Approaching the vicinity of Wujiafang City, Lu Xuanji and the two became more and more careful when they sensed some cultivators with bad intentions.

Loose cultivator, very poor.

Because of poverty, for loose cultivators, killing people and stealing treasures is a common occurrence.

Many scattered cultivators have rich combat experience, strong fighting ability, and extreme ferocity.

Without much hesitation, Lu Xuanji stepped forward to pay for two spiritual stones, received an iron card, and entered Wujiafang City.

Wujiafang City, sitting at the foot of Lingshan Mountain, has a secondary mid-level spiritual vein here, which can support ten foundation-building cultivators for cultivation.

After entering here, Lu Xuanji took a breath and felt a strong spiritual energy.

The concentration of aura is more than three times that of the outside world, but it is not comparable to Ziyang Mountain. Settling in Wujiafang City, absorbing the spiritual veins here, the cultivation speed will increase a lot. Estimated that, with the rich spiritual veins here, it would take him eight years to improve to one level.

Here, there are scattered cultivators scattered everywhere.

In Fang City, there are shops, restaurants, various trading venues, etc. There are monks here, there are low-level monks here, many monks are only practicing Qi, and some monks' family members are here. It seemed very lively.

In Fang City, fighting is prohibited.

People who are daring will not commit murder here.

Walking and walking, there is a large stone tablet on the left side of the square, which reads the rules of the market, about eighteen rules;

On the right is written the price (house price) of the cave here. The price of the cave is divided into three levels. The price of the first-level cave is ten spiritual stones per year, the price of the second-level cave is 20 per year, and the price of the third-level cave is 30 per year. Piece of Spirit Stone.

Below are some more ads and missions.

For example, if you rent a Lingtian near Fangshi, you will not only have a free third-level cave dwelling, but also pay ten spiritual stones every year. The third floor of Lingmi in the Lingtian is rented, and the seventh floor belongs to the monks;

For example, a certain alchemy master taught to refine medicine pills, and he would not ask for money;

For example, a master taught the refining of talismans for free, but he would not ask for money.

For example, recruiting outstanding alchemists, magicians, qi trainers, etc., will not only give thirty spirit stones a year's salary, but also various other subsidies, and will also give a beautiful maid.

For example, a team recruited members, went out to hunt monsters together, and gave a hundred spirit stones in advance as a guaranteed minimum salary.

There are various preferential policies on the above, and for monks, the conditions are almost excellent, not only food and housing, but also various preferential policies and so on.

A hundred years ago, when an ancestor of the Wu family implemented such a policy, many people were watching and laughing.

The Wu family is too busy to teach the scattered arts for free; they give the scattered cultivators a cave dwelling for free, and also give the scattered cultivators spiritual fields, they are stupid; before they go out to hunt monsters, they have to give a hundred spiritual stones as a guarantee. Leisurely.

A year later, those who read the Wu family's jokes were dumbfounded.

After the implementation of these policies, the flow of people in Wujiafang City is increasing;

At the bottom of the loose cultivator, with the guarantee of life, the output of Lingmi is increasing;

The bottom-level scattered cultivators have learned to concoct alchemy, implements, and make talismans. Although the level is very low, they have a skill. The number of spirit stones in their hands is increasing, and their purchasing power is increasing;

Every time the monks go out to hunt down monsters in a group, because there is a security deposit, the number of murders and treasures is less, and the security in the vicinity is improving;

In just one year, the income of Wujiafang City has increased by five floors.

Soon after, other markets followed suit one after another, and the benefits improved a lot.

"The ancestor of the Wu family is really amazing."

Lu Xuanji sighed in his heart.

In the past, the loose cultivators were opposed to the aristocratic families. Those comprehension families often squeezed the loose cultivators, and the loose cultivators often intercepted the family cultivators. The relationship between them was tense.

But the ancestor of the Wu family, after being kind to the loose cultivators, eased their relationship a bit.

As the relationship eased, there was more order.

In an orderly environment, it is also easier to make money,

As for the various preferential policies for loose cultivators, it seems that the loose cultivators benefit, but the Wu family benefits even more.

To pluck wool, one has to wait for the sheep to grow fat.

At that time, rubbing wool was more flavorful.


After a few glances at the stone tablet, he was just wandering around on the street.

The shops here are very prosperous, but the difference is that each shop only sells one medicine.

