Chapter 461 I am back.

In the distance, the scene of water and sky meeting disappeared, replaced by huge icebergs, connected into one piece, like winding white dragons lying on the sea.

The scene was shocking.

Below the helicopter was a huge icebreaker, very large, at least a few thousand meters long, floating on the blue sea. The metal surface reflected the mysterious orchid and silver, and the light and shadow intertwined. It stood there quietly for a long time, waiting for the arrival of someone who could make the gears in its body turn.

Today, they came.

The helicopter landed slowly, the hatch opened, and Qin Shuang appeared first, wearing a black tights. Under the tights was the most advanced battle suit of the Qin family. Dozens of people had already stood on the alloy deck, with respectful expressions, and said in unison: "Miss Qin Shuang!"

Qin Shuang nodded, and Xu Jingzhe came down, holding the Tang sword that Tang Ruyi had temporarily borrowed.

The trip to the Arctic is full of dangers lurking under the ice, and a good weapon is needed.

After introducing one by one, everyone began to get familiar with each other, and Xu Jingzhe also understood the different positions of different people. Half an hour later, everyone dispersed, and the huge icebreaker like a castle made a long and deep humming sound. The long-quiet sea surface first rippled slightly, and then larger circles of ripples spread out, hitting the ice in the distance, making a crisp sound.

Qin Shuang called someone, took out her mobile phone, took Xu Jingzhe's hand, stood by the railing, and smiled brightly. She tilted her head slightly, got close to Xu Jingzhe, and gave a thumbs up.

Xu Jingzhe did not refuse, standing straight, holding the Tang sword in his right hand, and the picture of the two was frozen.

"Help me transfer a copy of this pre-departure photo to the Dark Night Legion." Xu Jingzhe looked at Qin Shuang and asked.

"If you don't say it, I will do it." Qin Shuang took the phone, clicked on the screen, and looked at it seriously.

"That's great." She thought to herself.

The sound of the ice cracking continued, just like the firecrackers set off in the countryside during the New Year. As the icebreaker went deeper, the blue sky disappeared and turned gray. Only the sea water under the ice broken by the icebreaker was blue. It was like coming to the depths of the sea.

Behind the icebreaker, there was a long snow-white jumping wave. In the waves, there were many deep-sea fish, jumping out of the sea from time to time, becoming a landscape.

Three days later, the icebreaker went deep into the sea, and all I saw was a vast expanse of white, as if I was in the ancient wilderness.

Cold, pale, and the sound of breaking became the theme of this world.

Qin Shuang often came to Xu Jingzhe in pajamas to drink and chat. He didn't talk about work or the past, but just chatted freely.

The distant sky was pale and blurry blue. Qin Shuang's long hair was loose, moving with the wind. Her silk pajamas were only buckled with a belt. Her slender waist was slender, her chest was white, and she held a goblet in her slender white jade hand. In the goblet, there was a high-proof old wine that made people easily make mistakes. In the weather of minus 30 degrees, it still exuded a strong aroma of wine, and in the damp and cold air, it was unwilling to dissipate for a long time.

She drank the strong wine in the glass, laughed foolishly, stuffed the glass into Xu Jingzhe's hand, and ran barefoot to the center of the deck.

"Want to see me dance? Right now, on the cold deck, on the endless sea." Qin Shuang asked in a delicate voice.

In this situation, if Xu Jingzhe refused, he would seem unromantic.

He nodded with a smile.

Qin Shuang's big eyes became small crescents. She stood on tiptoe, with a little bit of bright red on her toes, constantly changing, and blooming red flowers on the cold deck. She was elegant, strong and soft, and her dance was full of unspeakable wild beauty.

I don't know when, the buttons of Qin Shuang's pajamas at her waist had been scattered, and her thick black hair and pink silk pajamas became resonators.

Romantic, stunning.

Xu Jingzhe had clear eyes, leaning on the railing, quietly admiring. Although Qin Shuang opened her clothes at this moment, revealing her white and perfect naked body, Xu Jingzhe had no blasphemous heart in his heart, and was completely admiring, just like admiring a flower that was blooming once in a hundred years.

The flower was so beautiful and brilliant, must I pick her and put her in the bedroom for my own appreciation?


Such a beautiful flower belongs to nature, not to him.

