Civilization of Azeroth: Start the Great Pyramid

Chapter 310: Varian's Heart Disease

After arriving in Stormwind City, Li De unexpectedly met an old friend.


"Isn't it me, I am now in charge of the transportation routes between Stormwind City and the Blasted Lands."

In the Third Orc War, the final attack on the Black Temple, Windsor's combat was very useful, but he was seriously injured because of it. After recovering from the injury, in order to praise his performance in the war, let him be responsible for such an important job.

"You are very respected by His Majesty Varian and Turalyon. Bolvar and Marcus have also returned to Stormwind City. With you, I believe that Stormwind Kingdom will soon be revived."

Garin and the four commanders returned to their own country without exception. Garin is the prince of Stromgarde, needless to say. The experience of the first division has made him much more stable, and King Thorbane is very satisfied with this.

Although Ashkandi and Grian were both born in the Kingdom of Stormwind, the former was Lothar's right hand and of course returned to Alterac.

As for Grian, he went to Lordaeron because of his studies. After the war, he accepted Terenas's call and joined the army of Lordaeron. I heard that he is now Garithus' deputy.

Once Bolvar and Marcus returned to Stormwind, they were reused by Varian.

Marcus joined the Guards under the leadership of Duke Grayson. Duke Grayson was already a little old. After his retirement, Marcus would take over the defense of Stormwind City.

And Bolvar was appointed as a consultant by Varian, and Varian consulted him on many things he was uncertain about.

"Is this the ore mined from Outland?"

The orcs have now accepted the name Gorongas, but the Draenei are still used to the name Draenor, and Stormwind Kingdom is still uniformly translated as "Outland" for convenience.

Li De picked up a piece of ore and looked at it. What kind of metallurgy did he know, and he quickly handed it to the professionals Bigowitz and Nogforge.

In the process of the two people's research, Windsor also followed the conclusions of Stormwind experts according to the script.

"After the wizard's test, the magic reaction in this batch of ore is even higher than that of Mithril and Thorium, and it is a very high-quality ore."

"General Windsor is right. If the ratio is right, the alloy steel with this mineral is better than the high-quality steel produced by Kezan. We can also manufacture steel on a large scale like Kezan. track."

At this time, Bigowitz also made an evaluation, and Nogfogg also named the ore.

"Since it has such great magic power, it's better to call it magic iron ore."

Li De's heart warmed when he thought that the Protector of Hanhai could also have a high-speed track like Kezan. The two cities and one port in Tanaris are good to say, the quality of the stone road is still very high, and the worst is the Thousand Needles Stone Forest.

The Zul'Farrak Highlands have narrow roads and complex road conditions, which are not suitable for the development of bulk commodity transportation. The best way is to abandon the narrow roads on both sides of the highlands and set up an aerial plank road between the stone pillar mountains.

However, the quality of the steel that Hanhai Duhu is currently producing is simply not high enough to make the plank road in the sky.

"And we can also try to develop large mechas."

Bigowitz said with some excitement, and now he is still jealous when he thinks of Ridovance's masterpiece.

"These are all later stories."

Reed interrupted Bigowitz's rambling associations and turned to ask Windsor.

"Is the output of this ore in Outland large?"

"Big, quite big, almost as common as our iron ore."

Hearing Windsor say this, Li De was frightened for a while.

Thanks to the overall technical level of the Orcs is not high, or relying on this unique resource conditions, whether the Alliance can defeat the Horde is still in the middle.

In fact, it's not that the orcs do not have superb skills. Take the Blackrock clan as an example. They are a clan that is good at forging. Otherwise, there would be no such invincible weapon as the Doomhammer.

It's just that the black stone clan's forging technology is based on mastering the power of lava elements, and such a high threshold is definitely not conducive to popularization.

Just like dwarves, they use the entire city as a forge, and have forging technology that other races can’t match, but the unpopular technology has led to the production never increasing. Work, the capacity cap is there.

"The commodities most in need in Outland are grain, meat, textiles, leather products and wood. We can trade these things for such high-quality ore. We can do this business for a long time."

Li De said this to Dai Lin, but Windsor was not so optimistic.