Walking into the store, Lu Xuanji asked and checked the medicinal pills. These medicinal pills were all low-level medicinal pills such as Jade Emperor Pill, Bigu Pill, Pimai Pill, Qi and Blood Pill, Huoxue Pill, etc., but they were all high-grade.

Lots of quantity and cheap price.

These medicinal herbs are all made from scattered cultivation.

Family cultivator alchemy mainly focuses on grade, improving the grade of medicinal pills. A high-grade medicinal medicinal pill can be sold for thousands or tens of thousands of spirit stones; Kesan medicinal pills focus on quantity and quality. Under the refining process, the pill-forming efficiency and Danyang grade of this medicinal pill have been improved to the extreme.

Even some high-level alchemists are ashamed of the quality of these low-grade medicinal pills made by scattered cultivation.

Lu Xuanji took action and bought Jade Emperor Pill, Qi and Blood Dang, Huoxue Pill, etc. A total of eight bottles were bought, each bottle was ten pieces, and the price was only five spirit stones.

Leave here and go to the cave to live.

The land here, as well as the spiritual fields, etc., belong to the Wu family, and cannot be bought or sold, but can only be rented.

Walking and walking, I came to a shop in the center of Fang City.

The shop here is not luxurious, but it is very atmospheric. There are four big characters on the door plaque, Wu's shop.

At the moment of entering the store, there was a woman in a white palace dress on the counter, who was calculating something on the counter, but it could be seen that the breath had already reached the seventh level.

"This fellow Daoist, do you have a vacant cave for rent?"

Lu Xuanji stepped forward and asked.

"Naturally there is." The woman in the palace dress said: "Wujiafang City has a lot of spiritual energy and has opened up many caves, but what level of caves do you want. If you want a spiritual field, you can rent a cave for free; Shiliao’s rent is paid once every ten years, and the spiritual field needs at least 100 acres of seeds, so the spiritual field cannot be left desolate.”

"The Dongfu will bring the spiritual field."

Lu Xuanji said.

"Fellow Daoist, you have already practiced Qi to the seventh level, so choose the second-level cave dwelling." The woman in the palace dress asked again, "Fellow Daoist, what profession do you have."

"I'm Lingzhi Husband."

Lu Xuanji said.

"Lingzhifu?" The woman in the palace dress flashed a stunned look, and asked curiously: "Lingzhifu is very difficult, it requires a cultivator to have two spiritual roots of civil engineering, to have a clear insight into the fertility of the soil, and to be familiar with the growth of Lingzhi. , Excellent Lingzhifu is rarer than alchemists and magicians."

"For example, the yield of Baiyang rice per mu is 200 catties, how many catties do you yield per mu?"

"My yield per mu is 230 said Lu Xuanji.

The yield per mu is 250 catties, and I say 230 catties just to avoid scaring people.

"Two hundred and thirty catties, it's amazing."

The woman in the palace attire flashed a hint of astonishment and said, "Next, you will plant 300 acres of spiritual fields. Maybe you can take good care of them? If you don't take good care of them, you will be punished. Regarding the output of spiritual rice, there will be a special foundation-building cultivator to check. If the output does not meet the standard, it will be punished; but if the output reaches the standard, or even exceeds a certain standard, it will be rewarded.”

People take food as their heaven.

Agriculture, which is mainly based on spiritual fields, is the most important industry of the Cultivation Family.

The following alchemy, utensil refining, talisman, formation, etc., are all extended from the spiritual field. Without the increase in the production of spiritual rice and spiritual medicine in the spiritual field, these industries cannot expand and grow.

"This is the title deed, you can keep it."

The woman in the palace dress directly opened the title deed, which showed the location, area, and furnishings of the cave house, as well as the number of spiritual fields, which were 300 acres, in duplicate, one for the Wu family, and one for the guests. If there is a dispute, it depends on whether the title deed is right or wrong.

After taking the title deed, Lu Xuanji looked at it carefully. The duration of the title deed is ten years, and there are various rules and regulations in it.

Directly above, sign your name, Lu Xuanji.

In the other corner, there is the name of a woman in palace dress, Wu Yueqin.

Looking at the name on the contract, the woman in the palace dress frowned slightly. Could it be that this person is from the Lu family.

He just hesitated for a moment and didn't ask anything.

Do more and say less, this is the duty of a human being.

And how many people have caused trouble because of their talkativeness.

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