"Malfurion... ah, no, Arch Druid, why are you here?"

Fandral Deer Helm felt like a thunderbolt flashed in his heart, so much so that Deer Helmet even called Malfurion's name out of desperation, but he still reacted in time and put on honorifics.

"I know all the hard work you have done here. You have worked hard for you for a while, and I will handle the next things here very well."

Malfurion's words made Deerhelm's heart feel like an ice cellar. He couldn't understand how Malfurion woke up after sleeping for so many years.

"Great Druid, aren't you exploring the Emerald Dream?"

Malfurion nodded, then answered Deerhelm's doubts.

"My original plan was that it would take some time to wake up, but Ms. Ysera found me and told me that the real world needed me."

"Ms Ysera..."

Hearing the name of the Green Dragon Queen, Luhelm was frustrated and a little annoyed at the same time, he knew that it was the giant dragon who didn't trust his abilities.

Deer Helm knew that he couldn't compete with Malfurion no matter what, the Great Druid was above him in terms of ability and qualifications, and more importantly, he was his teacher.

"Fandral, I sincerely think that you should enter the Emerald Dream and sleep for a while. There is endless knowledge in the Emerald Dream, which is the best nourishment for our Druids."

Malfurion still values ​​Lu Helmet as a disciple. Although Tyrande has just woken up this time, he can complain to himself, but Malfurion thinks Lu Helmet is just a little impatient. will all be fine.

Ysera's Emerald Dream was established by the earliest Titan guardians. It was the projection of the original Azeroth, and it was a world full of vitality.

According to the arrangement of the Titan guardians, if Azeroth encounters irreversible damage, the projection of the Emerald Dream will overlap with the real world, reformatting Azeroth into its original vitality.

In layman's terms, the Emerald Dream is a completely unmodified alternate world for Azeroth.

Therefore, Malfurion puts the Emerald Dream as important as the real world, and Druids, as believers and guardians of life force, should comprehend the knowledge in the Emerald Dream through continuous exploration, so as to always be ready to deal with the reality world changes.

No Error Novel Network

As for Malfurion's awakening, the reason is not entirely from the dragon. Mogul was wary of Deer Helm, as did Hot Sand.

The solution given by Hot Sand is much more clever than Mogul. The signing of the treaty is the general trend. Instead of working **** it, it is better to try to introduce other variables.

To sum up this time, Kezan's defeat on the battlefield this time, in fact, the gap in military strength is not too obvious. At least Kezan's weapon technology is ahead of the other party.

What really made Kezan such a fiasco was the imperfect intelligence and untimely information. He couldn't even have a comprehensive understanding of the enemy, so how could he win the war?

Therefore, in the days of the negotiation, Resha mobilized all resources to obtain information from various channels. When he learned that Deer Helm was only a minority of radicals among the night elves, a plan slowly took shape in his heart.

He secretly found Li De, hoping that he could help mediate it, and asked a higher-ranking Druid to participate in the work of Azerite. In order to win Li De's help, Resha even made an offer to accept the joint management of Ratchet City by Hanhai Duhu and Resha Group.

Such a price is indeed tempting, not to mention that Li De originally thought that the deer helmet was not the best candidate.

So Li De had a serious discussion with Anachronos and Nozdormu who came to Kezan, and finally the Bronze Dragon King contacted Ysera in the Emerald Dream and awakened their more trusted Malfurion.


A lot of the follow-up work for Kezan is being handled step by step, and it is not necessary for everyone to stay on the island, so Terenas moved to the vast sea after signing the letter of surrender.

The Protector of the Ocean became a lot more lively all of a sudden, not only Terenas, but all the leaders of the alliance members all gathered in Gadgetzan for a while.

Different from the orc wars that devastated the vitality of the countries after the victory, the Kezan wars have truly reaped huge benefits for the alliance.

The main force of the army in this war was only the Huanhai Protector and Kul Tiras. Of course, the First Division of the Alliance under Li De's command was composed of soldiers from various countries. But in general, other countries in the rear mainly provided logistical materials and military expenses.

Having won such a big victory for a small price, Dailin and Li De's prestige has also reached a new height.

And after careful calculation, the last Orc War before the Kezan War was also presided over by Li De.

He led the alliance to win two wars in a row, instantly making Li De one of the top strategists in the alliance, and his status was only under Lothar.

