Civilization of Azeroth: Start the Great Pyramid

Chapter 417: Special Forces Established

Just five kilometers away from the deserted lair of corruption, in the Faraki Mountains, a special team was quietly formed.

"Bryan, no one dares to compare with him in shooting ability."

Hearing that he was being introduced, Brian Bronzebeard, who had just finished his target practice, blew on the muzzle and twirled his beard triumphantly.


At this moment, Shilomar, who was out to collect information, came back, and was introduced by the opportunity when she got off the tricycle to take off her helmet.

"Do you want to learn about the Qiraji? Team Shilomar, she is a living dictionary."

Xilomar was a little shy by the praise, but Kel'Thuzad, who was also taking off his helmet, was honored.

The introducer looked at the stinky Kel'Thuzad and deliberately made a joke with him.

"A member of Kel'Thuzad, a mage who makes delicious bread..."

The young magister smiled and waved his hands as a response to the joke, and then his eyes fell on a lady who was taking notes at her desk.

The introducer was a little embarrassed, because he was not familiar with it before, and he hadn't quite remembered the name of the female player.

"This... I think it might be the female priest Anita."

Finally, when Jack's eyes fell on himself, Buck introduced himself confidently.

"I'm a dragon! A red dragon! I'm also the captain of the Special Forces! Including you, Team Jack, there are a total of six people here."

"No, it's seven people~"

Nix stuck his head in from the door with a shrill voice, Buck Romworth said helplessly.

"Mechanic Nix, responsible for the equipment work in the team."

Looking at the comrades in the same team, Jack suddenly felt that he was not special among them.

Several teammates have extraordinary strength. Even Anita, the female priest who has the least sense of presence at present, has some quite high attainments in the way of the holy light, and is expected to become the first female bishop of the Kingdom of Stormwind.

After confirming that all the team members are in place, Buckromworth held the first combat meeting after the establishment of the special operations team.

"The animal that attacked Gadgetzan is no longer an ordinary monster, but a transformation of the Old God. It is a super monster or can be called simply..."

"Super Beast."

Jack answered quickly.

Buck nodded in approval.

"The new enemies are far stronger than the previous ones. We will gather here to form a special force because we all have the experience and ability to fight against shadows, Zergs, and monsters.

Jack, you have had a close encounter with a monster and had a spiritual communication with the giant of light who killed the monster.

Although the giant of light left after killing Sentiros, you have a stronger power of holy light because you accepted the giant's power to resurrect you. I believe you can play an important role in the subsequent battles. "

Jack immediately lifted his spirits, and boundless fighting spirit rose in his heart, but he was also struggling in his heart whether to be honest about the fact that he was the Giant of Light.

Just when Jack was struggling, Buck continued.

"According to the existing information, the new super beasts of the Hazari tribe have a close relationship with the Faceless Men lurking in Gadgetzan.

What we have to do next is to investigate the secrets, defeat the Faceless Man and the Super Beast, and ensure the safety of the city and the General Assembly.

Assign tasks as follows:

Brian Bronzebeard, fly patrol with me in case of enemy attack.

Shiromar, investigate the abandoned insect nest and analyze the samples of super beasts.

Kel'Thuzad, investigate Gadgetzan for clues to the Faceless Men.

Jack, assisting Kel'Thuzad from the side.

Anita is in charge of internal coordination and communication with superior leaders.

After the assignment is completed, the task will be carried out from now on. "

Jack questions the arrangement.

"Captain, why don't I have a separate mission?"

Buck knew that the scrappy young man had misunderstood himself to belittle him.

"Bryan doesn't have a solo mission either... This mission was not assigned to you casually. The survey of urban residential areas is not an easy task. I know you have a very good mass base. You have to learn to make good use of it...Okay, let's execute the order !"

Buck's tone was unquestionable, and Jack instinctively tensed up.


Kel'Thuzad looked at Buck approvingly. The Red Dragon captain had learned a lot from Li De.

It's just that the magister didn't know that when he was looking at others, he was also being looked at by others.

Jack looked at Kel'Thuzad with a scrutinizing gaze. Speaking of this magister, he was actually a very low-key and mysterious existence in the alliance army.

Because he didn't directly lead the troops, he was not as famous as Antonidas, Khadgar, and Ansrem in terms of fame and strength, so many frontline officers and soldiers didn't know him.

‘I performed this task, the captain gave a very good reason, why is this magister? '

Just when Jack was curious, Kel'Thuzad took out a gorgeous staff from his arms.

The mage looked at the dazed paladin, but asked an irrelevant question.

"Can you... know how to ride a motorcycle?"

Half an hour before the start of the joint meeting on the seventh day, Li De was in the lounge next to the great hall, listening to Nogforge's report on the previous day's meeting.

"Mount Hyjal abided by the agreement and withdrew all the troops in Kezan yesterday. It was confirmed that the establishment of the Fel Energy Research Institute and the cleanup of Azerite's corruption were confirmed, and then the issue of specific benefit distribution was discussed. It was in Steamwheedle seemed a little unhappy about it in the end."

When Nogforge said this, Li De couldn't help laughing.

"It's **** if Hot Sand is happy. The Fel Energy Research Institute was set up here, and the key data and core theories are also ours; the rich mining area that produces Kaya crystals is in the hands of Mogul; the order for the production of precision machinery is handed over to Riddorfons.

