When Wang Ye heard the words of his old Patriarch, he nodded quickly and said, "Observe Patriarch, that kid is busy now."

Today’s matter itself did not require the presence of the ancestor Zhang Changsheng from the beginning.

All he needs to do now is to wait, waiting for Wudang Mountain to receive 10,000 disciples today.

So as to complete the tasks issued by the longevity system.


As time passed by, the sun also reached the center of the sky. Although it was late autumn, it could not hold up too many people staying in Wudang Mountain.

Although the scene is chaotic, there is order in the chaos.

More than two hundred disciples in Wudang Mountain are also busy with their hands and feet.

And Wang Ye didn’t expect that Li Qi, who kicked the gate of the mountain, would also come today. Looking at Li Qi whose expression has changed a lot, Wang Ye put down the pen in his hand and said, "It’s been a long time since I saw Li Qi, so long time has passed, you His breath is not as irritable as before, and it really has changed a lot."

"Why do I have time to come to Wudang Mountain today, or do I want to sign up to be my disciple in Wudang Mountain?"

Li Qi held the phone in his hand and shook his head bitterly, "I really want to, but I don’t have the qualifications to join Wudang Mountain anymore. Back then, the Patriarch, his old man, was able to spare my life and gave me a chance to reform. Great grace, I am here today just to give you Wudang Mountain propaganda."

"I also took advantage of this opportunity to come and visit Wudang Mountain to see if there has been any change in Wudang Mountain, which changed me so much in the first place."

Wang Ye looked at Li Qi who had changed drastically in the words in front of him, and nodded with a pity, "It's okay. Wudang Mountain has not changed before, and it won't now."

In fact, in Wang Ye's opinion, if Li Qi's temperament has changed drastically now, that bone hadn't been abandoned by the ancestor at that time.

I am afraid that this time without him speaking much, the ancestor will not remember the past, and will agree to let this Li Qi join Wudang Mountain and become a disciple.

But things in the past cannot be changed and even more cannot be turned back.

The more and more noisy Wudang Mountain also recruited disciples in accordance with the requirements of the old patriarch. The faces of young people were either smiling or depressed.

Naturally, I was happy when I was recruited into Wudang Mountain as a disciple, but I was not selected by Wudang Mountain when I was frustrated.

But they still have the opportunity to participate in the disciple selection ceremony of the various ancient martial sects that have already begun to be selected.


"Xiao Wangye, how many disciples we have enrolled are now registered."

Zhao Huantu, who was busy and a little tired, approached Wang Ye with a happy expression.

Wang Ye looked at the booklet earnestly, and nodded quickly, "Master, I have already calculated it carefully. Now there are more than 8,000 people selected, and now there are less than 2,000 places left, you Do you want to be more strict with the selection?"

"Otherwise, there will be more than 100,000 people who are left for testing, and there will be a steady stream of people coming from the foot of Wudang Mountain."

In fact, Wang Ye never expected that the ceremony for recruiting disciples in Wudang Mountain this time was so popular that it surpassed his imagination.

Zhao Huantu hesitated and nodded, "Just as you said Xiao Wangye, that Shen Mubai and Xiao Qinyin have already arrived at our Wudang Mountain just now."

"And the two disciples of your uncle, Feng Yuxiu and Nasant, have just arrived. You should also arrange for the two disciples to arrange their accommodation..."

The residences and training grounds currently owned by Wudang Mountain are completely insufficient for 10,000 disciples.

With this in mind, Zhao Huantu was busy working on the things in his hands while also contacting own junior brother Zhang Huanjin.


Shen Mubai and Qin Yin were shocked when they saw the crowds of people in front of them. They did not expect that there are so many young people in the country who dream of joining Wudang Mountain.

And from the breath, most of these people are full of energy and blood, and a large part of them are actually people who exercise regularly in the world.

Among them, Qin Yin also noticed that there are many famous boxing or fighting masters who have moved the country or the world!

Shen Mubai looked excited and said, "I didn't expect that under the propaganda of our capital government and Wudang Mountain, not only the quality of the people who came this time was very good, but the number was also unimaginable."

"If one day, without this fundamental qualification, everyone in the country can cultivate."

Qin Yin shook his head slightly when he heard Shen Mubai's words, "Such things can only exist in beautiful dreams. Wudang Patriarch is so famous for his elders, and did you not find out about Sister Shen? All the people who came to Wudang Mountain this time Young people, it is obvious that this time just because of the age limit, Wudang Mountain has also said it early."

"On the way of Martial Dao, the foundation of talent and temperament are indispensable, but one of them is also very important, and that is age. Entering Martial Dao before the age of 30 can make a difference, but after the age of 30, his own Blood Qi declines, then For Martial Dao, who has a high demand for Blood Qi, it is very difficult to enter this situation."


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