When the first golden sunlight in the morning was shining on the top of Wudang Mountain, Zhang Changsheng, a white-robed ancestor of Wudang, moved his hands slowly.

From the perspective of the general practitioner, the Tai Chi boxing speed of the current ancestor Zhang Changsheng is very slow, and it can be regarded as a frozen picture.

But once the Practitioner with the higher Cultivation Base looks at it, what it shows is beyond imagination.


A stream of extremely hot sun breath surging between Zhang Changsheng's mouth and nose, inhaled into the whole body with the breath, strengthening the flesh and blood with terrifying power.

"Old Patriarch, Patriarch!"

"The disciple is here to send you the old man earlier."

The current Wudang second-generation disciple Wang Ye looked expectant and excited, holding a lunch box in one hand, and shouting that the ancestor Zhang Changsheng, who had just finished the day of 19 and had to cultivate his morning class.

Zhang Changsheng with one hand behind him, looked at Wang Ye and said, "What's wrong, Xiao Wangye, today you are in a very unusual mood. You didn’t even act like this when Wudang opened the apprenticeship ceremony a few days ago. I've seen you so happy."

"I have encountered something good, tell me this old man."

Wang Ye looked embarrassed. He also put the bowls and chopsticks in the lunch box in Zhang Changsheng's hands, scratched his head and said, "Hey, what's the matter, Patriarch, don't you know, about you and that The fight between the biggest Holy See empress in the West has spread in our Wudang Mountain a long time ago, and many disciples are more excited and looking forward to it than I am."

"After all, you compete with the top powerhouses like the Queen of the Holy See. Although we don't have the talent to learn anything, we can still feel the battle between the top powerhouses."

Zhang Changsheng looked with a smile and shook his head and said, "You little guys are really, our client is not as excited as you are. You should know what I told Little Turtle to talk to you yesterday in today's competition."

Zhang Changsheng is also very happy in his heart. It is naturally a great joy in life to fight against a real opponent.

Wang Ye's complexion finally recovered, and he nodded quickly, "Patriarch, don't worry about your old man. For all Wudang disciples, when the sky is dark this morning, my master and I arranged for them to all go down the mountain. So far, Wudang Mountain is on the second mountain. I will stay as the only disciple."

"As for the other uncles, they are allowed to watch according to your old request."

In fact, Wang Ye is also very aware of the intentions of the ancestors in front of him. After all, like this kind of battle between levels, accidentally, even if he cares about others, it may cause irreparable losses.

Zhang Changsheng put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hand, his expression was still flat and said, "Let's go, Xiao Wangye call all your uncles and uncles, I will go to the front hall of Wudang Mountain first."

As soon as the ancestor Zhang Changsheng's voice fell, it turned into a black and white glow, and instantly disappeared on the mountainside behind Wudang Mountain.


After Wang Ye quickly cleaned up the dishes, he also quickly notified the uncles one by one.

"Uncle Bai, the ancestor has already gone to the front hall of Wudang Mountain. He asked me to inform and let you go to the front hall of Wudang Mountain."

At this moment, the mythological white snake, who is still working hard at the time of cultivation, has also revived from the state of being trapped in cultivation, and opened those strange but exceptionally beautiful eyes.

"I know, I'll be there soon, Wang Ye, you can tell the others to go."

The mythical white snake got up from the futon, and simply tidied up his own makeup, and also opened the bamboo door.

As time passed, the battle between Zhang Changsheng, the ancestor of Wudang and Kang Na, the Queen of the Holy See, was finally about to begin.

Dragon Turtel, the mythical species that has kept pace with the white snake, curiously asked, "I said the white snake, how high do you think the chances of victory for the old man in this battle are?"

"Although I have never believed that Patriarch his old man will fail, the strength of the Queen of the Holy See, Kang Na, is really very powerful. I have only felt this strength in Patriarch before."

Now when the mythological species Dragon Turtel mentioned this matter, he remembered what happened when he met Zhang Changsheng for the first time.

In this more than half a year, Dragon Turtel has never encountered an opponent or an enemy that can really make the Patriarch excited and serious.

But now it's different. The Queen of the Holy See, Kang Na, seems to be the opponent Zhang Changsheng looks forward to for the first time.

The mythical white snake shook his head with a cold face and said, "I don't know about this, but the only thing I can be sure of is that in my world, Master, he will never lose or fail, Dragon Turtel, you still haven't seen the old patriarch and his old man."

"In other words, your current Cultivation Base Realm is not qualified enough to be able to feel a trace of the real terrifying strength revealed by the master and his elders."


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