Fall in love with youkanshu.com, Azeroth Civilization: The Great Pyramid of Opening

Li De did not pay much attention to elements before, and a large part of this was due to his ignorance of elements.

In the eyes of many people, elemental shamans and arcane mages belong to spellcasters, and they are very similar. But what happened to Gorongas changed Li De's view of the shaman.

A shaman who communicates elements can actually save a world that is about to die. This kind of power at the level of rules should be valued.

For Li De's proposal, Drek'Thar is also quite excited. He has indeed not communicated with the top shaman in Azeroth.

Although Takshiro has certain attainments in shamanism, he is more of a spirit of the wilderness who worships animals, which is quite different from the spirit of nature believed in by orc shamans.

The elements of Azeroth are stronger and more violent. How to deal with such elements, Drek'Thar wanted to ask the native shaman of Azeroth for advice.


Not long after the group entered the Alterac Mountains, they encountered the knights led by Ashkandi.

"You are finally here, Marshal Lothar has been waiting for a long time."

Ashkandi got off his horse and said enthusiastically to Li De that after working together for nearly a year, everyone in the first division has forged a deep friendship.

This is an intangible advantage for all ethnic countries to form an alliance. As long as the alliance is formed in the name of the alliance, the military talents of various countries can unite and burst out unparalleled strength.

With such a centripetal force, perhaps in two generations, it is possible for all ethnic countries to be unified into a superpower.

"Good day, Shaman Chief Drektal."

After saying hello to Reed, Ashkandi also showed enough respect for Drek'Thar.

This made Li De a little curious. He could sense that what Ashkandi showed to Drektal was not the kind of respect on the surface, but from the heart.

Drek'Thar is also a little strange. The shaman guided by the spirit of the ancestors does have the wisdom to see through the human heart, but he can't see through the unknown things in an instant.

After following Ashkandi into Alterac City, Reed and Drek'Thar were even more puzzled.

Alterac, which has been sacked twice by the Orgrim tribe, is extremely hostile to orcs, but now a corner of the south of Alterac City has been delineated half a street for the orcs of the Frostwolf clan and Alter. Rank trade.

"What the **** is going on here?"

Li De asked Ashkandi directly, and this is exactly what Drek'Thar wanted to ask. The Frostwolf clan can live in peace with Alterac, which is what he is happy to see, but everything should always be there. A cause and effect.

"Ha, I haven't been back for a long time. You can ask the marshal yourself later."

Ashkandi said with a smile, but in the process of crossing the street, several orcs greeted him, and it was obvious that they were all very familiar with each other.

"Ah! Chief Drek'Thar! You are finally back!"

During this process, the sharp-eyed orc recognized Drek'Thar in the team, and immediately shouted ecstatically.

A large group of orcs gathered around, eager to see Drek'Thar, which showed that the old shaman was deeply loved by the Frostwolf clan.

"Alright, alright, let's do your own thing first, the old chief must still have important things to do."

Among the orcs surrounding Drek'Thar, there was a burly bearded orc with a strong physique. After driving the other clansmen back to his stall, he saluted the old shaman with tears in his eyes.

"Shaman chief, we all miss you during your absence."

"Don't be like this, Galvan, you are an Overseer. Although I have experienced many dangers, I came back alive, old man, and it is even more fortunate that Gorongas was saved."

Orc Warlord Galvan nodded, and there was a trace of sadness in his eyes.

"I have heard this from Marshal Lothar, but unfortunately our hometown of Frostfire Ridge will never come back."

Now Drek'Thar is even more curious. Did the relationship between the clan and Alterac develop so quickly during his absence?

You must know that before leaving Alterac Valley and heading south, Drek'Thar was most worried about his deputy. Galvan was an excellent commander, but his temper was not ordinary.

When he was away, he was worried that Galvan and Alterac would clash.

"Galfan, what's going on here, can you explain it to me?"

The Orc Overseer laughed.

"Shaman chief, are you going to see Marshal Lothar? It just so happens that I have something to meet with Marshal Lothar. I'll explain the details of this matter to you on the way."

It was not long after the end of the Third Orc War, Lothar returned to Alterac with the feathered shawl that Drek'Thar handed over to him, symbolizing the status of the chief.

