Civilization of Azeroth: Start the Great Pyramid

Chapter 402: Steamwhelm's Dilemma

To put it simply, when Steamwheedle was developing its team, there was a major negligence in personnel review.

Speaking of this matter, Steamwheedle cannot be completely blamed, after all, goblins are a race that is good at making accidents. Hot Sand is unwilling to accept the transformation of the ideological field by the Light of Civilization, and only one-sidedly learns the organizational form of the Guardian of the Vast Sea, and it will not take too long for problems to arise naturally.

The culprit is a warlock who recently transformed Steamwheedle, who transformed others without Steamwheedle's permission.

And after that re-transformation warlock suddenly gained great power, he developed an overinflated ambition!

This guy boldly experimented with the natural environment of Kezan, polluting the domestic water of a block in just three days!

After creating such a major security incident, this guy is so arrogant that he wants to attack the prototype of the ancient tree that the deer helmet planted here before!

How could it not attract the attention of the druids after they have achieved this level? !

Under the command of the majestic archdruid, how could the fledgling warlock who had only obtained fel power escape? After catching the culprit, an angry Malfurion followed the clues and found out the warlock organization hidden in Kezan!

Hot Sand, who learned of his incident, was in panic all day long, but Malfurion still didn't attack immediately after all.

The archdruid still kept a cool head in this situation. He couldn't deal with fel energy and shadow at the same time by himself, so he recalled the staghel with the most urgent order.

Malfurion's arrangement is very clever. If he puts high pressure on Kezan immediately, all the trade lords in Kezan will be united. Infighting began.

"Where is Hot Sand? Let him get out and meet me! He caused us a lot of trouble, and he still wants to hide in the bedroom to escape responsibility?!"

Early in the morning, Ridolfons led a team of soldiers to block the entrance of Hot Sand's palace, and Hot Sand was facing his friend Gigfundt in distress in the bedroom.

"Strem Wilder, it's not a solution if you keep hiding like this."

Hot Sand, who has always been strategizing, finally became calm this time.

"I never thought that things would develop like this! Night elves, trolls, human races... Each race has its own powerful combat power. During this war, I realized that money, tactics and technology alone are not enough. We must master an original power!"

Hot Sand gritted his teeth when he said this, he didn't understand why he messed up what Li De could do.

Gigfundt sighed after hearing what Hot Sand said.

"Oh, you are too anxious, so what do you think should be done?"

Steampunk gritted his teeth harder.

"It seems that we have to find our old friends for this matter! Doesn't the Guardian of the Great Sea want our Kaya crystals?! We can give them all the things we have in stock! But after taking the benefits, they must help us! Otherwise, I will expose the fact that they also have warlocks!"

On the wharf of Port Hope, Lu Helmet said bitterly to Li De before boarding the ship.

"I let you get away with it this time! But next time I won't let you be so lucky!"

Li De didn't speak, but simply nodded to Lu Helmet.

After watching Lu Helmet, Shandris, and Grashina board the boat and leave, Reed turned around and said to all the insiders.

"It's really a fluke this time. It seems that it is not a problem to be underground all the time. It is necessary to let it appear in the sun."

Shilomar, who didn't even bother to say a word to the students, covered her face and said in worry.

"How did it develop to this point? I really regret knowing your secret. Seeing the expression on the face of Arch Druid Staghelmet when he left, I really feel extremely guilty."

Kel'Thuzad hugged Shilomar and comforted him softly.

"Don't worry, the progress is much faster than we expected before. It doesn't take half a month, and we can get the key data in only three days at most. At that time, we can decide whether to fully disclose our research, or completely release it." It's all over."

Antonidas is not as optimistic as Kel'Thuzad, the Chief Magister pinched the bridge of his nose and gritted his teeth.

"The original intention of my agreement to participate in this research is to support the exploration of the original power, to find an answer recognized by the mainstream, and to ensure that Arcane will not be stigmatized by evil energy.

However, your performance in the face of the deer helmet today made me doubt the normality of your research. Li De, you assure me that my decision was not a mistake. "

Li De said with a wry smile.

"Your Majesty, I lost my composure today purely because Lu Helmet is an extremely paranoid person. Some things will only be bad if he finds out when the time is not right. Well, in order to dispel your doubts, I will Let all those in the know take a look at the results of our time."

The mystery that has been guessed for so long is finally about to be revealed, but people like Antonidas, Krasus and others do not have much hope for the "research results" that Li De said.

When it comes to the study of the original power, there is currently no theoretical system that can surpass arcane arts, but even after tens of thousands of years of accumulation in arcane research, mages still dare not say that arcane arts are safe.

Therefore, the more knowledgeable people are, the less they believe that the young Guardian of the Vast Ocean can make harmless use of evil energy. They really can't imagine how a dangerous warlock can do harmless use.

Among the crowd was Drek'Thar, a former warlock who had great confidence in the academy system of Li De and the Guardian of Hanhai.

Because of his experience as a warlock, he was invited to serve as a consultant for a period of time in the early stages of this project. At the beginning, the project team would ask him a lot of basic knowledge about fel energy. But in the later stage, the questions raised by the project team became more and more tricky, and they deviated more and more from the direction of training warlocks. Later, Drek'Thar couldn't answer any of the dozen or so questions raised by the project team at one time.

It is precisely because of this that Drek'Thar withdrew from the project team later on.

So the old shaman of the Frostwolf had a guess. Could it be that the Guardian of the Vast Sea never thought of cultivating a large number of warlocks?

If you think so, the old shaman is not entirely guessing. He used to be a member of Warlocks, so he knows best what kind of stench and despair should be in a land where Warlocks are rampant. But in Hanhai Duhu, every breath he took was fresh.

Just such a group of people with all kinds of thoughts, followed Li De to Menlo Park, which belongs to the college area. Along the way, because his identity was Garona's allegiance, Talanji also participated in this visit. .

Before arriving at Menlo Park, everyone, including Li De, had to go through a door and go through the security magic scan.

While being scanned, Krasus and Anachronos passed through the security gate, and the crystal ball above the gate that released the magic light would beep.

Seeing the weird faces of the two, Kel'Thuzad explained with a smile.

"Please be considerate, both of you, safety first, this magic will detect whether there are traces of spells such as illusion on the person who passes."

Krasus said half-jokingly.

"What? Is there any genius mage who has cracked the dragon language magic?"

Khadgar laughed, and pointed at Li De and Old Chen.

"Even dragon speakers like them can only hear the simplest part of dragon language. Can there be non-dragon people in this world who can use dragon language magic? I just combined some basic prophecy and transformation systems here. The principle, but the effect of the spell is the opposite, for example, 'backtracking the shape change or volume change of the life within half a month'.

It is much easier to do such a thing than to predict the future, or to deform a thing. In short, it is a gadget, not worth mentioning. "

Khadgar spoke lightly, but Anachronos' expression was subtle.

The prophecy system and the transformation system, one of these two systems of magic sounds illusory, and the other sounds ordinary. But in fact time and space are involved respectively.

Integrating such a complex time-space retrospective spell into such a small crystal ball shows that Khadgar has already achieved considerable attainments in time-space magic, which is not a good thing for the bronze dragon.

Seeing the discomfort of Krasus and Anachronos, Reed quickly changed the topic, and raised his hand to introduce the most conspicuous building in the park.

This building is mainly composed of steel structures, which combine the technology of goblins and gnomes respectively. A hospital with research functions.

"Everyone, we are here, please enjoy the world-famous painting "Goblin and Fel Energy" next!"

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