"The quality of the ore is really good, but the smelting is also very difficult. His Majesty Varian said that he is looking forward to the rapid construction of the industrial area in Alterac, so that the ore in our hands can see benefits one day earlier."

Li De's heart is clear about the difficulties of Stormwind Kingdom.

Although the exchange of living materials for ore is very profitable, with only one Stormwind Kingdom, it does not have such a large volume to provide stable supply to the outer domain.

As a bridgehead between Azeroth and foreign trade, Stormwind Kingdom acts as a middleman, and many materials need to be purchased from other countries with gold coins.

Take food, for example. Although Stormwind Kingdom was originally a big grain-producing country, the food produced now is only enough for its own people, and the food sold to the outer domain needs to be purchased from Lordaeron.

There are also textiles, leather products and canned meat, which must be purchased from Hanhai Duhu.

After going back and forth, it was equivalent to exchanging gold coins for ores from Outer Domain. These ores could not see any profit in a short time, suppressing a large part of Stormwind Kingdom's funds.

Even after getting 240,000 gold from Booty Bay not long ago, Varian started worrying about money again. Every morning when he woke up, he was full of thoughts about money, which made the young king feel irritable.

At first, he thought that as long as he became a powerful warrior and defeated all the enemies, he would be able to be a good king. But now it seems that this is not the case, and the gap between reality and my imagination is a bit too big.

After learning about Varian's troubles, Reed looked at Nogforge.

"My Minister of Commerce, do you have any good ideas on this matter?"

Hearing that Li De gave himself a question, Nogfogg understood.

"This matter requires us to visit His Majesty Varian, but I really have a solution."

Windsor was overjoyed to hear Nogfogg say this.

"What, do you really have a solution?"

Nogfogg smiled mysteriously, indicating that he would be sold out.

The incident was reported to Varian, and the young king was overjoyed and invited Li De and the others to his palace, saying that the palace was actually the strongest fortress in Stormwind City.

Gu Huan

"Duhu Li De, Marshal Dai Lin, please forgive my rudeness. You visited Stormwind City, and I didn't invite you here immediately."

Varian behaved very well in etiquette, and Li De and Dai Lin were polite at the same time.

"You don't need to take this matter to heart. After all, the messengers we sent before also mentioned it that way. Our main purpose is to go to Stranglethorn Vale to do business. We just pass through Stormwind City on the way. There is no need to disturb you to handle state affairs."

"Thank you for your understanding. To be honest, I've been devastated by the gnoll thing in the past few days. Azeroth has returned to peace as a whole, but the domestic security issue still needs to be resolved urgently."

Hearing Varian mention the gnoll, Li De was also in a trance. Once upon a time he was a captain of the Stormwind Kingdom, and his main job in those years was to crusade gnolls and murlocs.

"Are the Riverpaw gnolls back in Westfall? Or the gnolls of Redridge?"

"Your memory is really good. After so many years, you can still remember the names of these two gnolls. It's just that it has nothing to do with these two gnolls, but the Elwynn forest gnolls who have disappeared for a long time and they are back. ."

Varian's words helped Li De open up a memory that had been dusty for a long time.

"The Elwynn Forest gnolls, I remember correctly, they should be a hybrid of the above two. When I was just a recruit, I followed Marshal Lothar to successfully crusade their leader. That guy's name seems to be Barry?"

"That's right, Duke Grayson said the same thing. After Barry was killed, the gnolls in the southern Elwynn Forest disappeared for a while.

But just after the first orc war, among the remnants of the gnolls, a new leader named Hogg emerged. He was even more ferocious than Barry in the past, and his size was almost twice the size of an ordinary gnoll. ! "

Sure enough, this notorious guy!

Li De thought of this in his heart, and at the same time he couldn't help but talk about the past.

"Gnolls are definitely a bunch of guys that can't be underestimated. They're a bunch of brutal and savage guys. The most important thing is that they are never as stupid as they look. Gnolls have a different kind of intelligence. They are very good at learning languages. .

And their survivability is very strong, even if it is only a little living space, they can live tenaciously.

That was more than twenty years ago, right? In the time of His Majesty King Baratheon, the gnolls of the Redridge Mountains were very rampant. Once, they were so outrageous that they dared to assemble to attack Stormwind City!

