Belonging to the territory of the Vatican, which is in the West and also has countless beliefs in human beings, the heads of the knights, Mousse and Hughes, are also kneeling nervously.

"The two of you, as the heads of the Knights of the Holy See, have not only failed to complete the tasks I have given you, but also caused my apprentice Holy Maiden Leija to be humiliated by doing an ancient martial arts school in the East for two years. Servant?"

Above the temple, on a throne made entirely of gold, a young woman with a golden veil holding a golden staff wore a golden crown, although she did not show her face.

But this tone is naturally very angry.

Hughes, the head of the Knights of the Holy See, with a trace of guilt on his face, said, "Sorry, the Pope, this is the fault of both me and Mousse, but the strength of Zhang Changsheng, the ancestor of Wudang Mountain in the Eastern Continent, is indeed beyond imagination. "

"We must know that the strength of our Highness Holy Maiden is at the Martial Emperor level. In our Western Continent, no one can be an opponent of His Highness Holy Maiden except for His Majesty the Pope."

19 Hughes is also a little scared now, after all, they brought a large number of elite knights this time, as well as Holy Maiden's second combat power, Holy Maiden, and Leilia did not complete the mission of the Pope.

"This is not an excuse. You two should go to the confinement room and be punished for one year. The rest of the matter should be handled by me. Don't bother to think about the following things."

The current Queen of the Holy See, Kang Na, also has anger in her heart, but she still feels more distressed for her apprentice.

After all, this is the apprentice she is most proud of, but now she has been caught as an attendant by the ancient Wu lineage of the East, which she absolutely can't bear.

Empress Conna has been waiting for her own apprentice Lelia's phone call, but more than half a month has passed, and Leylia has not heard her call.

The Queen of Nature, Kang Na, is also unable to do so. Why does she only have this apprentice to her heart?

A pair of slender hands took out a mobile phone from the void.

"Ding Ding..."

Accompanied by the sound of the call.

Holy Maiden, the Holy See in the Eastern Continent, Leilia was also shocked when he saw the call on his mobile phone.

Who could have imagined that when she was about to fall asleep this night, Master Own, the Queen of the Holy See, actually called.

In the spirit of being scolded earlier than being scolded later, Leilia also answered the phone after a few seconds of pause.

"Lei Liya, is it possible that you little guy is used to being a servant in the Eastern Continent? You haven't seen Master for so long, and you don't know how to make a phone call with me?"

The Empress Conna of the Holy See didn't say how angry she was at the beginning, but she still cared about Leiria's current situation.

Holy Maiden Leilia also shook his head helplessly and apologized, "Master, I'm sorry, obviously this plan can't go wrong, but the strength of the Wudang Mountain Patriarch of the Eastern Continent is beyond my imagination. , And now I am staying in the Eastern Continent, also for the betting."

"At that time, I explained the situation. If I lose, I will stay in Wudang Mountain as a servant for two years. But now in half a month, I have only been a servant for one year. Stay here. By Wudang Patriarch, I feel that my strength has improved a lot."

In fact, for the current Holy See, Holy Maiden Leilia, during this half a month in Wudang Mountain, he also learned a lot.

And it's not just that. I also passed this opportunity to learn more about the strength of some ancient martial arts in the Eastern Continent.

In fact, in general, even if the current Lei Liya has become a servant of Wudang Mountain, she has gained a lot and has grown a lot.

"Really, you, as the Holy Maiden, are you still used to being a servant of the Wudang Mountain Sect?"

"I will never agree to such a thing. As my heir, I will not allow you to have such dishonorable things. Is the Wudang Patriarch in your mouth very strong? Then I am also very strong. I will be interested in him for a while."

Conna, the current Empress of the Holy See, is also very direct. She must change the strange idea of ​​her apprentice!

Holy Maiden, Lei Liya, has also been trapped. Is the feeling of being present for Wudang Mountain causing trouble again?

"No, no, Master, you will always be the strongest in my heart, but in one year, I will definitely come to the Holy See to atone for your sins!"

Before Leilia had finished speaking, the phone was hung up by the Queen of the Holy See in an instant.

Leilia also had no choice but to help her forehead. The next thing really turned out to be getting worse and worse. Obviously, things like this shouldn't go on like this.

Lei Liya can't even think about it now, if Own Master Kang Na and the ancestor Zhang Changsheng really have to fight, what should he do.

After all, in the life of Wudang Mountain for more than half a month, she felt that the ancestor Zhang Changsheng actually taught herself as a disciple.


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