The old ancestor Zhang Changsheng looked at Shen Mubai in front of him, and nodded with appreciation in his heart, "Naturally, it will be arranged by you, little girl, and my old man has no opinion."

Shen Mubai and Qin Yin looked at each other, with a slight smile, they left the tiger skull with interest.

Shen Mubai and Qin Yin are so clever, they naturally know something. Dragon Turtel was a little impatient to report to the patriarch Zhang Changsheng early.

Naturally, they will not bother here boringly, and they can also inform others about the next itinerary.


After Dragon Turtel saw Shen Mubai and Qin Yin leave, the huge dragon head said with some triumphant smiles, "Master, this time I have found a treasure that fits our Wudang Mountain very well, and it's still a martial arts sect. Must have something."

"This time I have helped our school so much. If you always meet my suitable treasure, you should consider me first?"

Dragon Turtel has never made any losses. Naturally, I have obtained these all the way, and it will not help me at all.

But it is useless to oneself, does not mean it is useless to Wudang Mountain disciples.

And at this time, when you show your own loyalty, the ancestors will naturally think about themselves if there are any benefits.

Zhang Changsheng's face was faint and said, "Little turtle, you don't have any qualifications to bargain with the old man. You are my spirit beast. Naturally, everything you get is mine."

"And you too underestimated the power and ability of this master-servant contract. Naturally, I know what you have gained in my heart."

Although Zhang Changsheng was very satisfied with Dragon Turtel's performance, it did save him a lot of trouble.

It's just that when the current Dragon Turtel is not enough to help him, at least he has to reach the fifth rank of the beast, Realm, which is almost the same.

Dragon Turtel was said by Zhang Changsheng so naturally, he was also very interested.

Suddenly being ridiculed by others, Dragon Turtel suddenly felt a bit of its humbleness.

But there is no way, there is no way to do this, but at least Dragon Turtel is still very good at observing words and expressions.

The current ancestor Zhang Changsheng said so, and he was still very satisfied with its performance.

Dragon Turtel, as an ordinary guy in the outer starry sky of Cultivation Base, is an old fritters that can't hold others.

Naturally, there was also a sense of crisis, especially when the old patriarch passively accepted the spirit beast dragon carp that came to the door automatically, it has already explained everything.

Dragon Turtel thought for a while, and carefully took the most precious thing he got this time, but the strange treasure that was common in the outer starry sky was vomited out of own's belly.

The azure blue aura water blue beads exude the comfortable Spiritual Qi fluctuations all the time.

If someone observes this aura water blue bead carefully, they will find that there is water flowing in this orb.

Zhang Changsheng looked at the aura blue beads presented to him by Dragon Turtel, with a touch of strange color in his eyes.

As the Practitioner of the original ancestor, his natural vision and the understanding of treasures are still not enough.

Dragon Turtel is also very considerate and introduced, "Master, this orb is called Lingyun Water Blue Pearl. It is actually a very ordinary orb, but it is only like this in the outer starry sky."

"But here, this aura water blue bead is also a rare treasure. Its effect is to change the water quality of a small martial art, and it will also affect the Spiritual Qi situation in the surrounding 30 kilometers."

"In general, the function of this gemstone is to produce a large amount of stream water containing Spiritual Qi, and it is also a treasure that slowly but very long effects change the physical condition of the disciples of the martial art."

Dragon Turtel also explained to Zhang Changsheng the usefulness of this gem for the first time.

Moreover, Dragon Turtel is worthy of being a mythological species with a lot of research on various treasures.

Basically, it also summarized all the abilities of this Lingyun Water Blue Bead.

Zhang Changsheng took the aura water blue bead presented to him by Dragon Turtel, the moment he touched the aura water blue bead in his palm.

Sisi coolness, with an inexplicable coolness, instantly transmitted to Zhang Changsheng's mind.

For this treasure, although Zhang Changsheng cannot use it himself, it is still a useful treasure.

At least it can slowly but steadily improve the water quality of Wudang Mountain and the physical fitness of the disciples for a long time.

This point, actually speaking, is more useful than some other secret treasures, even more precious than Lingyun Water Blue Beads.

Zhang Changsheng was slightly satisfied with his face, "You did a good job of Dragon Turtel this time. I have a few other goodies here. After we go out, I will return to Wudang Mountain and let you appreciate it slowly."

Zhang Changsheng doesn't like being too public. After all, the secret treasure obtained by Dragon Turtel is something everyone knows.

And he, after all, is too mysterious to take out easily, and whether it is the blood-colored Lotus flower or the four-color Calabash vine, it is already regarded as the kind of strange flowers and weeds.

This is very rare, at least in Zhang Changsheng's cognition, he has seen it for the first time, and he has not even heard of it before.

Dragon Turtel was said by the ancestor Zhang Changsheng, and he shook its huge dragon head with a hint of happiness in his heart.


Zhang Zhiwei looked at the three sect leaders in front of him, with a hint of humor at the corner of his mouth, and said, ". ‖ Qingwei, you guy is not like your style, how about it? Have you encountered any secret treasures along the way."

"You three guys are together, you should have gained a lot along the way."

In fact, Zhang Zhiwei already knows what kind of situation they are in first, but who told him to have a big mouth and hurt, he naturally said this on purpose at this time.


Naturally, the head of Shushan Qingwei, the leader of Qingwei, coldly snorted (Zhao), "Zhang Zhiwei, you guy has always suffered a lot of mouth damage. What's wrong with seeing us like this this time, but still teasing us? "

"Fortunately, you are not with us this time, otherwise I will die hard, and I will have to send you into the mouth of that horrible upgraded centipede."

Now when Chief Qing Wei mentioned that horrible upgraded centipede, he was also frightened in his heart.

It was also his closest moment to Death. If it hadn't been for the tortoise, I'm afraid that the centipede would have digested all his dead bones.

Seeing what Qing Wei said, Zhang Zhiwei also shook his head, and said in a good mood, "Hey, who told me to be lucky, you won't be envious of this, Qing Wei."


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