On the other hand, Hot Sand has been deliberating for so long. Apart from obtaining the status of a legal warlock, we have divided up the bulk of the actual benefits. The army under him also has to face the problem of identity registration and reorganization. "

When it came to the reorganization of Warlock Kezan, Nogforge complained.

"There is no way not to reorganize. The group of warlocks transformed by the hot sand are becoming more and more chaotic one after another. They only know how to study destructive spells, but the control of energy is a mess.

I thought that with such a large team, the work of cleaning up the shadow corruption would be very fast.

Now it seems that it will take a lot of work just to train them to control energy, which will actually drag down the progress of the previous work.

The most damning thing is that I can imagine that there must be some guys who refuse to accept the adaptation and act as thorns, or they will be obedient and obedient. "

Nogforge frowned when he thought of the difficulty of carrying out the work.

Li De enlightened him.

"So there are some things that can't be done recklessly. The person who tied the bell is needed to untie the bell. What is released will give Hot Sand a little benefit. He will naturally help us solve the problem. As long as Hot Sand cooperates with the work, no matter how messy it is down here, nothing will happen."

Nogfogg's expression was dumbfounding.

"It's no use for us to think for him about things like giving benefits. In the regional meetings between the conferences yesterday, he took the initiative to ask us to invest more with him, and the technology should be further followed up to expand the capacity of his spinning mill." scale."

Li De also couldn't help laughing.

"Then there's nothing to do, we've spent all our money. If there's a problem again, Hot Sand should use other people's money to eliminate disasters for others.

No wonder I saw this guy in a good mood in the public rest area in the morning, it turned out to be the reason. "

Nogforge shook his head.

"No, there's another reason for his good mood.

To be honest, I was surprised by this incident yesterday: the representative of Gilneas, Blackmoore, promised that the price of cotton raw materials will not increase in the next stage of international trade. "

Li De sat up straight in surprise. At present, the main cotton-producing regions in the world have been affected by different reasons, resulting in a significant reduction in cotton production. Now only Gilneas can supply raw materials with guaranteed quality and quantity.

In this decisive seller's market, they actually promised not to raise prices? !

"What the **** are they up to?"

It's not to blame Reed for thinking too badly of Gilneas and Blackmoore, it's really hard for them to think good about them in the past.

"I don't know, maybe they want to improve the national image of Gilneas, and their move has indeed gained the favor of many countries.

This incident has little impact on us as a whole. I think what we need to pay attention to is the following: Lordaeron plans to increase the price. "

There is no need to specifically name the commodity. In this era, Lordaeron is synonymous with food.

With the increasingly frequent exchanges between countries around the world, Lordaeron has almost become the granary of the world. The East Weald region is the most fertile land in the known world. Its annual grain production ranks first in the world, and it far surpasses the Stormwind Kingdom, which is second in the world.

Lordaeron's food accounts for more than half of the market share. It can be said that Lordaeron holds the absolute pricing power. How could he not raise the price under such circumstances? Not normal like Gilneas.

"This is something that has been thought of for a long time, but I don't know whether the price increase in Lordaeron is normal or targeted?"

When Li De asked, Nogforge answered carefully.

"It's hard to say. When we were most nervous a while ago, we sent a request to Lordaeron for help. King Terenas' attitude was a bit ambiguous, and..."

Seeing Nogforge hesitate to speak, Li De wanted to laugh a little.

"Well, it's just the two of us here, what are you doing talking like this?"

Only then did Nogforge speak boldly.

"Honestly speaking, we are not a purely racial country. We are too different and too active in the Human Race Alliance, which will inevitably cause some people to dislike it... You should really agree to the marriage proposed by King Terenas. "


Li De couldn't help laughing, and UU Reading looked at Nogfogg with a playful expression.

"Is this what you think alone? Or do many people think so?"

Nogforge felt a little sweaty in his palms, he said boldly.

"It's just my own immature opinion."

Li De was noncommittal, but he didn't want to pursue too much.

"Impossible, we do have hidden contradictions with other countries in the alliance, and this contradiction is not superficial, but deep into the five internal organs and even the soul.

When this conflict breaks out completely in the future, it will be as violent as heaven and earth. At that time, it is definitely not something that can be eased by the relationship between in-laws alone. Marriage is meaningless. "

Li De set the tone on this matter, and Nogforge found that his back was already soaked.

"Let's not talk about this. It's too early to mention conflicts. The main tone of the current world is still cooperation. The establishment of special forces is a kind of cooperation among countries. Countries can establish identities and have enemies that can be united against each other. "

This is true. The Special Operations Team seems to have only six official members, but the six members are from different countries:

Bakromwaz has the dual identity of Red Dragon and Protector of the Vast Sea, Brian Bronzebeard is from Ironforge, Hilomar is from Kaldorei, Kel'Thuzad is from Dalaran, Anita is from Stormwind Kingdom, Jack also has With the dual identity of Lordaeron and Alterac.

"Speaking of which, the Special Operations Team has been formally established since today, and I hope they can live up to everyone's expectations and complete their mission."

Li De said everything expectantly, and at this moment there was a knock on the door outside.

"Guardian, Minister Nogforge, the conference is about to begin."

Li De stubbed out the cigarette **** and stood up from his seat, and Nogforge quickly followed suit.

"Understood, we'll come over here."

(end of this chapter)

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