Zhang Changsheng said that he has comprehended the 100-year Tao and Yin & Yang's understanding.

And the sound like the initial bell in that heart disappeared with haha ​​laughter.

In almost an instant, Zhang Changsheng, the ancestor at this moment, was absorbing the power of the lunar sun crazily.

The huge black and white energy ball that was close to five kilometers in size has dissipated between the sky and the earth.

At this time, Zhang Changsheng's body inadvertently exuded the horror atmosphere and coerced the entire Wudang Mountain range for nearly a hundred kilometers.

In the instant of kung fu, except for the people who were already asleep, both people and other animals knelt and bowed tremblingly on the ground.

Because Zhang Changsheng finally understood the Yin & Yang Tao perfectly at this moment, his own Cultivation Base Realm has entered the Martial Ancestor Realm!

This situation was something Zhang Changsheng never expected. After all, before he understood the perfect Yin & Yang way, his Cultivation Base was only at the third-level of Martial Ancestor Realm.

And just because of this understanding of the perfect Yin & Yang Tao, he actually jumped directly into seven small Realms, thus achieving the Martial Ancestor Consummation Realm!

Just give him a little more time, and his Cultivation Base will leap again and become the Realm of Martial Venerate!

After Zhang Changsheng restrained his own breath and wanton, after all, the Wudang Mountains restored peace again.

Suspended in the air, Zhang Changsheng once again received the new task of his own longevity system attribute version.

【Longevity System Attribute Edition

Zhang Changsheng: 100 years old

Cultivation Technique: Taijiquan (ninth layer) Cultivation Technique is complete, and the current level of upgraded mythology is zero percent.

Tai Chi Sword (ninth floor) Cultivation Technique is complete, and the current level of upgraded mythology is zero%.

The Sun Scripture (first layer) (evolved from the Nine Sun Divine Art, belongs to the Emperor Cultivation Technique)

Taiyin Scriptures (first layer) (evolved and evolved from the application of the Jiuyin Scriptures, belonging to the Emperor Cultivation Technique)

Vajra is not bad magical skills (seventh layer), special enhancement of flesh and blood Cultivation Technique, more than seven layers, each cultivation layer increases 50 years of life

Life level: Martial Ancestor Realm ninth-level

Remaining lifespan: 730 years of life

Current long-term task: For every disciple who has a talent exceeding the elite level, he will get ten lifespan points.

Root Qualification: Elite genius level (respectively ordinary, elite, genius, elite genius, peerless genius, and the highest level currently)

Comprehension: the ultimate level

Current long-term mission: Now for every Realm disciple cultivated with a Martial Master or higher, 30 life points can be obtained.

Four-star task: install trial Death Tower is located in Wudang Mountain, install Sect Spiritual Qi first-level gathering device.

Task reward: Obtain a book of refining skills (heavy treasure)

Remaining life points: two hundred and thirty points

Remaining merit points: 120 points (can be exchanged for life yuan points at a ratio of one to fifty. You cherish the energy points, please use them carefully.)

Obtain the formation of Taijizhen god map that can be learned! Obtain the 50% chance of Cultivation Technique for two times, get the first level of any Ascension Cultivation Technique for five times, and get a Sect Spiritual Qi first-level gathering device. 】

Zhang Changsheng half-squinted his breathtaking eyes, thinking about the reward for this mission.

Refining tools need skills? And the label is still a heavy treasure, indicating that the reward this time is also very good.

And what the old ancestor he lacks now is such a thing, after all, he has obtained too many broken Magical Item fragments from the Mount Tai secret realm.

In this way, if you can use this refining technique, relying on your own powerful comprehension and refining talent, you can also refine a useful Magical Item.

Although for Zhang Changsheng himself, the need for Magical Item is not that important at all.

The only thing that, since these centuries, is the only weapon he can see, or call it a friend, the only broken sword that is still hanging on the wall of the cabin.

Nothing else, there is also a Lei Ling jade pendant that was wasted for storing things.

In fact, the attack power or ability of the Lei Ling jade pendant is also very powerful, but it is still not used for Zhang Changsheng, even if the Lei Ling jade pendant is truly a Spirit Lord-level Magical Item built with the power of thunder.

For the ancestor, it is just a small object with storage space. Others are embarrassing and don't need to be.

Zhang Changsheng turned into a black and white escape, and flew back to the cabin very quickly, looking at the shocked Dragon Turtel and others in front of him.

Dragon Turtel suppressed the shock and excitement in his heart, and hurriedly said, "Thank you, Master Master, your old man for your gift. This time I have already got the way to the next realm. Congratulations on your old and successful comprehension. The Tao of Perfect Yin & Yang々〃!"

Dragon Turtel is not a fool about the fact that the patriarch Zhang Changsheng once again deified and possessed an emperor scripture, it will definitely not talk nonsense.

In particular, this emperor has always caused great trouble, so the less natural people know, the better.

Moreover, although the Cultivation Base of the old ancestor can be described as horror, it is said that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky. Naturally, when the old ancestor Zhang Changsheng failed to enter the semi-Martial Saint Realm.

Even if Dragon Turtel is killed, it will not reveal any secrets about the ancestor Zhang Changsheng.

This is not only its loyalty to Zhang Changsheng, but also its own life and great future in Zhang Changsheng's hands.

Naturally, Dragon Turtel can still distinguish the gains and losses of benefits.

And after congratulating Dragon Turtel, Wang Ye and that Xiao Mingyue also said to the ancestors.

Wang Ye showed his face and solemnly took out a pamphlet from his arms and said, "Old Patriarch, this is the information I have collected on the qualifications and current situation of all our disciples in Wudang (Nuo Zhao) Mountain. If you have any orders, just order me directly."

"In addition, I have already introduced and met Wudang disciples and Xiao Shishu according to your old requirements."

Undoubtedly, Wang Ye's work efficiency is also very serious, and Zhang Changsheng does not like to accept people.

Natural Wang Ye also remembered it long ago, and immediately placed the blue-edged pamphlet in his hand on Dragon Turtel's extremely hard turtle back.

At this time, Zhang Changsheng stepped forward and picked up the brochure on the back of the Dragon Turtel.

Zhang Changsheng said silently, looked at one side carefully, and nodded slightly in praise, "This time I have done a good job with you, Xiao Wangye, you are starting to be similar to your master, and even the results of many things are processed and done. You are better than your master in terms of flexibility."


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