The fragrance gradually approached, and entered the throat together with the strong aroma of wine. Xu Jingzhe put the wine glass aside, held Qin Shuang's soft and boneless hand, and put his other hand on her waist.

The world was silent, only a ray of starlight appeared quietly and fell on the two of them. The tiny sounds became the applause of the audience, and from the beginning of the dance, they became their accompaniment.

After the dance, Qin Shuang stepped on the instep of Xu Jingzhe, Yu Bi embraced his neck, raised his chin slightly, his lips were red, and he looked at Xu Jingzhe affectionately.

"Kiss me." She murmured, with infinite spring love in her eyes.

The charming ambiguity between the two was like a burning fierce flame. Xu Jingzhe was excited and slowly lowered his head.


Just when their lips were about to touch, a huge sound came from the right side of the icebreaker, and the hull trembled slightly and swayed from side to side. The sound was particularly loud in the relatively quiet night, like a thunderclap!

Qin Shuang's body, like water, instantly jumped straight, and her eyes instantly became sharp.

Like a dragonfly touching the water, she disappeared.

Xu Jingzhe was stunned. He didn't have time to feel the warmth disappearing from his lips. The next second, his body showed a fierce attack. The fairy walked drunkenly on her feet, with a ghostly figure. Within a few breaths, she had appeared in the corridor on the right.

Here, more than ten people have gathered. They are powerful, with the lowest strength being that of a 25-year-old polluter. The Qin family can already produce first-class elites.

They looked towards the sea as if facing a powerful enemy.

Xu Jingzhe also looked over, shocked in his heart. The nuclear war on Blue Star a hundred years ago polluted not only the land, but also the ocean, which was much larger than the land.

Not only that, humans have also detected a certain substance deep in the ocean. This substance will amplify nuclear radiation ten to a hundred times. The pollution of the ocean is more serious than that of the land.

There is a group of weird people floating on the sea. They look like the legendary missing sharks, with human bodies and heads, fish tails from the waist down, and holding gleaming iron forks in their hands.

The sharks are both male and female, with long hair and naked upper bodies.

The sea surface was boiling like hot water. The first one, a shark that was half a body taller than the average shark, had a serious look on his face. He opened his mouth and babbled a lot. He didn't know what he was talking about.

But it can be seen that their hostility is very strong.

Seeing that no one responded to him, the leading shark became even more angry. After shouting a few times, he raised the steel fork in his hand, flicked his fish tail, jumped high, and then disappeared like water droplets into the sea.

Immediately afterwards, everyone heard another loud noise, accompanied by slight shaking of the ship's hull.

"What a strength!"

"We can't let the shark destroy the hull like this, I'm going to deal with him!" Before Qin Feng could finish his words, he rushed straight into the sea like a cannonball.

No one could see the fight between the two under the sea, but they could feel the violent energy fluctuations and the huge waves on the sea surface. Qin Shuang came quickly with a cold face and wearing a tight-fitting combat uniform. When she saw the scene on the sea, she was also surprised. She approached Xu Jingzhe and said: "We have avoided the planned route of this trip that may produce mutant species." How could we meet the legendary shark in this area?”

"The sharks are powerful and the overlord of the sea."

"If we meet the legendary King Shark...I'm afraid we may not be his match."

Xu Jingzhe glanced at Qin Shuang meaningfully, then looked at the nine nervous people, approached her ear, and whispered softly: "Are you sure that everyone who comes is loyal to the Qin family?"

Qin Shuang was stunned: "Whenever this icebreaker appeared here, they boarded it. From the moment they boarded it, they never left it and were unable to communicate with the outside world."

The trip to the North Pole is the top priority of the Qin family, and the Qin family naturally covers it tightly.

"Then do you think there are more changes in the depths of the ocean, or is it more likely that there will be a traitor in your Qin family?" Xu Jingzhe took his time, fully letting go of his senses and feeling the energy fluctuations in this area.

Qin Shuang looked at him and remained silent.

Mutated species rarely migrate on a large scale, just like cities living on land. Will the Qin family leave Sioux City on a large scale for no reason?

What a coincidence! !


The strong shark rushed out of the water and pinched Qin Feng's neck with his right hand, like a dead dog. Suddenly, the sharks watching the show let out a loud roar.

