Zhang Changsheng looked at the white chess that was already desperate, and his eyes thoughtfully said, "This white chess is not completely dead. The key is to see how you choose. I don't know if you can give me two days. I will put it here. Will it answer it?"

Zhang Changsheng, who has great wisdom, nodded slightly when he saw the mysterious lady, he knew it in his heart.

During the first day, Zhang Changsheng didn't say a word with the mysterious woman opposite, but just sat quietly like this.

As for the mystery of this game of chess, Zhang Changsheng also knew for a while that in the world of Go, there is indeed a sky outside the world, and there are such big hands, which is really incredible.

According to the old saying, a chess player who can make such a remnant move is probably as capable as a chess master.

The breeze slowly blows by, bringing up a burst of peach blossoms and petals, but this can't affect the vast world that has fallen into the game of Go.

And this mysterious woman didn't have any urgency, just a pale face holding a white chess, quietly waiting for the answer Zhang Changsheng could tell her.

And this mysterious woman had a hunch, as long as the only man in front of her who had ascended to the fiftieth floor of the Death Tower unlocked the game of Go.

Then she can also restore her memory and know the origin of own, and this thing is what she has been looking forward to and longing for for so many years.


A little bit of time has passed, and it has been a day and a half since the death tower outside, the ancestor Zhang Changsheng entered the death tower.

However, the Death Tower had experienced several major shocks, and the wanton things that caused the horror atmosphere had not happened for a day.

The ancestor Zhang Changsheng has not left the Death Tower, indicating that something has trapped him.

Dragon Turtel was anxious, after all, it took only half a day to break through the 30 levels of the Tower of Death.

And its owner Zhang Changsheng has entered the Death Tower for a day and a half, which has exceeded its expectations.

Moreover, the Tower of Death hadn't changed for a long time, and Dragon Turtel couldn't worry about it at this moment.

The other people outside the Tower of Death also did not experience any changes in the Tower of Death for more than a day.

Naturally, everyone gathered on the side of the Death Tower again.

Qing Wei Dao Chang's face was relaxed, but he was also worried. "This time I am afraid that the Patriarch may not necessarily clear the Death Tower, but it is also a disguised explanation. The top level of the Death Tower has a big horror, even the old Patriarch Zhang Changsheng is not easy to solve the existence々〃."

"Brother Feng Si, I am afraid that I will win the bet between you and me, but it is too much to win this way. I really hope that the old ancestor will clear the Tower of Death."

Dao Qing Wei is also the head of the Guwu Decent School. Naturally, he also has his own selfishness for such things, but some of them also hope that Zhang Changsheng can clear the Death Tower.

After all, everyone has their own selfishness, but what kind of choice he can make in the face of big right and wrong depends entirely on his truest side.

Feng Siyang, who was holding the long sword in his arms, didn't say much, but quietly looked at the Tower of Death.

Shen Mubai was worried, and there were red bloodshot eyes in his beautiful eyes. It was obvious that his mental state was already very bad.

And Qin Yin on the side was not much better, but his physique was better than Shen Mubai.

As ordinary people, Shen Mubai and Qin Yin have not slept for two days and nights.

The two of them didn't say that they didn't want to sleep, but they couldn't sleep at all.

The biggest reason is that the old patriarch Zhang Changsheng has entered the Death Tower for a day and a half, and has not yet come out, which is enough to make people feel nervous.


One day and twenty-three hours have passed since the time agreed with this mysterious woman.

It is also entirely because the old ancestor Zhang Changsheng has strong flesh and blood, and it is not a problem to stay awake for several months.

And the chessboard on this desktop still hasn't changed anything, and Zhang Changsheng didn't say a word too late.

This extremely patient side was enough to surprise the mysterious woman.

After all, don't talk about the man in front of him, and after he became conscious, he was very violent and couldn't calm down at the beginning.

And this man was beyond the mysterious woman's expectation. Under such pressure, and such patience, it was already very scary.

As time passed, Zhang Changsheng grinned slightly at the corner of his mouth, and then stood up without the mysterious woman on the opposite side daring to believe it.

And Zhang Changsheng, the ancestor who walked to the mysterious woman's side, didn't say much, but steadily grasped the mysterious woman's jade hand holding a white child.

Zhang Changsheng randomly abandoned a part of the living pieces of the white chess piece, and once again grabbed the mysterious woman's right hand and dropped the white piece on the chessboard.


Accompanied by the sound of the chess piece falling onto the chessboard, the mysterious woman's cold beautiful eyes looked shocked, and she couldn't believe what she saw in front of her.

The silver-haired man in front of him instantly gained a glimmer of life in the white chess situation that was already considered a mortal.

The mysterious woman was shocked and puzzled and said, "I don't know how you came up with it, why can you think of abandoning part of the white chess, so as to retain the last glimmer of hope, I am far less powerful than you!"

This is the mysterious woman's heartfelt admiration and appreciation for a person with an incomparably powerful mind.

Zhang Changsheng put down a cold jade hand of the mysterious woman, and said plainly, "Go, which contains the truth of heaven and earth, is originally the journey of people exploring the avenue. Naturally, in order to gain that little opportunity, sometimes Let it go, just to get it."

"I have never let go of it, but I only temporarily abandon a part of it, so that I can gain vitality. I am afraid that the players in this incomplete chess game want to tell you that not having memories is not a matter of cherishing the past. The Tao is of great help."

At this time Zhang Changsheng had a vague guess as to who the woman in front of him was, but it was his own guess.

However, exactly how this woman made her choice, must have been all clear the moment Zhang Changsheng helped her solve the chess game.


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