Civilization: The bacteria built me ​​a god

Chapter 363: Large-scale zombie outbreak

August 9, Yugou Town. In the early morning, a ray of light pierced the sky in the east, shining on the large river in front of the town, sparkling.

This river is called Li River. There is an eight-lane bridge above the Li River. This bridge, which has been built for ten years, is the only access to Yugou Town.

Yugou Town is very large, almost not like a small town, but similar to a small city, with extremely advanced technology.

On the bridge, the four lanes leading into the town are blocked by rows of vehicles, and the sound of horns and shouting are mixed together, breaking the morning silence of the town.

It forms a sharp contrast with the empty four lanes from the town to Pangu City.

That's right, Yugou Town is a town bordering Pangu City and Nuwa City. Near the bridgehead of Yugou Town, there are two rows of staff members wearing white protective clothing with live ammunition.

A row of twenty people, standing neatly, the white protective clothing tightly attached to their skin, the position of the eyes is transparent, easy to observe the outside world.

The leader stood at the front without holding a weapon, with his hands behind his back. Opposite him was a partitioned bridge. As long as he gave an order, the staff in the town would press the switch, and the partition would disappear, allowing vehicles to pass normally.

"It's so quiet." Although Han Li was wearing protective clothing, he didn't wear a hood. Looking at the vehicles honking in the four lanes opposite, he said this.

"Quiet?" Han Xue stood slightly behind Han Li and asked in a puzzled voice?

Han Xue was also wearing protective clothing like Han Li, without a hood. Her long black hair was tied into a knot and coiled behind her head, looking very capable.

"Yes, it's quiet." Han Li took out his mobile phone and checked the time. It was eight o'clock.

At eight o'clock, according to normal days, he should call and allow vehicles to pass. But today, he didn't. Han Li just stood quietly, looking at the long dragon of vehicles in the distance.

"Ding ding ding——"

"Ding ding ding——"

"Damn it, why don't you open the bridge?"

"We are from Pangu City. Didn't we agree that Pangu and Nuwa are one family? We finally escaped, and Nuwa City agreed to accept us."

"How could we go in yesterday, but not today!"

Han Xue turned her head, the light illuminated her side face, her skin became crystal clear, and her black hair exuded a faint luster.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, we are only responsible for guarding this place." Han Li spoke first.

"However, according to the previous agreement, Yugou Town must be open to traffic between 8 am and 8 pm under any circumstances, and anyone who has not mutated can enter it." Han Xue felt sad.

Han Li smiled helplessly, didn't say anything, just stood straight, and looked at the people standing on the other side of the partition indifferently.

Behind him, a series of heavy machine guns have been set up. Anyone who dares to break in by force with his own ability will only get a round of special bullets, and will be shot into a sieve.

The voices of dissatisfaction were getting louder and louder, and had suppressed the sound of car horns. Finally, someone couldn't help it. A bald man with a big waist and two meters in height appeared and stood at the end of the bridge, looking very domineering.

"Han family, you took over Yugou Town three days ago. Not only did you shorten the time to enter Nuwa City, but you didn't let us enter today. What does that mean?!"

"Do you really think that you have the final say in Nuwa City? Or... Nuwa City is the only first-class family, your Han family?"

Han Li did not answer. As long as he didn't think about crossing the partition, he would not make a move, and the cold guns behind him would not make a move.

Time passed by minute by minute in the confrontation between the two groups of people. The strong smell of gunpowder rose. The people in the vehicles got off and looked at Yugou Town, which was like a body of steel.

It's death anyway. If you try, there is hope of survival!

The air gradually solidified, and Han Li's body was as tight as a drawn bow.

Suddenly, Han Xue's expression changed, and she leaned down to the ground, with her ears close to the bridge. Then, she stood up suddenly and looked behind her.

"There is a change in the city!" Han Xue said sternly.

Han Li did not look back, but concentrated his mind, his face changing from gloomy to bright. He heard countless low roars that followed the air into his ears, tearing his nerves. The sound rushed like a tide, and soon the whole Yugou Town was in motion.

"No, open the door, open the door quickly!"

Han Li did not care about what was behind him, took out his mobile phone, turned around and rushed to the alloy gate.

The alarm in Yugou Town sounded, and bursts of thick smoke rose from different places. The people who had escaped from Pangu City saw all this, and after a brief shock, they abandoned their cars and rushed to the partition.

The partition was only 20 to 30 meters long, and they jumped and easily came to the opposite side.

At this time, the alloy gate was also opened, and Han Li and Han Xue rushed in with the elites of the Han family.

"What's going on?"

Looking at the residents in the city in chaos, Han Li shouted loudly on the phone. The voice on the other end was intermittent and not very clear, and the shrill shouts and loud crying filled the eardrums.

Han Xue grabbed a jeep, called Han Li to get in, and rushed through the chaotic streets. Yugou Town is not small, and the Han family's general command room is in the center of the town, which takes 20 minutes to drive.

But, after only driving for ten minutes, they were forced to stop. The streets were full of people, people running madly, and behind them were groups of zombies dragging their feet!

"Damn it, didn't you say that zombies only appear in Hanqiao Town? That area has been cut off. We were worried that someone with corpse worms would mix among the people in Pangu City, so we were asked to come. Why did they suddenly appear from the town? Out!"

Veins popped up on Han Li's forehead as he yelled into his cell phone. But no one on the phone responded to him, only a low roar.

Han Xue put into reverse gear, stepped on the accelerator and turned the steering wheel. The wheels of the car heated up due to friction with the ground, a large cloud of smoke emitted, and the car made a beautiful 180-degree U-turn.

Han Xue changed streets, and the off-road vehicle bumped along the path.

"Contact the Han family in Shangcheng and tell them what's going on here." Han Xue said in a deep voice. She was very calm and composed at this critical moment.


At this moment, someone from the Han family in Shangcheng took the initiative to contact them, and the video call was connected. It was a branch head who was younger than the two of them.

"I already know the situation over there. Not only in Yugou Town, but also in the towns bordering Pangu City, zombies have appeared in all of them."

"Be careful, the Han family cannot allocate extra energy to support you. Zombies are just like ordinary people. Their lifeblood is in the heart. If the heart ruptures, it will lose the blood supply to the whole body, and the zombies will die naturally!"

The video was cut off by the man on his own initiative. Han Li and Han Xue looked at Yugou Town, which was in a state of chaos, and both of them had a bad premonition at the same time.

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