It was also at that incident that the furious His Majesty Baratheon sent troops to clear the Redridge Mountains. After several days of fierce fighting, they killed their leader Crocodiletooth and destroyed many gnoll camps. But that's it, the Redridge Mountains just haven't seen a gnoll in a few years. "

"Okay, let's not talk about that. We even defeated the Orcs and Kezan. Stormwind City will never be helpless because of the mere gnolls. Let's talk about the most important things first."

After a few words of greeting, Varian jumped into the subject eagerly, and it was the young man who couldn't hold his breath.

"Let's leave this to my finance minister, who has a clearer mind than I do."

Although Li De can also explain clearly, but everyone has a different division of labor, and not everything has to be done by himself.

"Good day, Your Majesty Varian, through my conversation with General Windsor, I have come to understand your current troubles. It will take a long time for the industrial area of ​​Alterac to function, while the Kingdom of Stormwind is clearly It is unacceptable to be held down by ore to a large amount of money.”

Varian sighed.

"Yes, that's it, what should we do?"

Nogfogg smiled lightly.

"The solution is very simple, just sell the ore in your hand."

"It's that simple?"

Varian couldn't believe his ears.

"It's that simple."

After getting a clear answer, Varian couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. The Minister of Finance of the Huanhai Protector was originally a rhetorical person?

Such high-quality ore is undoubtedly an important strategic resource. It doesn’t matter whether it can be sold casually or not. Who should sell the ore that is so difficult to smelt?

Is it possible to take it out to deceive people? He often heard that there were goblin merchants who would blow worthless stones into treasures and trick people into buying them. But doing this is just a drop in the bucket, and how much money can be recovered.

But the other party was someone Li De valued, Varian said patiently.

"After the industrial zone is completed, these ores will still be used for production. If all the ores are sold, what should we do then? Buy them back in batches? That's too much trouble, isn't it?"

Nogfogg smiled.

"Of course not. The ore sold is still stored in the warehouse of Stormwind City. What we want to sell is only the ownership of the ore and future earnings."

Varian sensed something, but he was still struggling, and he became interested.

"Can you elaborate?"

"As you wish, Your Majesty, even if we sell it, we don't need to sell it all, we only need to take out a part of the ore to raise funds from the private sector and other countries.

There is no doubt that this batch of ore has a high value. As long as people know its value, it can naturally attract people to pay a sum of money to obtain the ownership of a batch of ore.

They only need to hold a deed ticket, which is equivalent to owning these ores. Although the ore is still in your warehouse, in the future, they can get the income of the ore output only by virtue of the deed. "

Varian was moved by what he said, but he still maintained a trace of sanity.

"Doesn't that mean that we don't actually have to do anything now, just cut out pieces of parchment and exchange for gold coins?! Is this really feasible? People will believe it?"

"Of course it's feasible. Although the magic iron ore is very difficult, it is more than enough to deal with it with Ironforge's ability. We can take out some ore and ask Ironforge to create a batch of exquisite weapons and armor.

This batch of weapons and armors will kill all the collections on the market in seconds, and will undoubtedly become the best advertisement for the magic iron ore. At this time, we will announce the ownership of the magic iron ore, and at the same time, we will indicate that each person has the upper limit. People will naturally flock to it.

If you still don't believe it, Huanhai Duhu can support the Kingdom of Stormwind, first give a sum of money to support the Kingdom of As a former employee of the Hot Sand Group, given by Norge Fogg The solution is to play with Kezan's financial tools in hot sand.

And this thing is not without precedent in the kingdom continent. Not long ago, Boris, who was faked by the Dread Lord, made a war bond among the northern countries.

It's just that Mal'Ganis did this, obviously he didn't have a good intention. He just hoped that the situation on the Kezan battlefield would be eroded and protracted for a long time, and the alliance that paid too much silent cost, in order to continue to invest in the war, could only continue to issue additional bonds until the bonds collapsed and the entire kingdom continent fell into chaos.

Of course, it is with good intentions that Norgefogg makes such a suggestion at this moment. Li De has always not allowed the disorderly expansion of financial capital, but he also admits that financial means is a very useful tool. In the right direction, good things can still be done.




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