With his heart agitated and his hands shaking, Xu Jingzhe wanted to roar to the sky.

His appearance was his lifelong pain.

If he hadn't been ugly, his mother might not have died of heavy bleeding. If he hadn't been ugly, his father wouldn't have abandoned him. If he hadn't been ugly, at least before he turned sixteen...

he...was happy.

System: "Ding, what do you think? Do you believe in my power now?"

"Believe, believe, you are the boss, I will only follow you in the future." Xu Jingzhe was excited.

System: "Ding, hum. Keep looking and see if you can find these soft fluids."

"But, I remember you just said that the soft fluids in the stone were preserved thousands of years ago. Does that mean that everything I eat must be from thousands of years ago?"

"And the acorns, they shouldn't be from thousands of years ago, right?"

Xu Jingzhe was very confused. Could it be that if he couldn't find...food from thousands of years ago, he would starve to death?

Can a living person be killed by holding back urine?

System: "Before the contamination core appears in your body, in addition to eating acorns, the rest must be found in the food left over from thousands of years ago. These foods almost all contain bacteria from thousands of years ago, which is a great tonic for you."

"As for why you can only eat acorns now, it is because I can digest acorns 100% into the protein and nutrients needed by your body."

"You understand?"

"I understand, why not?" Xu Jingzhe said.

He was very happy, imagining his peerless and amazing face in the future.

When his face is transformed by bacteria, maybe he can make a living by his face.

Zhang Manyue stood fifty meters away from Xu Jingzhe, always alert to this Xishan.

Xishan put a lot of pressure on her, and she had to ensure Xu Jingzhe's safety at all times.

System: "Ding, look again."


Xu Jingzhe walked into the mountains and looked down.

An hour later, he really found two more soft fluids wrapped in stones for Xu Jingzhe.

But because his body was too weak, he couldn't eat them all at once.

It's not that the system can't digest it, but Xu Jingzhe can't hold on. If you don't handle the food well, it will be very toxic. If you handle the food well, it will be very nutritious.

It was getting dark, and there were gusts of wind roaring and unknown strange cries from the depths of the mountains.

Xu Jingzhe was not greedy, and he knew that you can't get fat in one bite. Besides, it was so dangerous.

Go home!

Zhang Manyue followed Xu Jingzhe silently, and those who didn't know would think she was a wronged young wife.

"Hey, system brother, why do you think Zhang Manyue protected me?"


"System brother?? Are you dead again?"

"Hey, hey, hey, I know you're not dead, don't play dead!"

Even if I was thinking about these words in my mind, I could still feel Xu Jingzhe's dissatisfaction.

Just thinking about it, Xu Jingzhe felt a hand holding his arm, and he paused.

Just as he was about to speak, he was stunned.

In front of him, there was a vague figure standing.

It was dark and the light was not good, so Xu Jingzhe could not see the appearance of the person coming.

However, what was certain was that he was indeed a human.

Zhang Manyue silently pulled Xu Jingzhe behind him and said, "If a fight breaks out, you leave first."

"That abandoned building is my territory, and ordinary people dare not go up there. There, I can guarantee your safety for half a year."

"I, a grown man, can I ask you to protect me!" Xu Jingzhe was fierce on the outside but fierce on the inside.

Doubts flashed through his mind again. The two were neither lovers nor relatives, so why did Zhang Manyue protect him again and again?

What virtue and ability did he have?

This face under the mask, you can't rely on it to make a living.

Zhang Manyue turned his head disdainfully, with contempt on his face, and his eyes involuntarily looked at Xu Jingzhe's lower body.

Xu Jingzhe only felt his lower body tighten and shut his mouth obediently.

"Remember, leave!"

After saying this, Zhang Manyue took the initiative to attack. Xu Jingzhe felt a flash in front of his eyes, and she was already dozens of meters away.

Wow, it was so easy to move ten meters in one second, so terrifying.

Xu Jingzhe hurried to catch up. If he wanted to leave Xishan, he could only return the same way. He was getting closer and closer to the vague figure, and he was able to see the "person" blocking their way.

His pale face was covered with blue veins, like a long worm lying on his face.

His eyes were black, without a certain white in his eyes, and he looked at Zhang Manyue like this, which was very strange.

The most special thing was his two arms, only white bones were left, and a faint black mist was lingering around the white bones.

The battle between the two was about to break out.

"You, take care of yourself." Xu Jingzhe still couldn't bear it, and said something to show his concern for Zhang Manyue.

Zhang Manyue nodded, her short hair was blown by the wind, and she smiled gently at Xu Jingzhe.

"Boom!" The two collided violently, with such great force that the land under their feet was shaken.

Xu Jingzhe was shocked by such a strong force. It was hard for him to understand that Zhang Manyue's relatively thin body could have such amazing explosive power.

Let's go!

Staying here would not help Zhang Manyue, and would distract her.

Two days later, Xu Jingzhe returned to Zhang Manyue's territory.

He was in a bad mood.

First, he was worried about Zhang Manyue, and second, when he came back, he saw several acquaintances who were bitten to death by a group of zombies.

Those acquaintances used to live together in the orphanage.

"Hey, if you're not dead, take a breath."

Xu Jingzhe leaned against the wall, worried, looking at the unusually bright moon in the sky.

System: "Ding."

"Can you change my physique instead of changing my appearance?" Xu Jingzhe asked.

System: "Ding, of course... no."

"You, a system, will also despise me for being... ugly?"

Xu Jingzhe was in a low mood. The system was not a person. No matter how powerful it was, it was just a system.

System: "Ding, as the first system of Blue Star, it also needs to be responsible for its appearance."

"But, don't you think that in an environment like a polluted area, we need to become stronger first before we can be qualified to be... the front person?"

He is self-aware, but he may not be able to survive that day just because of his shame.

Not to mention anything else, in a polluted area, the air is full of various radioactive substances, and ordinary people will suffer from serious health problems within a week at most.

He thought he should be close too.

System: "Ding, are you stupid? Why do you think that if you find bacteria from thousands of years ago and devour it, you will become stronger?"

Xu Jingzhe was stunned, didn't you say it yourself?

Eat bacteria and become stronger!

System; "Ding, you are lucky, you just happened to find soft fluid. That is because of Propionibacterium acnes. It can not only change your appearance, but also change the digestive ability of your intestines."

"Changing my digestive ability can make me stronger?" Xu Jingzhe asked.

System: "Ding. This kind of bacterium is a very weakly aggressive bacterium. If I give you a bacterium that can improve your bone strength, skin toughness, and speed, your intestines and stomach won't be able to digest it even if you swallow it."

"If you can't digest it, the system can't decompose it. If the system can't decompose it, those bacteria in your body can destroy your intestines in a few seconds!"

Xu Jingzhe paused and said quietly: "So, you don't seem to be very powerful."

However, he understood what the system meant. With his current physical condition, he could only eat one bite at a time and walk one step at a time.

If you want to run even if you can't walk, you are still the unlucky one.

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