Time has reached late autumn, and half a month has passed since the Wudang Reception Ceremony, and there is still a whole month left before the Spiritual Recovery of the old patriarch's words arrives.

In this half a month, Wudang Mountain has basically completed the housing and other buildings for 10,000 Wudang new disciples with the help of Zhang Huanjin and the capital officials.


"Feel the purest power of the sun and imagine it as an energy of vitality and destruction."

An old ancestor Zhang Changsheng in white clothes, with a calm face on his handsome face, slowly fought Tai Chi.

Although the fight was slow enough, the mystery contained in it was too magical, and the thousands of Wudang disciples were also confused and cultivated like their old ancestors.

Although they don't know why, after entering Wudang Mountain, for half a month, except for Tai Chi, 19 is to feel the breath of the sun and the moon.

But in their opinion, as long as the old ancestor and his elders have to do it, it must be right. Where are there so many and why?


After leading ten thousand disciples of his own school, Zhang Changsheng, who finished a set of Tai Chi, exhaled slightly, a large amount of yang breath circulating in his mouth and nose, like an immortal.

However, unlike others, the current Holy Maiden Leylia's obvious look is full of worries, and Tai Chi does not have the charm of the past.

This situation is clearly seen by Zhang Changsheng.


"That old ancestor, I heard Xiao Wangye say that you are looking for me, don't you know what your old man has ordered?"

The current Holy Maiden Leilia is not as bright as before, as if there is something big on his mind.

In this case, the patriarch Zhang Changsheng naturally can't ignore it. After all, the Holy Maiden Leija in front of him has very good aptitude and good personality. He is a good seed for practicing Martial Dao.

Zhang Changsheng lay on the rocking chair with a rare look and smiled and said, "Leilia, how old you are, how can you cry all day long? If this continues, you will become an ugly girl."

Leilia looked worried and shook her head and said, "Master, your old man, don't make fun of others at this time. My Master Kang Na contacted me last night. She is now on the way to Wudang Mountain."

"I really don't know how to deal with this matter. After all, Master, she raised me and taught me to practice Martial Dao, but your old man is not too bad for me. If you two really fight, I will be the best. I don't want to see it."

Lelia herself was only twenty years old, and at this age, she naturally thought about not wanting her two important people to fight.

Moreover, these two are currently the most powerful two on the Primordial Ancestor Star. Such a fight, in fact, is undoubtedly only consuming the power of the Primordial Ancestor's top power.

"Haha, it's okay, your master came as soon as he came, and I'll entertain her and discuss it with you, Leylia, you don't have to think too much."

Zhang Changsheng heard from Leilia in front of him that Conna, the Queen of the Holy See, was about to come to Wudang Mountain, and he was naturally very happy.

After all, for the strong, what they fear most is fighting, and what they fear most is not having an opponent.

Obviously, the coming Queen of the Holy See, Kang Na, is indeed qualified to really make the Patriarch Zhang Changsheng use real power.

Holy Maiden Leilia, the Holy See, saw the words of the old patriarch, although he still felt uneasy, but it was much better than before. He nodded and said, "The old patriarch, I will leave first and go to the foot of Wudang Mountain to wait for my teacher. Come Zun Conna."

"At that time, please also ask your elders to take care of them, and I will also persuade my master."

After Lei Liya finished speaking, he quickly turned into the light of Star and disappeared in the back mountainside of Wudang Mountain.

And now Zhang Changsheng got up from the rocking chair in an instant, his expression was clear.

Now he has felt an extremely powerful and mysterious aura that is less than 100 kilometers away from Wudang Mountain.

In comparison, I am afraid that it only takes less than ten minutes to reach Wudang Mountain.

If Zhang Changsheng didn't guess wrong, the person who produced that extremely powerful and mysterious aura is the master of Holy Maiden Leilia, Kang Na.

However, Zhang Changsheng was not nervous at all. Instead, he was excited. After all, this time there was a real powerhouse.


Having arrived at the outskirts of the Wudang Mountains, Conna, the Queen of the Holy See, holding the golden staff, and the pair of beautiful eyes exposed with the golden veil and the golden crown holding the golden staff.

And behind her is also followed by three of the four knights, this time Hughes and Mousse are not qualified to participate in this battle.

However, the other leaders of the knights have gathered a large number of knights and descended in the small town of Yanhai, waiting for their orders from Queen Kangna.


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