Azerite mines is just blackmailing the Alliance. But in Gallywix's eyes, although it was only for a moment, he clearly captured the enthusiasm and cruelty in the hot sand eyes!

'This guy is serious! ’

Gallywix didn't dare to think about who the hot sand was lying to, he just wanted to escape from these lunatics.

So he followed the instructions of Hot Sand, and on the second night, sneaked across the blockade to the headquarters of the alliance.

"You really came to my old friend, and I guess you'll bring me some good news."

Gallywix was brought in front of Li De, and the moment the other party opened his mouth, he was shocked. The Alliance could even count him coming? !

Thinking of this, Gary Wixton felt that his tricks were just small tricks. It's okay to deceive an eldest lady like Laura.

"Li Deduhu, the gentleman who negotiated with you yesterday was right, not all goblins agree with that lunatic Hot Sand.

Rusty water chaebols and a considerable number of goblins want to surrender to you, Booty Bay and Ratchet City can all be ceded to the Alliance, but you see this reparation... Is 500,000 gold acceptable?

If you want to agree, we will immediately revolt to capture the masterminds such as Hot Sand and Mogul. "

Li De laughed after hearing this.

"You are very generous in the colony of the Hot Sand Group. Is this the indemnity? 500,000? Where are you sending the beggars? At least 2 million gold coins, and there is no negotiation for one less!"

Gallywix gritted his teeth fiercely, and it took a long time before he nodded.

"This number is acceptable! It's just such a large number, and I hope you can satisfy my two small conditions."

Li De was instantly overwhelmed with joy. This is like a goblin, and he always has to "take into account both public and private" in everything he does.

"Say, if it's not too much, I can help you make your wish come true.

"That' add a condition on the basis of the war reparations of 2 million: the alliance will decide the payment share of each consortium, and then give a little more to the rusty water. If you can agree, there is no problem with the war indemnity being higher."

Rao is that Li De has seen a lot of weird things and has to accept it. Negotiating and surrendering can even give him a way to get kickbacks.

"I'll consider this matter, and you'll talk about the second condition."

Gallywix unconsciously rubbed his hands, letting Li De see that this might be the real purpose of his visit.

"Just can you arrange for my family and property to leave Kozan, I want to immigrate to Kalimdor to live."

After saying so much, this guy is finally trying to see it. He can see that Kezan is now a big powder keg. Negotiations, surrender, and distribution of benefits are not the most important thing to him. First and foremost, only find a way back for yourself and leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

"Have you forgotten one thing? The rusty water chaebol is one of the masterminds of supporting the cooperation between the orcs and the black dragon. Some of your property is illegal property, and among your people there are war criminals who are awaiting trial."

Li De said with a sullen face, and Gallywix quickly distinguished.

"Laura didn't get involved in business matters. I have all contacts with black dragons and orcs on the island, including myself, and I can even stay in the alliance's military camp."

Gallywix is ​​really a chicken thief. If Kezan is really going to develop the worst in the end, the Alliance barracks may be the safest place.

"Well, this is man, what about property?"

"That's all my personal property and has nothing to do with the chaebol!"

Gallywix explained loudly, but Reed didn't comment, just looked at him and smiled.

The young trade king felt a sudden thump in his heart. He understood that he would be tortured by this knife, and finally decided to give up Xiaobao to save money and avoid disaster.

"As long as you can help me transfer my property, I am willing to pay you 300,000 gold coins for your hard work."

Gallywix's word "you" was biting very hard, but Li De didn't care about his careful thoughts, but put forward his own requirements here.

"I agree to all the conditions you mentioned above, but I still need you to do us a little favor."

This made Gallywix complain a lot. He believed that it was time to end the extortion of 300,000 gold coins. How could Li De have two conditions.

"Don't worry, you don't need to pay anything for this job, you just need to point out Mogul's hiding place in the rich mining area."


No matter what, Gallywix is ​​a trade king after all, and he has also participated in the six-pointed star meeting in the Holy Land. Even if he has not really entered the circle of trade kings, he is also qualified to know most of the secrets on Kezan Island.

When Li De made this request, Gallywix knew that the leader who made his fortune by war really didn't like to be manipulated, and he wanted to eliminate the last resort of hot sand.

And Gallywix decided to tell Li De the truth after some weighing, and from his heart, he still hoped that Li De could stop the dangerous Azerite. No one likes to sit on a powder keg and kill himself, and Gallywix doesn't want to wake up one morning and find himself buried in a pile of money and see his **** hanging in the sky.

It's just that Gallywix told the location of the Azerite mine, but he didn't tell Li De that Hotsand actually sent him to negotiate.

On the one hand, he hasn't understood the Melaleuca routine of Hot Sand, so he's not sure if this guy is really crazy or fake.

On the other hand, he didn't want Li De to know that Risa still intends to negotiate. If Li De knew the inside story and felt that the hot sand was more worth negotiating, skip him and go to negotiate with the hot sand, all the things he negotiated today would be for nothing.

So before the real intention of the hot sand guy is still clear, Gallywix decided to try his best to take advantage of it, and then give the hot sand guy a knife in the back.

"Recently, the king of hot sand gave me a strange feeling. He seems to be a different person. The former king of hot sand would not be so flamboyant, and he didn't even play antiques during this time."

Gallywix is ​​telling the truth, these small changes all happened to Hot Sand, but it is not inexplicable to say that: people's characters will change, and naturally they are not in the mood during the war. Play with antiques.

But these were all used by Gallywix to make sure that the hot sand was a lunatic, which made Li De pay more attention to his cooperation with him.

In this way, Gallywix is ​​equivalent to buying an insurance with 300,000 gold first send his family property to Kezan, and he will temporarily stay in Kezan and wait for the change, as long as the alliance is successfully terminated Azerite's threat, he mobilized people to put the trade king headed by Hot Sand under house arrest.

As long as he is a lunatic, Li De will definitely be willing to cooperate with himself. At that time, he will surrender to the alliance on behalf of Kezan, and the compensation will not be a problem. At that time, he will become the biggest king of Kezan, and he will be able to make up for the money he loses. How much money comes back, and if you can still do business, you won’t be afraid that the money won’t come back.

Li De naturally didn't know that this guy Gallywix had already melted his business spirit into his blood, and even surrendering could make him a business.

After sending Gallywix away, Li De got up and left his seat to the room behind the partition.

At this time, there were many people sitting in this room, and after Li De walked in, five of them stood up at the same time. It was Shandris Feather Moon, Chen Stormstout, Ronin, and Tirion Fury. Ding and Vereesa Windrunner.

"Everyone, do you all know the goal of this operation? If there is no problem, let's go!"

After a year, the Dragon Whisperer team has assembled again!


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