Kezan's letter of surrender has been copied and sent to the leaders of various countries, and 1 million gold coins will immediately arrive in the account. How to divide such a huge sum of money among countries is a major issue. Because Li De played a big role in it, the leaders of various countries decided to choose the meeting place at the Protector of Vast Sea.

This is also thanks to the maturity of the teleportation array, otherwise the leaders would only be powerless due to the long journey.

"What a bustling city!"

Walking out of the teleportation array to the streets of Gadgetzan, this was the first sentence Varian said.

"Yes, when I came here for the first time, my heart was full of shock."

Lothar stood behind Varian and said with emotion.

Then came Trollbane and Greymane. The two kings pinched their beards and observed carefully. They were shocked that this emerging country could achieve such prosperity in only a few years! Our own country also needs to develop further so that it will not be left behind.

The last one who came out was the Great Magister Antonidas. Several kings were important people among the important people, and they didn't know magic, so he personally maintained the teleportation to ensure that these people could arrive safely.

For these alliance leaders, the Protector of Hanhai presented a welcome ceremony of the highest standard. Li De and the Dailin Alliance greeted them, followed by a group of senior officials of the Protector of the Sea.

Antonidas first came over to shake Reed's hand, and then re-emphasized it.

"Long-distance teleportation across continents cannot afford so many people. Therefore, the entourage of various countries can only board the ship in Nanhai Town. They will arrive in a few days, and the official meeting cannot be held immediately."

Like most mages, Antonidas is pragmatic before greetings, even if they haven't seen each other for a long time.

Li De nodded and said that he understood, these were all explained by the Dalaran mages before.

"Thank you for your trust. Under the premise that there is only one entourage, I took the lead to come to the Protector of the Sea. In the next few days, while waiting for the arrival of the accompanying group, the Protector of the Sea will organize a series of play activities for all of you. I hope this trip will leave you with good memories.”

"Haha, then we're welcome."

Lothar laughed heartily at first. Alterac and Han Hai are the closest partners. Now there are quite a few people in Alterac who believe in the light of civilization, so Lothar really has a kind of return home when he arrives here. feel.

"Ravenhold, it's rare for you to come out with me this time, and relax yourself. I'll show you Stonehenge later. Please feel the light of civilization as well."

On the way the team marched, Lothar said eagerly to Ravenholdt who was accompanying him. Ravenholdt had made great contributions to the previous coup attempt by the remnants of the old nobles to smash the conspiracy, so he was deeply trusted by Lothar.

When Alterac was at its most dangerous, Ravenholdt could be said to have lost trust in all beliefs, which caused him to still have a lot of concerns about the light of civilization. Lothar may have brought him here this time. There is this consideration.

"It's hard to imagine that such a prosperous city can be built on such a barren land. The wealth here is really enviable."

Blackmore, who was beside Greymane, said with a bright eye, that this guy was highly tied to Greymane's interests because of the cotton trade, and it was evident that he could become Greymane's entourage.

"Ha, isn't this Lord Blackmoore? I didn't expect your Excellency to come here as a guest."

Li De also noticed Blackmoore at this time. He didn't show any hostility towards this guy. It was just out of distrust of Blackmoore's humanity. Li De still thought of having the opportunity to warn him, it's better not to make any mistakes. idea.

Blackmore was all smiles.

"Duhu Li De is a role model for the Alliance, not to mention that we are also trading partners, so I will definitely not miss such a good opportunity, so I beg His Majesty Greymane to bring me here in advance, just to find something ahead of others. Opportunity to coorparate."

It can only be said that the irrationality in Ironforge was a rare aspect of this guy. In most cases, he can still recognize the strength of each other and communicate with them smoothly.

"That's great, Du Hu of Hanhai welcomes all friends to conduct fair transactions with us. I wish you the best of luck in discovering business opportunities as soon as possible, and don't forget to talk to me as soon as possible."

The words "friend" and "fairness" were deliberately bitten hard by Li De, and Blackmore was still using it haha.

"Of course, the trade of cotton raw materials between us is enough to prove my character. Speaking of which, we will have another batch of cotton that is about to mature recently. If there is still demand for Hanhai Duhu, wait for me to go back immediately. Arrange for shipment."

