Civilization: The bacteria built me ​​a god

Chapter 459: The Birth of First-Class Civilization (1/2)

Chapter 459 The Birth of First-Class Civilization

"Don't panic, I'll teach you."

"Come on, tilt your head, aim, aim at the target, and shoot!"

Xu Jingzhe's ears seemed to ring with the words that Bai Qing used to teach him to shoot. Simple and clear, no drag.

No fancy tricks, just aim at the target and pull the trigger.

Xu Jingzhe fired the first shot in his life!

Today, he used the shooting skills taught by that person, aimed at that person, and fired the last shot in his life.

After this shot, Xu Jingzhe never touched a sniper rifle again in his life.


The special bullet shot out from the barrel, spinning mercilessly, and shot straight at Bai Qing. A ray of light bloomed in Bai Qing's own lifeless eyes. He died at the hands of Xiao Liu, and he had nothing else to ask for.

Caesar snorted coldly, stretched out his right hand to grab the bullet that was shot, and wanted to kill Bai Qing in front of him. Was he underestimating him?


Contrary to Caesar's expectation, he did not catch the bullet. This bullet was no longer a bullet. It seemed to be endowed with life and had its own consciousness.

It told it to shoot a person.

So, it shot a person.

The bullet hit Bai Qing's chest, and a large blood-colored flower began to bloom, gorgeous and unusual.

He was free.

Xiao Liu in his pupils gradually blurred and began to change. He saw Xu Jingzhe who had just entered the contaminated area. He was timid and afraid, wearing a mask, with only a pair of eyes exposed, observing the dangerous and unusual world.

"Xiao Liu, it's great to know you!"

"Ah——" Xu Jingzhe raised his head to the sky and cried loudly, and the deep sadness overflowed like water.

Caesar watched the person in front of him soften and slowly fall to the ground. He was extremely furious. He stepped on Bai Qing's body, and suddenly, the body was like a piece of fresh tofu, directly turned into mud.

"Xu Jingzhe, you deserve to die!"

"You shouldn't and you are not qualified to stop the birth of God. I have mastered the holy book and am destined to become the strongest man in this universe. Everyone must surrender to me!" Caesar's handsome features twisted and deformed, blaming all his anger on Xu Jingzhe.

Xu Jingzhe just looked at the blood mud under Caesar's feet sadly. The whole person was unusually quiet, and the quietness was terrifying. When an angry person is quiet, it is when he is extremely angry.

Unexpectedly, he didn't even get Bai Qing's body.

Putting down the sniper in his hand, Xu Jingzhe took a step forward, his momentum suddenly changed, the ground under his feet was shaking, and the surrounding rocks were cracking...

The two fought together!

Regardless of everything!

The strongest blow came up, without defense, Xu Jingzhe hit Caesar's chest, causing half of his body to collapse. At the same time, Caesar also hit Xu Jingzhe's abdomen, piercing it with a bloody fist, and holding the intestines in his hand.

The two retreated separately, and another heavy blow.

There is no retreat, only forward.

This battle lasted for a long time, with the sun setting and the moon rising. The traces of the two people spanned hundreds of miles. The blood in their bodies was more like a big river, flowing continuously, spilling on the hilltops, branches, and weeds.

The major families were alarmed, the polluters were also alarmed, and the polluters who had not appeared on the battlefield for 30 years were also alarmed. They all followed the footprints of the two and watched this earth-shaking battle!

This battle was different from the past. No one was fighting while fleeing, only life and death fights again and again.


The two exchanged injuries again. Xu Jingzhe's five ribs were cut off by Caesar, thrown on the ground, and crushed with one foot. Xu Jingzhe took out Caesar's kidney and crushed it.

Panting like a cow, his face was as pale as paper, and the continuous high-intensity battles made the two bodies unable to bear it. Up to now, it was a battle of physical strength and mental willpower! Especially Caesar, he only had one bottle of Martian Evolutionary Liquid left, and after drinking it, he would definitely be defeated.

Moreover, the war attracted too many people, and he didn't dare to use the Holy Scripture at all. The less he knew about the Holy Scripture, the better it was for him.

"Roar!" Caesar roared, knocked Xu Jingzhe back with a punch, and said coldly: "If you continue to fight, your body will inevitably be left with sequelae, which is irreversible."