As for Drek'Thar's stay at the Dark Portal, Lothar asked himself that he must inform the people of the Frostwolf clan. If this matter is not handled properly, there may be a misunderstanding.

Out of trust in the old shaman's character, Lothar came to Alterac Valley alone to show his sincerity and visited the Frostwolf clan.

Although this decision is a bit bold, but having learned about the Frostwolf clan through Drek'Thar, Lothar believes that the Frostwolf clan, which has successively appeared Durotan who refused to invade, and an old shaman who understands justice, is a Frostwolf clan that values ​​honor and can make rational decisions. Judged clan.

As expected by Lothar, after learning that Drek'Thar did not return, although some orcs thought that the Alliance killed the old shaman, Galvan kept his head at the critical moment and believed Lothar. Sa, and took the shawl from him.

Of course, the relationship between the Frostwolf clan and Alterac has indeed become embarrassing due to the uncertainty of Drek'Thar's life and death, and there was a possibility of conflict at one point.

The situation turned around because two things happened.

One thing is the snowman in Alterac Valley. Speaking of which, it is also related to the argali farm that Han Haidu protects in Alterac.

Raising argali needs grass, and the snowmen in the Alterac Mountains will destroy the grassland on a large scale.

The Frostwolf clan, which needed a living space, indirectly helped Lothar, who had planned to organize an army to clean up the snowmen, in the process of crusade against the snowmen.

Therefore, Lothar sent some food and tools to Alterac Valley, and the relationship between the two sides was also repaired to a certain extent.

The other thing is related to ogres.

The ogres that occupied the northern part of Alterac almost turned Alterac into ruins. After Lothar took the army to garrison, the ogres suffered heavy losses, and in the end only a few ogres remained, bypassing the towering mountains to the southern valley.

The ogres met the Frostwolf clan here. They originally came to Azeroth with the tribe, and when they saw the orc army again, the ogres planned to unite with the Frostwolf clan to attack Alterac.

Galvan thought about it for three days. He thought of Durotan and Drek'Thar. There was no doubt that both of them made the right choice to help the orcs keep this fire, and Durotan also gave his life for it. price.

Knowing that Galvan could not follow the old way of the tribe, he chose to destroy the last bit of ogres and brought their corpses in front of Lothar.

After these two events, both Lothar and Galvan realized that each other could be trusted. After that, Alterac and the Frostwolf clan began to cooperate economically.

After Lothar suppressed the nobles to redistribute land, Alterac also entered a stage of steady development. Correspondingly, the argali farms were developing rapidly and needed more land and labor.

At that time, Li De was presiding over the war against Kezan, so Lothar called Bohun over to discuss it, and began to try to cooperate with the Frostwolf clan.

The Frostwolf clan has a mature wolf raising technology, and it suddenly changed from raising wolves to raising sheep. Although it is a bit strange, it has indeed formed a scale very quickly.

In this way, Alterac directly purchased wool, sheepskin and herbs from the Frostwolf clan, and traded them for food and cloth from the Frostwolf clan. The cooperation between the two parties was quite pleasant. Driven by the economy, the relationship naturally became much more harmonious.

"Duhu Li De, thank you for providing a livelihood for the Frostwolf Orcs."

After listening to Galvan's narration, Drektal thanked Reed.

Galvan, the orc warlord, can often hear Li De's name being mentioned. Today was the first time he saw a real person, and he immediately said hello to Li De.

Li De returned the salute with a smile, thinking of something else.

The matter of cooperating with the Frostwolf clan, although Bohuen is a bit self-inflicted, it is a beautiful thing to do. If a business wants to develop, it is appropriate to give it a certain amount of freedom.

After all, compared with the world-class events such as the Kezan War, the wool business is really just a small matter, and I don't have so much energy to cover everything.


When I came to Losar's mansion, everyone talked very happily, and when it came to the cooperation of the argali industry, Losar said to Li De with a smile.

"I also ask you to forgive my self-assertion in this matter."

Li De smiled and waved his hand, and immediately mentioned to Lothar the real purpose of the trip, about the establishment of an industrial zone.

The development of the iron and steel industry in Alterac has long been determined, and it is naturally impossible for Lothar to be unprepared. Many days ago, a large area was planned for the establishment of an industrial area.

Everyone agreed to go to the scene tomorrow and rest for the rest of the night.

The next day, Li De got up very early. Before going to the factory site planned by Losar, Li De went to the argali farm.