The cotton plantations of Blackmoore and Greymane had an astonishing amount of output, and Li De did not know how much blood of orc slavery was infested behind this amazing output.

Reid was not a man of sympathy, and the enslaved orcs were not innocent either. What Li De can do is to despise such a person morally and continue to cooperate with him in the short term.

Li De is not optimistic about Blackmoore in the long run, not that he has any expectations for those orc slaves. It's just that Li De believed that once he got used to oppressing orc slaves to earn money soaked in blood, it would be impossible to stop him.

There are indeed many orc prisoners of war, but according to Blackmore's method, no matter how many orcs are tortured to death by him, there will always be a day when all the orc slaves are exhausted, where should Blackmore go to find his slaves? Li De has a question mark on this.


On the island of Kezan, the five trade kings reunited in the palace of the hot sand.

"I've already met the new night elf Druid. Compared with Deer Helm, the one named Malfurion is indeed better to deal with."

Mogul said this, and it was a recognition of Hot Sand's strategy. It's just that for his attitude, Stromwilder felt the need to correct it again.

"Morgul, when dealing with daily life in the future, I hope you will pretend to respect Malfurion. This Druid is far stronger than Staghelm, and his lifespan is longer than that of our race. History is much longer.

The gentleness on the surface is backed by a terrifying force. It is best not to play tricks on this person. In the future, if we want to break the shackles of defeat, it is a crucial step to have a good relationship with the night elves. "

Resha was extremely solemn when she spoke, and Mogul had no choice but to take it seriously.

On the contrary, Ruiduofengsi was really taken aback when he heard what Resha said. Although he felt pressured to face the power of Deer Helmet, he was quite content with the giant flying golem. Do checks and balances.

Now it's replaced by a guy stronger than the deer helmet. To exaggerate, isn't it a humanoid Azerite? ! It seems that he will build more powerful weapons on the basis of the giant flying golem to ensure the safety of the goblin race.

"Okay, that's all for now. The Azerite Oversight team is still a while away from officially identifying the personnel, and we'll have plenty of time to think about how to deal with that group of people.

The most pressing question now is what business route we need to take to bring Kozan back to life. "

When I heard Risa mention this, all the trading kings didn't look good. After all, just yesterday, they took out a huge sum of 1 million gold coins, and they also carried a debt of 1.4 million.

Goblins can indeed conduct commercial activities in Azeroth in the future, but they need to operate reasonably under the supervision of alliances and other forces, which means that business has lost a great degree of freedom.

"Before you signed the treaty, you said there was a way, now it's time to talk about your way!"

Ruiduofeng asked with a glance at the hot sand.

"The solution I gave is to learn the Protector of the Great Sea."

"Learn to protect the vast ocean?"

The current trade kings really don't understand this name. After all, they just took out a huge sum of money. When they think of the people from the alliance discussing how to divide the money in the Huanhai Protectorate, their hearts are bleeding~www. wuxiaspot.com~ Yes, there is no shame in learning from our opponents. Hanhai Duhu started from scratch, and they have achieved such amazing results in a few years. Naturally, they have their secrets in it.

The "miracle" that is so divine is certainly mysterious, and Tanaris is rich in minerals, but in my opinion, this is not the key to the rise of the Vast Sea Protector! "

Stromwilder's remarks instantly made the other four interested, and wanted to hear what he had to say.

"The miracle is only a boost to morale, and the mineral deposits are only a catalyst. Don't forget how bad Tanaris' natural endowment is. In the early days of Hu Hai Du Hu, it was not necessary to get a lot of ores or even gold. Exchange food from Kezan?

What really made Hanhai Duhu rise is that they have more advanced production technology and more advanced organizational form than ours.

If we can learn both from the Vast Sea Protector, then even under the order established by the Alliance, we can still earn wealth.

The goblins need to look forward. The alliance has successfully attracted the dragon, and the world order established by defeating the orcs and us one after another cannot be overturned in the short term.

The way we used to accumulate wealth by simply plundering has to be changed, and now the alliance is the plunderer. "

The four of them could understand what Resha said, but their expressions didn't seem to lighten up much.

"It's easy to say the organizational form, why did Hanhai Duhu introduce the production technology to us?"

Jig Wundt asked this question, and only then did Hot Sand let out a smug smile.

"Why, of course, with a chip still in my hand."

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