"You don't feel anything now, but when you attack the Thirty Years of Pollution, the hidden injuries left in your body will become a fatal blow. Road cut off, life and death!"

"You can't kill me, you have tried so many times, did you succeed?"

"And I, it's not that I don't want to kill you, but I feel that there is a powerful opponent like you who can whip me every day and dare not slack off."

Xu Jingzhe wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and the whole person was like a dead tree , unable to feel any trace of human emotion: "What if I die?"

"If I can live and die with you, I think it's worth it."

"Madman!" Caesar cursed: "Blue Star's technology is developing, you and I are both geniuses, and a more glorious future is waiting for us."

"You and I have not seen the magnificent beauty of the universe, and have not set foot on other stars to feel their differences."

"For a mere dead person, is it worth it?"

"Yes, he is dead, didn't you kill him?"

Xu Jingzhe's body shook, looking at his hands, he... killed? !

It was indeed he who killed him. He saw endless pain in Bai Qing's eyes, which exceeded the limit that his body could bear, so he sent Bai Qing away.

Of course, this was also interpreted in Bai Qing's eyes.

"I killed him." Xu Jingzhe admitted frankly: "But you are the one who destroyed his will and his desire to live. You killed his spiritual world and made him want to die. You are the culprit."

"So, you really deserve to die, Caesar!"

"Deserve to die?" Caesar laughed and said: "This is a world where the strong prey on the weak. Either you eat people or you are eaten. Do you deserve to die if you kill someone?"

"Then Blue Star is still stagnant in the era of eating raw meat and drinking blood. How could such advanced technology be produced?"

"Technology can kill people!"

"Stop it, I don't want to kill you now, and you are not my opponent. If you force me to use the Holy Scripture in front of so many people, your end will only be death!"

"Then die, take you with me." Xu Jingzhe used the music to steam his blood and qi, and his injured body recovered slowly and hard again.

The war lasted too long, and his blood and qi were seriously depleted. He had been squeezing himself and constantly recovering his injured body.

"Madman!" Caesar's eyes were as cold as frost, and he had to bite the bullet and fight again.

The battle finally ended two days later, with the setting sun and the setting sun as bloody.

Xu Jingzhe limped and dragged his injured body, walking in the desolate and dilapidated Cangshui City. He had exhausted the last bit of energy. At this moment, if a strong wind blew, he would fall down.

The bloodstains were even more sad and red under the red setting sun, emitting a trace of residual warmth. He did not kill Caesar, and Caesar could not kill him.

He stored too much energy in his body, and used Le Jue to exhaust Caesar's Mars Evolution Liquid again and again. Although Caesar did not die, he was also seriously injured and suffered a great loss.

From beginning to end, Caesar did not use the Holy Scripture in front of so many people.

The two walked back to back, Caesar's body was broken, and his blood had dried up.

It was his shame that he failed to kill Xu Jingzhe, because after this battle, Xu Jingzhe completely became a figure of his level. When mentioning Caesar, Xu Jingzhe will be mentioned. He successfully reached the top with his own name.


Xu Jingzhe fell to the ground with his back to the setting sun. Not far in front of him, a group of people stood neatly.

Dark Night Legion!

Jiang Ye and Tang Ruyi walked side by side with heavy steps and came to Xu Jingzhe's side. Jiang Ye lowered his body and picked up Xu Jingzhe. In an instant, the Dark Night Legion shouted like a landslide.

"Dark Night Legion!"

"Dark Night Legion!"

"Dark Night Legion!"

Caesar heard the shouting, looked back, and his heart stagnated. At this moment, he felt that he had lost, and lost completely.


Caesar also exhausted all his strength and fell to the ground...

The battle of Cangshui City did not change because of the battle between Xu Jingzhe and Caesar. Instead, the polluters became more crazy. The offensive of the four major families became more fierce and became the main force in this battle.

And the major families have begun to waver in their determination to fight with them for a long time, because too many people have died. Not only the middle level, but also the high level people died and became victims of the war.

On this day, the war broke out. When the battle line, like a long dragon, was in a state of emergency and almost collapsed, the Zhuge family finally stood up.

Zhuge Qihao and seven other half-step polluted people in his family fell from the sky. They were surrounded by ancient formations, and their killing power was terrifying.

The eight people occupied eight directions, from the westernmost side of the battlefield to the easternmost side. Wherever they passed, it was like a lawn mower harvesting fragile weeds. The dead polluters did not even have corpses, like dew after the sun rose, melting in this world.

