The earthquake technique destroyed the entire spiritual space, and everyone was exposed to the void.

"Damn it! I'm going to kill you!"

Little Rag roared angrily at Muwen and the others. The shamans in front of him had destroyed all its layout, and it was going to take everyone to the end.

"Ha ha…"

At this moment, there was a sullen laughter from behind, which made little Rag's movements froze for a moment.

"I have finally caught you, my 'child'."

Little Rag turned around stiffly, and what he saw was Ragnaros' gigantic body.


The little Rag who screamed wanted to escape, where would the Fire Demon King give him a chance? He folded his hands together fiercely, clasping Little Rag tightly in the palm of his hand.

"I created you and gave you strength, you shouldn't have superfluous thoughts..."

Ragnaros planned to destroy the little Rag like this, and the little Rag was completely ruthless and blew his soul energy as a resistance.

"how dare you?!"

Ragnaros roared, but immediately followed by a roar no weaker than that of the Balrog King, a huge face was revealed in front of Ragnaros and confronted him.

"Ragnaros! How dare you! How dare you hurt my soul!"

The Petra giant roared at the Balrog, making Ragnaros feel absurd.

"The thief! You finally showed up!"

Regarding the statement that the Petra giant took the little Rag's soul as his own and called it his own, the Balrog didn't bother to argue at all. To be precise, arguing is not Ragnaros' character at all. The Demon Lord prefers to destroy with his flames.

Ragnaros let go of his hands, letting little Rag's shattered soul float in mid-air, and swung back his world-destroying Sulfuras - the Balrog's hammer, vowing to smash Petra giant of torn apart.

The Petra giant did not flinch, but raised his arm to block the incoming Balrog Hammer. Ragnaros smiled contemptuously, mocking the other party's oversight. However, the image of the enemy's collapse in the Balrog's imagination did not happen.

There were a few cracks on the arm of the giant Petra and that was all, but Ragnaros took a step back!

"Hmph, weak and powerless."

The giant taunted Ragnaros mercilessly. Although the blow he resisted just now was not as easy as it seemed on the surface, he had to use this method to deter the powerful fire element lord.

Ragnaros felt greatly insulted, but after the collision just now, he also realized that giants are not easy to deal with. Just when he was about to launch powerful magic to attack again, the giants did not fight him. His interest was lacking, but he was more concerned about the little Rag that was scattered in the air.

Although the little Rag blew himself up, the soul energy belonging to the element lord has not dissipated, and they are still very important to the giant. The giant held the ball of energy in the palm of his hand. He didn't intend to waste too much time here. There were still four guardian dragons waiting for him to deal with in the real plane.

"damn it!"

Seeing that the other party was still plotting his own soul, Ragnaros was instantly furious, and he didn't care what magic he used. He stretched out his hand at the fastest speed and grabbed the giant's retracted wrist.

"The thief! Let it go!"

Petra the giant sneered back at the anger of the Balrog King.

"It's you who should let go. I'm younger and stronger than you. Your time is long gone."

The flames on Ragnaros's irritated body became even hotter, and the two giant figures, the Fire Demon King and Petra Giant, were tugging back and forth with the little Rag's psionic energy as the center.

Suddenly Ragnaros noticed Li De and his group in the corner. Originally, these "little bugs" could not enter Ragnaros' eyes at all, but he suddenly noticed that one of the faint souls seemed to be similar to Petra. There was a connection between the giants, so the King of Flame Demon made a sudden move towards Li De and others.

The big hand burning with flames grabbed the sky and covering the sky, and Li De and others were still combing the violent energy poured over from Petra at this time, and Li De was in danger of being burst at any time. Muun, Drek'Thar, and Soulwalker used elemental energy to create shields against Ragnaros' attacks, while Petra the Giant was more nervous.

To hatch a **** giant, the "body" of the giant Petra, the "spirit" of the little Rag, and the "wisdom" of Karl, these three elements are indispensable, and the urgency he shows at this moment makes Ragnar even more Ross confirmed he had his handle.

Ragnaros said with a grim smile.