Just as Qin Shuang was about to take action, Xu Jingzhe had already drawn out his Tang Dao. A cold light flashed in the cold air, and he hurriedly rushed towards the rear of the icebreaker: "Tell the driver's seat to move forward at full speed. I feel a strong aura coming from behind." Get closer, it’s probably King Shark who’s coming!”

Qin Shuang's face turned pale, and she didn't care about Qin Feng who was caught. She said to the remaining nine people: "Activate the highest alert!"



Under the sea, the huge engine propeller began to rotate slowly. After a few seconds, the speed suddenly increased, and the icebreaker rushed forward at an incredible speed, like a swordfish traveling at extremely high speeds.

A stream of light quickly approached the icebreaker that was traveling at high speed. A closer look revealed that it was actually Xu Jingzhe, but his posture was quite weird. Before he could think about it, he was traveling at high speed and hit the stern of the icebreaker hard, making a shocking sound. The icebreaker also trembled, but it did not affect its forward speed. The hull made of secondary alloy had a human-shaped depression, and Xu Jingzhe was trapped in it, with his chest rising and falling and the corners of his mouth bleeding.

He raised his broken arm, used Le Jue, and then wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: "Is this the Thirty Years of Defilement? It's terrifyingly strong!"

Xu Jingzhe let out a low roar and kicked the hull of the ship with both feet, like an arrow leaving a string. On the blue sea surface, a long white dragon stirred up, and the violent energy stirred up the boundless waves.

A knife was handed out!


The Tang knife struck the steel fork, sparks shining. A man with a naked, muscular upper body of bronze, a stern look on his face, his long hair braided into hundreds of braids, each braid tied with gold knots and beautiful shells.

Compared with Xu Jingzhe, his height is less than half of his body.

King Shark's arms shook, and he held up the steel fork and pushed forward. Xu Jingzhe's arms trembled faintly, his feet sank into the thick ice, and he kept retreating.

The golden pollution core in the body stirred, and the energy flowed into his arms. King Shark was slightly startled, the cold light in his deep eyes loomed, the steel fork emitted cold light, and Xu Jingzhe retreated faster.

King Shark started running, and the entire ice cracked.

After pushing Xu Jingzhe to run for thousands of meters, the King of Sharks suddenly stopped and kicked Xu Jingzhe in the chest!


Suddenly, Xu Jingzhe felt like he was hit by a huge hammer, and the whole person flew out. The shrill blood dyed the white ice red. After the warm blood melted a thin layer of ice, it quickly solidified into blood clots.

Struggling to stand up, Xu Jingzhe knew that he would be completely crushed if he did not use the ancient fighting skills.

He roared low and summoned the Burial God Yi. The golden shadow, shining brightly, was completely made of gold on the endless white ice.

"Hit!" Xu Jingzhe roared, and Yi shot out the twenty-meter-long red arrow in his hand. After shooting, he did not dare to stay and turned around and left. He could feel that the King of Sharks came for them!

Someone on land has contacted the creatures in the ocean!

Once the hit is out, there is no escape.

Even a thirty-year-old polluted person can't do it!

The ice layer was in great turmoil, cracking in pieces. The King of Sharks held up the steel fork in both hands and blocked the bloody arrows. His bronze arms were muscular and bulging. It was hard to imagine how much terrifying energy was contained in those arms.

Hundreds of whips and golden nuggets collided with each other, making crisp sounds. The King of Sharks gritted his teeth and kept backing away. Blood stained his bronze chest red. After smashing three huge icebergs in succession, he successfully blocked the arrow.


He raised the steel fork in his right hand and roared to the sky. With a roar, the ice layer within a radius of 100 miles was directly shattered. He looked in the direction of Xu Jingzhe and threw the steel fork in his hand.

The steel fork brought a long tail in the daytime, like a comet, making the daytime here brighter, and the piercing people couldn't open their eyes!

Xu Jingzhe was horrified and his back felt cold. He stopped on an iceberg and saw a bright light in the distance that was more dazzling than the sun. He was terrified!

The steel fork was not meant to kill him, but to destroy the icebreaker! !

Thinking of this, Xu Jingzhe's face was covered with cold sweat. He roared and burned his blood at the cost of his essence and rushed to the icebreaker regardless of everything!

In any case, he wanted to take Qin Shuang away! !

He coughed up blood in his mouth, and the amplitude of the contaminated nuclear vibration was almost broken. Xu Jingzhe was as fast as a stream of light, reaching the fastest speed in his life.

