"Lei Liya, where is the ancestor Zhang Changsheng that you said, I will go to see him now, so that I can see what kind of level the person you respect is like."

The Queen of the Holy See, Kang Na, had a calm expression, and said to her apprentice Leilia next to her.

Lei Liya knew that she had no choice now, and she could only nod slightly and said, "Patriarch, his old man lives at the back of the mountainside of Wudang Mountain, and his old man has been waiting for you to respect you for a long time."

"I will take Master with me now. Go and see the Patriarch."

Holy Maiden Leilia, after speaking, also turned into starlight and flew towards the backside of Wudang Mountain with Master Own and the three major knights.

However, when reaching the outer periphery of the back of Wudang Mountain, Lei Liya also took his master to walk towards the depths of the back of Wudang Mountain.

For the proud and educated empress Kang Na, she came this time just to learn about the methods of this Wudang patriarch.

Instead of finding fault.

Naturally, it will not be uncultivated, and use flying escape to fly over people's residence.


The face of the mythical white snake at this moment walked to the ancestor Zhang Changsheng with an extremely solemn expression, saying, "Master, there is an aura that is extremely terrifying, and an existence far beyond me has arrived on the mountainside behind the Wudang Mountain, you see. ?"

Zhang Changsheng also slowly got up from the rocking chair and waved his hand slightly, "It's okay, don't worry about this visitor, naturally you don't need to be nervous, Xiaobai, your Cultivation Base has also improved a lot, and you can still feel the presence of that guy. ."

What the old ancestor and the mythological species White Snake said was also a trap for the mythological species Dragon Turtel beside them.

Why didn't he feel anything, just noticed the breath of Holy Maiden Leija, and the three guys who were weaker here approaching?

In fact, Dragon Turtel can't be blamed. Compared with the current Cultivation Base, it is also far away from the White Snake. Naturally, it is not qualified to feel the ethereal and terrifying aura exuded by the Holy Maiden Relia Empress Conna.


Time passed by, and the originally indifferent empress Kang Na entered the core area of ​​the Wudang mountainside in a real sense.

It was also attracted by the thunder robbery pond that radiated terrifying thunder light and the small garden in the core area of ​​the thunder robbery pond.

As a terrifying existence whose strength is about to enter the half-step Martial Saint Realm, Queen Conna has her own extremely powerful perception.

She also never expected that this Wudang Patriarch, who had not yet met, really had the ability to distinguish her.

It actually refines an unknown number of Thunder Tribulation Cores, creating this Thunder Tribulation Pool that is of great benefit to the Practitioner.

And not only that, the small garden with various colors and brilliance also aroused the empress Conna's great interest.

Holy Maiden Leilia was shocked when he saw his master's look with curious and interesting emotions.

After all, she had never seen a master with such an expression ever since she knew the queen of own master, Kang Na.

"Master, we have arrived, and the place in front of the old ancestor is usually where the old master is, and his old man is waiting for you."

The empress Kang Na was regained by her apprentice's words, and the ruddy mouth covered by the veil was filled with a smile.

I was really eye-opening this time. I didn't expect that there would be such a mysterious powerhouse in this mysterious eastern land that she had never set foot on. It was really interesting.

At this moment, the ancestor Zhang Changsheng looked at the empress Kang Na who was walking towards him, with a look of approval.

He could feel that the aura of the other party was really strong, and I am afraid that the empress Kang Na in front of him was also the most powerful of all the opponents Zhang Changsheng had encountered.

I am afraid it is the only one who can make him serious.

"The concubine is the Queen of the Holy See, named Conna. Before that, my apprentice Leilia caused you trouble."

Queen Kang Na took the cup of tea that Zhang Changsheng handed over, and watched Zhang Changsheng's gestures, she also sat on the wooden chair aside.

The patriarch Zhang Changsheng shook his head lightly and said, "It's okay, these trivial things are not worthy of the Queen’s visit, but the talent of this little girl Leilia is really good. If she weren’t for the Queen’s apprentice now, I would like to accept it. It's under my door."

"The protagonist who fought with me for ten years should be the Queen, right?"

Zhang Changsheng was using the method of calculation, as early as ten years ago, he was actually fighting the empress Kang Na in front of him.

But of course, as the little girl with the ultimate doom physique joined Wudang Mountain, the final victor was the Patriarch.

In other words, after ten years of chess, even though the ancestor Zhang Changsheng and the queen Kang Na who instigated the Holy Maiden Leilia behind the Holy See, this first game is already over.

But this is also the first time that these two current world's top only strong men have met.


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