And everyone followed the old patriarch Zhang Changsheng, explorers in the core area of ​​this Mount Tai secret realm.

From time to time, there are silver-colored bones lying on the ground, and there are also many black bones that resemble monster torso and not humanoid creatures.

Obviously there was a big battle here before unknown years.

As a result, I don't know what circumstances have led to the creation of this small piece of space debris that is isolated in the world and exists independently.

In fact, according to Zhang Changsheng's inner guess, this world is not just a piece of secret realm in Mount Tai.

Moreover, the space fragment of Mount Tai secret realm is still relatively small. After all, according to the size of the space, it is really not too big.

Shen Mubai's mood at the moment is not so good, especially she and Qin Yin are ordinary people, the breath here is too muddy and disgusting, naturally it is uncomfortable to death.

If it weren't for Dragon Turtel's intention, it would use its own energy to envelop Shen Mubai and Qin Yin.

I am afraid that after entering the core of this weird Mount Tai secret realm, both of them may be directly lost by this weird aura.

Qin Yin looked at the silver bones and the weird black bones from time to time and frowned, "Sister Shen, what kind of existence do you think this Mount Tai secret realm core is, and why are there so many scary corpses? skeleton."

"Moreover, all the artifacts on their bodies have disappeared, as if the time in this space has corroded the Magical Item no matter how powerful it is."

Obviously, what Qin Yin said was not only heard by Shen Mubai alone, but the other heads also felt extremely sorry after hearing this.

After all, the owner of this terrifying silver skeleton also had many powerful Magical Items or treasures during his lifetime.

It's a pity that everything looks too pale in front of time.

A strange color flashed in Shen Mubai's eyes and said helplessly, "The situation here may not be as simple as we imagined, maybe there may be a Sect existence here before 々〃!"

Shen Mubai's voice fell, and everyone stopped for a while, and even the leader Zhang Changsheng also stopped, twisting and looking at Shen Mubai in front of him.

Shen Mubai saw that everyone was looking at him, including Zhang Changsheng, his beloved ancestor, and immediately said with embarrassment on his face, "The little girl is just a guess of the owner. If you feel that it is wrong, don't take it to heart. "

"What I'm talking about is just looking at our entry into this Mount Tai secret realm to the present, especially the appearance of these silver bones, as well as those weird black bones."

It is difficult for Shen Mubai to explain why he said this, but in general, he seemed to agree with him that the existence of this Mount Tai secret realm was about to be revealed.

Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei walked to Dragon Turtel and looked at Shen Mubai on the back of the turtle. "Shen girl, if you have any direction, just tell us. The core of this Mount Tai secret realm has been explored by us for two-thirds. I haven’t found any useful information."

"Naturally even if you are right, it doesn't matter, at least it gives us a direction."

Zhang Zhiwei will not think that a person who asks a question or answer will be inferior to a person who cannot ask a question or answer.

Sometimes it is better to make a mistake than not to do it. Perhaps what Shen Mubai said is the essence of this Mount Tai secret realm!

Shen Mubai looked at Zhang Changsheng, his ancestor, and after receiving his indication, he paused slightly and said, "Mount Tai secret realm space. Maybe we didn't think that maybe there was a big battle here, but why it caused the big battle." We can find the silver bones and black bones left over from these early deaths."

"Perhaps the existence of two opposites has caused an unprecedented war in this area that is enough to destroy the world, and this is not the main battlefield! The core of Mount Tai secret realm here is most likely just a war that was affected at that time. In a small corner."

"And that battle was the collapse of the world space, and it was also the root cause of the secret realm!"

Shen Mubai's remarks instantly brought everyone present there.

As the head of Shushan who held different opinions, Qing Wei Dao Chang shook his head and said, "So Shen girl, according to your opinion, our planet may not be what it is at the beginning, or in ancient times, Practitioner was better than we thought. It needs to be developed."

"That is to say from the side it is necessary to prove that the mythical story may not only be as simple as the story?"

To be honest, Qing Wei Daoist now owns Sanguan has been said by Shen Mubai, which is a bit confused.

The things in the myth are naturally illusory, but why have they spread for so long?

Just like the parrots that speak human words in modern society, if the parrot wanted to be extinct early.

If the ancients kept records, there were strange birds in ancient times, dressed in colorful colors, they would speak...

So do you think this kind of creature really exists?

Human beings just believe in what they can see, or what has a physical basis.

But now, as the director of the capital's official Super S-Class Institute, Shen Mubai seems to start by himself, slowly lifting the veil of antiquity.

And the starting point is this Mount Tai secret realm space!

Shen Mubai heard what Qing Wei Daochang said and nodded slightly and said, ". ‖I can’t prove anything yet, but I feel that more understanding and exploration of ancient secrets is of great significance to the development of our capital’s government and the various ancient martial sects. the benefits of."

"This little girl is just a truth that ordinary people know. (Li's) should know better than me what I mean by the heads of ancient martial arts."

Shen Mubai's exploration of entering this Mount Tai secret realm is undoubtedly the most rewarding.

After all, what she got was the secret about ancient times. She had already mastered a key. As for how she opened it, she opened up the magnificent side.

Then this will have to be revealed by a real Spiritual Recovery outbreak.

Shu Shan Qingwei was speechless for a long time by Shen Mubai's rebuttal, perhaps his thoughts were really rigid.

Sometimes the angle at which young people stand is really not what old people like them can compare.

Because of the astonishing understanding that Shen Mubai had said, everyone who was still quiet couldn't help but think about it.

Of course, it is also considering how accurate what Shen Mubai said.


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