Located on the periphery of Death Tower, Dragon Turtel and the others are really impatient.

This is the third day that Patriarch Zhang Changsheng has entered the Tower of Death. In the past three days, many people have no hope of whether the Patriarch can complete the Tower of Death this time.

The only hope is that Patriarch and his elders can come out without incident.

And not because of the death tower's clearance, the old ancestor was really tossed and injured, which many people in the room would not want to see.

At this moment, Shen Mubai and Qin Yin fell asleep early, and Dragon Turtel in order to protect these two very important to the old patriarch, its owner Zhang Changsheng.

Shen Mubai and Qin Yin were allowed to sleep on its turtle back. In fact, Dragon Turtel really admired these two little girls.

After all, Shen Mubai and Qin Yin are just two little girls who didn't even open their own secret hiding places, waiting for the ancestor Zhang Changsheng to come out.

I am also mainly worried about the safety of the old patriarch. I have not rested and closed my eyes, and have not rested for three consecutive days and three nights. These are the two little girls who are not afraid of sudden death by Dragon Turtel.

Otherwise, Long 19 Turtle is really worried, I am afraid that they are going through the meeting, these two little girls will not be killed by any unknown danger, I am afraid they will be killed by themselves.

But now Dragon Turtel can only wait outside the Death Tower. After all, if it can still enter the Death Tower, it will definitely enter it and find Zhang Changsheng.

Unfortunately, after entering the Tower of Death within a month, I can no longer enter it.

This is not just to avoid some cultivation.


Master Emei Tai Tianjue's beautiful face was worried, and he stared at the Death Tower.

She really hoped that Patriarch his elders would come out as soon as possible. She didn't want Patriarch to do anything.

After all, Zhang Changsheng's kindness to her has not yet been repaid. If something really happened at this time, it would be really hard to say.

And the head of Huashan on the side is also urgent to raise his face. For the strength of Wudang Patriarch, he very much recognizes and respects.

It's just that three days have passed. Why is this Death Tower really so difficult?

Even if it is this powerful person who can be said to be the best of the ancient Wu lineage, will he smash his head in this Death Tower?

And lying on the ground, after three days of cultivation, a lot of pure and subtle leaders have been well, basically as long as they don't use energy at will, they are no different from normal people.

He raised his head and squinted his shrewd eyes and looked into the distance. It was also difficult for him to say how this matter ended.

Although he felt that this bet with the head of Huashan, he might really have to win the bet.

But they are not happy at all. After all, this Death Tower is about their chance to leave, otherwise it would be very difficult for them to find other places to leave.

Zhang Zhiwei leaned under a dead tree and looked at the Tower of Death with a worried expression on his face.


At the fifty-fifth level of the Death Tower, in the corner of Taolin, Zhang Changsheng has been guarding the white-blue cocoon that wraps the moon for a day.

The cocoon finally began to separate from the silky material outside and fell to the ground.

When Zhang Changsheng saw the strangeness of the cocoon in front of him, he naturally knew that this Mingyue was finally about to succeed, and he would soon reappear in the world as a second life.


Accompanied by the cracking sound of the blue and white cocoon, a pink child-like little arm broke through a hole on the side of the cocoon and stretched out.

When Zhang Changsheng saw this scene, he also felt that he knew it was Mingyue who had succeeded.

And as the blue and white cocoons all burst open, a cute five- or six-year-old girl who looked like a porcelain doll wore not very long black black hair to reveal the world.

And just now, the majestic, half-strength Martial Saint Realm's Mingyue disappeared, only to make Nirvana live a second life.

The little girl in front of Zhang Changsheng was the second life of Mingyue.


The blue and white cocoon silk that fell off the side of the five or six-year-old girl was actually wrapped in blue light, and mysteriously melted and attached to the body of the little girl in the second life of Mingyue.

At this moment, Mingyue, who was wearing a blue and white long dress, looked at Zhang Changsheng in front of her with milky voice and respectfully said, "My name is Mingyue, and I hope you will accept me as a disciple!"

In this situation, Zhang Changsheng naturally did not hesitate, and he nodded and said, "You will call me Master in the future, and you are also the eleventh disciple of my Zhang Changsheng. Although there are not many at present, your name is still called Mingyue."

"You have a destiny with me in Wudang Mountain, and I also hope you can go further in Martial Dao."

And after Zhang Changsheng finished talking, the little girl Mingyue hurriedly bowed down to Zhang Changsheng and performed her teacher's salute.

At the moment when Mingyue got up, Zhang Changsheng's first five-star system mission was finally completed!

【Longevity System Attribute Edition

Zhang Changsheng: 100 years old

Cultivation Technique: Taijiquan (ninth layer) Cultivation Technique is complete, and the current level of upgraded mythology is zero percent.

Tai Chi Sword (ninth floor) Cultivation Technique is complete, and the current level of upgraded mythology is zero%.

The Sun Scripture (first layer) (evolved from the Nine Sun Divine Art, belongs to the Emperor Cultivation Technique)

Application of Jiuyin Scripture (eighth layer)

Vajra is not bad magical skills (seventh layer), special enhancement of flesh and blood Cultivation Technique, more than seven layers, each cultivation layer increases 50 years of life

Life level: Martial Ancestor Realm third-level level

Remaining lifespan: 730 years of life

Current long-term task: For every disciple who has a talent exceeding the elite level, he will get ten lifespan points.

Time-limited four-star mission: clear the dead tower of the ancient Sect, a total of 50 floors

Quest rewards: get a 50% chance to deify the Cultivation Technique level once, and two chances to get the first level of any Ascension Cultivation Technique!

Completed the time-limited five-star mission: half-step to conquer the Blue Bird Sect Sect Leader Martial Saint Realm as a disciple

Obtained quest rewards: get two 50% chances of deified Cultivation Technique level, and three chances to get any Cultivation Technique level of Ascension!

Root Qualification: Elite genius level (respectively ordinary, elite, genius, elite genius, peerless genius, and the highest level currently)

Comprehension: the ultimate level

Remaining life point: 30 points

Remaining merit points: 120 points (can be exchanged for life yuan points at a ratio of one to fifty. You cherish the energy points, please use them carefully.)

Obtain the formation of Taijizhen god map that can be learned! Obtain a 50% chance of Cultivation Technique once, and one chance of any Cultivation Technique in Ascension. 】


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