"Oh, the little bug in my hand is very important to you, right? If you give up my psionic power, I will let this little bug go."

How could the giant Petra agree.

"Do your dream!"

Karl is very important to him, and he will not give up little Rag's psionic power either.

Ragnaros was getting impatient.

"You are too greedy, and now you already have strength comparable to mine. Being too greedy will only make you eternal."

Petra was speechless. He knew that he couldn't stand still with the Balrog like this, so he came up with a trick.

"Lord of the Flame Demon, I have a proposal. Now that we both have a bargaining chip in our hands, it is better for us to put aside our disputes and work together to deal with our common enemy. The giant dragon who inherited the power of the guardian is also your enemy, right? Your ability to bring back the real world.

We can cooperate to eradicate all the enemies who dare to resist. At that time, we can completely divide the world equally. After all, such a vast world is enough to accommodate the two of us, and there is no need for us to conflict. "

Ragnaros arrogantly seized the opponent's handle, and this proposal really moved his heart, and the Balrog King clenched his hands even tighter.

"I warn you that it's best not to play tricks. After killing the guardian dragon, our account still has to be settled."

"Of course I'll show you how honest I am."

Petra Giant and the Balrog King reached an agreement, while Li De and others in the hands of Balrog had a more comprehensive understanding of Petra Giant.

"This guy is so cunning! He's so wise before he was actually born!"

Muun sighed and said that the giant Petra proposed to cooperate with the Balrog on the one hand, while on the other hand, he continued to attack Li De through the soul connection, and bewitched Carl to give up resistance and accept the fusion.

As long as the Petra giant has enough time to mentally defeat Li De and others to devour Karl, then the handle in the hands of the Balrog King will cease to exist. If Ragnaros still sincerely helps him fight against the Guardian Dragon, it is very likely that Petra's backstab will be exchanged in the end.

"You give it up, Li De, how many times can you withstand the impact with your mortal body? Do you think that with the help of the shaman around you, you can offset my attack? Why make fun of your own life? I promise you, Just give up your resistance and give it back to me, and I'll keep you safe. As long as I'm who I am, the mere element lord is no match for me at all."

The giant Petra couldn't stop bewitching, and Li De didn't believe a word. He found that the tone of the giant Petra had changed compared with the previous one. The giant before was only a pure roar. At the same time, Carl's figure is getting less and less.

Li De realized that the giant was slowly extracting Karl's energy, and it was Karl's wisdom that was helping him with complex calculations. He didn't believe a word of what the giant said, and he couldn't take a single step back at this time.

Li De took a step forward under heavy pressure and hugged Carl tightly.

"Show the courage to resist, don't give in to him!"

Carl was infected by Li De's courage, and used his own spiritual power to resist the giant's devour.

"You dare to resist me?!"

At this moment, Ragnaros, who was standing side by side with the giant and cooperating to tear apart the barriers of the plane, looked at the giant strangely.

"What’s wrong with you?"

He noticed a commotion in his hand, which made his palm a little itchy.

"Uh, nothing, let's continue."

The giant was afraid that Ragnaros would be disturbed, and immediately stopped his larger movements.

"I warn you not to play tricks, your mental power is linked to the bug in my palm."

The giant did not speak, but raised his other hand to show the wreckage of the little rag in his hand.

Ragnaros didn't speak anymore, but he was more wary of giants in his heart, and in Balrog's heart, he also planned to backstab the In this way, the two sides, each with their own insidious plans, began to face the real world. counterattack.

At the same time, in Gadgetzan City behind, the Great Magister Ansrem came here with a distant guest.

"I'm sorry that you have to teleport with me again. The chief magus has weaved some magic nets on the front line. It will take some time to establish a teleportation there. Thank you for your generous support."

For Ansrem's respect, the visitor also seemed very humble.

"Our race has been able to establish trade relations with the Alliance, thanks to Li De's help. Although it is only a one-sided relationship, I have long known from Drek'Thar that Mr. Li De is a respectable person. , it's my honor to help such a worthy man."


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