Even so, the steel fork covered by a ball of light still surpassed him. He could only watch the ball of light with a long tail and ride away!

There was nothing he could do!

At this moment, Xu Jingzhe deeply felt the gap between himself and the thirty-year-old polluted person. Even if the ancient fighting skills could hurt him, he could never kill him!


The flames shot up into the sky, and the black clouds shot up into the sky, like a black dragon with bared fangs and claws. The fire rushed up to the place that looked like a huge wave, and silver metal fragments flew with black clouds, blooming a grand and magnificent fireworks.


Xu Jingzhe's blood rushed to his head, his heart suddenly shrank, and he vomited a larger mouthful of blood.

When Xu Jingzhe rushed to the front, his eyes went black, and he almost fell into the deep sea. The huge icebreaker was broken into pieces, and countless fragments were floating on the sea, emitting black smoke.

And the huge upturned bow was sinking and was about to be swallowed by the sea. In half an hour, it would completely disappear and be buried forever under the deep sea.

Xu Jingzhe jumped into the deep sea desperately, looking for Qin Shuang's figure. In the sea, there was chaos, and countless bodies were landing, and strings of bubbles were floating and rising in front of him.

Xu Jingzhe swam to the stern, and then he saw a big hole in the stern. The steel fork shot by the shark king pierced an irregular big hole. Countless parts fluttered and rotated downward, downward...

Xu Jingzhe's heart also went down, down...

Before the icebreaker sank to the bottom of the sea, Xu Jingzhe floated out of the sea. The whole person seemed to have lost his soul. He sat on the edge of the ice, lowered his head, and his eyes were empty.


Just then, a wet head appeared on the sea, looking up, pale, looking at Xu Jingzhe pitifully: "Are you waiting for me?"

Xu Jingzhe was slightly stunned, reached his hands into the water, picked her up, and held her tightly. Qin Shuang's pale face flushed, coughed continuously, and said sadly: "The shark king is too scary, and the icebreaker can't resist it even with the strongest defense."

At this time, Xu Jingzhe reacted and separated Qin Shuang.

A huge wound slid from the slender neck to the left abdomen. Because of the extremely low temperature, the wound has scabbed.

"You!" Xu Jingzhe's throat choked.

"It's okay. Thanks to this battle suit, I'm lucky to be alive." Qin Shuang sighed softly, her beautiful eyes full of fear: "I now believe that there was a traitor in the Qin family during this trip to the Arctic. It's just that the battle suit has been damaged and I can't contact the Qin family."



Qin Shuang's delicate body trembled slightly, and she was pitiful everywhere in the ice and snow.

Suddenly, the two of them changed color at the same time and looked at a huge iceberg in the distance. On the iceberg, a mermaid sat down at some point and was wiping his shiny steel fork with ice.

A chill ran from the soles of his feet to the top of his head!

Without saying a word, Xu Jingzhe hugged Qin Shuang and dived into the deep sea. He knew that the deep sea was the kingdom of mermaids, but he had to enter the seabed first to avoid the sight of the mermaid king. Even if the mermaid king locked him in the sea water and threw his weapon, the resistance of the sea water could reduce some of the power.

The Mermaid King threw out his steel fork and chased after Xu Jingzhe!

At the critical moment, Xu Jingzhe, relying on his strong consciousness, dodged by brushing the sharp tip of the steel fork. Even so, his arm was pierced by the energy and fractured on the spot.

Xu Jingzhe let go of Qin Shuang and spat out a mouthful of blood. This mouthful of blood was different from the past. Almost half of it was golden. Most of the strong aura just now disappeared.

"Return to zero!" Xu Jingzhe had no choice but to injure himself by 1,000 and kill 800 enemies.

Under the deep sea, Xu Jingzhe heard a roar. It was obvious that the King of Sharks was injured and was once again injured by the ants in his eyes.

Xu Jingzhe hugged Qin Shuang and fled quickly.

A day later, the two rushed out of the sea, and Xu Jingzhe held a big fish in his left hand. After a simple cut, the two ate it raw to replenish their energy.

Just after eating, there was another terrifying energy behind them, and the ice rolled like waves. The icebergs in the distance were also collapsing and breaking.

The two looked at each other and fled quickly again.

In the evening, Xu Jingzhe was hit by the Shark King, and his bones were broken. He shot out Zero again, and Xu Jingzhe and Qin Shuang were able to escape from the Shark King.