Received the notice of Li De's arrival yesterday, Bo Huen was frightened, and spent the night cleaning up with his life, waiting for Li De's possible inspection.

Sure enough, when Li De came, Bo Huen first let out a sigh of relief, and then became nervous again. After all, he distributed some sheep species to the Frostwolf clan without reporting to his superiors, although this was true Increased wool production, but self-assertion is always a dangerous act.

During the inspection, Li De didn't speak the whole time, which made Bo Huen's heart burst out. He was afraid that he would lose his job when he turned around.

But when he saw that there were nearly a thousand sheep in the pen, Li De finally showed a smile on his face.

"Your cooperation with the Frostwolf clan has greatly improved the economic benefits. This is a good job."

"The grass-fed conditions in Alterac Valley are better, and the labor cost of orcs is much lower than in Alterac City. We buy wool directly from orcs, and the price is 10% lower than raising it ourselves."

Bohun explained carefully, and Li De nodded and asked questions.

"Since it's so cost-effective to buy wool from orcs, why are there still sheep in the pen?"

"Although the Frostwolf clan has breeding advantages, their shortcomings are also obvious. Although their extensive breeding increases production, they are not very good at breeding.

And I think that handing over all the work is not conducive to our future development. We can reduce the scale of breeding, but we can also carry out more sophisticated breeding, cultivate better sheep breeds, and produce cashmere with higher economic value. "

Hearing Bohun's explanation, Li De happily patted his shoulder and praised him.

"It's good for you to think like this. If you didn't do these things, I would definitely remove you after I go back this time. It seems that you are the most suitable for this position."

Bohoun was overjoyed, and at the same time glad that he didn't do anything stupid before.

This is what Li De wants to see. Focusing on economic interests is a good thing, but only looking at economic interests will be a bad thing.

It is impossible to give up production on your own and engage in buying and selling completely. At this stage, people must accept the transformation of labor and production. Once they are used to making quick money, they will become lazy and even develop arrogant and lustful thoughts.

Only by taking technology as the core, truly engaging in labor production to create value, and grasping the ownership of the means of production can truly liberate the productive forces. No matter where he is, Li De does not want to cultivate a group of compradors.


The economic matters are almost settled, and Li De will study military issues with Lothar and Drektal again.

To be honest, sometimes Li De finds himself annoying. What he most wants to see is that all parties in the world are developing peacefully, but since the establishment of the Protectorate of the Sea, he has been fighting or on the way to fight these years.

No normal person likes war, but escaping war with capitulationism cannot bring peace. Only by not giving up war can war be used to promote peace.

Fortunately, by reading the multi-party information compiled by Lothar, we can know that the conflict in Gilneas is only of a regional nature, and it has not risen to the seriousness that requires the entire alliance to act in a short period of time.

"Shaman Drek'Thar, how much do you know about Saurfang~www.wuxiaspot.com~?"

In Lothar's conference room, he, Drek'Thar, and Li De sat around a round table with information about Gilneas on the table.

Hearing Lothar ask himself this, Drek'Thar pondered for a moment.

"Saurfang was born in the Thunder King clan, and later joined the Blackrock clan of Blackhand. He is a rare intellectual in the tribe... There is one more thing worth mentioning. He can be said to be a student of Fenris, He has considerable military talent."

Lothar nodded.

"I have learned that in the Battle of Hillsbrad, he blocked our army and bought time for Orgrim's transfer."

At this moment, Li De tapped lightly on the table with his fingers.

"Gilneas is now a major cotton producing area. If there is trouble there, it will have a great impact on the textile industry all over the world. However, this conflict is precisely because of cotton plantations."

As he spoke, Li De picked out a piece of paper from a pile of information.

This is a copy of a leaflet deliberately distributed by the orc army on the edge of Silverpine Forest, in which it accuses Gilneas of brutal slavery of the orcs, and repeatedly emphasizes that the purpose of their conflict is to rescue their afflicted compatriots.

"Well, there is a possibility, but beware that this may be a smoke bomb they spread."

Lothar said while pinching his chin, at this moment Li De's thoughts moved.

"Speaking of which, the tactic of spreading leaflets should be my first, right? Saurfang has never fought against me... I have a hunch that this time Gilneas is facing my 'old friend'. "


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