Zhuge Eight Formation Diagram!

Turned the tide and stabilized the battle line of Cangshui City. The Zhuge family had to take action because they did not want the major families to collapse early and retreat to Nuwa City. The Zhuge family became the target of public criticism, mainly because the Eight Formation Diagram could not be taken away. It was integrated with the ancient family foundation and existed in this world for a long time.

Their family was reluctant to give up the Eight Formation Diagram and was trying every means to bring it to Nuwa City. With the Eight Arrays, the Zhuge family is invincible!

Moreover, looking at the entire Pangu City, only the Zhuge family has not been troubled by nuclear pollution. When the Eight Arrays are opened, the dirty things cannot get close at all. Such a large family is auspicious in the array, like a blessed land.

No matter which family has this array, they are reluctant to abandon it.

Helplessly, the only family in Pangu City with such strength is the Zhuge family. This has led to the embarrassing situation of the Zhuge family. They can't just live in the area covered by the array and don't go out.

After all, outside the array is the contaminated area.

As time goes by, the contaminating radioactive elements will only become more and more serious. At that time, it will be almost impossible to leave.

The battlefield in Cangshui City has stabilized, and the major families have suffered heavy losses. Only the Dark Night Legion is growing rapidly. The number of people in logistics and the front line has directly exceeded 50,000, almost enough to compete with the Qin family.

The only pity is that the territory seriously affected the development of the Dark Night Legion. The territory of Nuwa City was rising, and the price of a piece of land was terrifying, which even the first-class families could not accept.

Therefore, there were many fights that broke out, which was indeed internal and external troubles. The originally relatively unified front was also shaky because of this. When fighting against the polluters, they harmed other families and became a mess.

As a result, more people died in the major families and fell into a vicious cycle.

After five years of hard defense, the battle of Cangshui City collapsed overnight. It was horrible to look at. The corpses of people were like a torrent, covering the entire Cangshui City.

When looking back at history, people gave it a name, the Great Defeat of Corpse City!

And what gave mankind a little hope was a legion, the Dark Night Legion. What ordinary people and the middle-level of major families did not know was whether the Dark Night Legion chose to stay or was chosen by the major families to stay.

This became a mystery!

This mystery, some people who were interested went to find it, but they could not find it.

Standing on the edge of Cangshui City, Xu Jingzhe and the other two stood side by side, looking at this city shrouded in blood and blood clouds, standing silently for a long time without saying a word.

This battle lasted too long, and too many people died, tens of billions. But it is far from over, and the war is still going on.

It's just that from the battlefield of Cangshui City, it retreated to the second half of the former Pangu City.

Zhuge City.

The largest city in the second half, with Zhuge City as the center, once again pulled up a "long dragon".

However, this time the long dragon is different from the previous one, and defensive measures have been turned on.

Alloy bunkers, high walls, electric grids, etc. announced the determination of the major families to fight the final battle this time, and they must defend it.

One section of the long dragon, where the radiation is the most concentrated and complex, and the terrain is not steep.

The base of the Dark Night Legion is here.

In the senior meeting room, Jiang Ye's face was gloomy, and he walked back and forth, restless. Compared with five years ago, his face was full of determination and calmness, but at this time, no matter how good his temper was, he couldn't suppress his anger!

"Damn it, do you still think we are the Dark Night Legion five years ago?"

"You dare to unite and bully me now? If you force me, I will make a big fuss!!"

Tang Ruyi sat in the middle chair, still so serious and indifferent, not much different from five years ago, but when he raised his eyes, the horror he inadvertently revealed was overwhelming, which made people terrified.

He has already stepped into the ranks of the dirty changers, becoming a true half-step dirty changer, and is the person with the highest strength on paper except Uncle Da.

"Let's fight this battle well first and hold our own defense line. According to the intelligence feedback, we are facing the elite among the polluters. We must not be careless in this battle." Tang Ruyi's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"Why hasn't Old Xu come yet? It's so fussy. Such an important pre-war arrangement, but the person disappeared." Jiang Ye became even more annoyed.


At this moment, the alloy door of the conference room was pushed open, and Xu Jingzhe strode in. He was always the most calm, but his voice was trembling: "Jörmungandr has resurrected and announced a message. They have broken through the technical barriers and have initially mastered the first-level civilization!"

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