However, Xu Jingzhe's injuries were getting worse and worse. Zero shot at someone stronger than himself, and the damage was almost irreversible. If it weren't for the fact that he got the Le Jue, which was equal to the She Jue, Xu Jingzhe would have been blown to pieces when he shot the second arrow.

However, for now, only Zero could stop the Shark King and make him afraid of him.

Two days later, Xu Jingzhe shot Zero again, and his body cracked.

Five days later, Zero shot out the arrow, and the crack in his body became bigger, and he became a bloody man. Qin Shuang hugged Xu Jingzhe and cried loudly, begging Xu Jingzhe to give up her and run away alone.

Xu Jingzhe ate the raw fish in big mouthfuls, the fish's blood blended with his blood, and he laughed miserably: "Silly woman, how can a man die behind a woman!"

Seven days later, the blood-red arrow broke through the layers of dark clouds, extremely shrill, and zeroed in and shot five arrows!

Qin Shuang heard Xu Jingzhe's heart beating like a drum, and the blood in his body rolled and broke through the blood vessels.

Ten days later, the sixth arrow was shot and zeroed in, Xu Jingzhe fell into Qin Shuang's arms, and the blood from his nose could not be stopped at all. Qin Shuang hugged Xu Jingzhe, tears streaming down his face, looking at the endless white, and fell into despair.


A big hole exploded beside the two of them, and the sea water was hundreds of meters high. The two hugged each other tightly and rolled into the sea water. Qin Shuang's back was bloody.

But she smiled, at least the two of them could die together in the deep sea.

The terrifying and boundless deep sea is the grave of the two.

At the most critical moment, Xu Jingzhe's golden contaminated core glowed. He stood on a bloody coral in the deep sea and shot the seventh arrow back to zero.

Take Qin Shuang away...

This time, they ran a full 180,000 miles!

The north wind was howling, and the cold was bone-chilling. On the vast ice field, two figures supporting each other limped, with a long trail of blood behind them.

The two shivered and could only barely keep their blood from being frozen by the cold, walking aimlessly.

I don't know when, heavy snow fell from the sky, and the footprints of the two were soon covered, leaving nothing, and nothing could be left in this world.

It was a month after Xu Jingzhe shot the seventh arrow back to zero, and the King of Sharks seemed to have disappeared and never appeared again. But both of them knew that he didn't, and he must be following behind them, looking for them.

Will give them the final blow!

Xu Jingzhe's eyes were dim, and he had lost a lot of weight. Catching marine life and eating it was no longer enough to replenish his energy. Only the Moon Soil Evolution Liquid could fill the gap in his body.

He knew that if the Shark King came, he could shoot the last arrow to zero, but after shooting this arrow, he would also be zero.

For no reason, Xu Jingzhe smiled, zero, zero, really zero.

The ice suddenly exploded, and the two people lost their balance and fell to the ground.

Not far away, a bronze-skinned man slid on the ice. His strong arms held a steel fork, and golden knots kept ringing between his hair.

The two sat down next to each other, looked at each other, held each other's hands tightly, and waited for death to come.

"Sister Qin Shuang." Xu Jingzhe whispered.

"Yeah." Qin Shuang snuggled up to Xu Jingzhe tightly.

"Don't hate me."



After saying this, Xu Jingzhe stood up, his whole body covered with a layer of light golden flames. He burned the golden contaminated core to fight for Qin Shuang's life.

He smashed the thick ice with a punch, and Qin Shuang fell into it. However, Qin Shuang's hands were clinging to the edge of the ice, unwilling to let go.

"You bastard, we agreed to die together!" Qin Shuang cried bloody tears.

Danger approached, Xu Jingzhe had no time to say more, and posed a bow posture.

The eighth arrow, zeroing, an arrow burning the golden contaminated core!

When he was about to shoot this arrow, Xu Jingzhe was stunned, his eyes widened, and he looked at the back of the King of Mermaids in disbelief. There... a huge super modern building appeared, reaching into the sky.

Around it, large and small light spots, like countless stars lingering, flashing various brilliances.

"A lost first-level cosmic civilization!!" Xu Jingzhe said absentmindedly.

At this moment, a very familiar voice sounded in his mind, and he burst into tears.

System: "Ding, I'm back."

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