The Empress Conna of the Holy See is all wrapped in the star illusion at this moment, and she is now confident that she is invincible in the same rank!

"Thousands of Star Universe formations!"

Accompanied by the soft drink of the Queen of the Holy See, Kang Na, the entire competition field caused a huge shock. At this moment, the competition field with an area of ​​more than 500 meters has fallen into the terrifying suppression of the power of the star.

However, even such a terrifying magical power did not shake the Tai Chi Yin & Yang picture arranged by Zhang Changsheng.

"The Queen of the Holy See, you actually have a perfect understanding of the way of the Star, and you have also integrated the ninety-nine percent of the Star Avenue. You are very strong. If you are a fellow of the same rank, you really are not your opponent!"

"Since you are like this, if I am not serious, how can I be worthy of your full strength!"

Even if the ancestor Zhang Changsheng faced such a terrifying blow, his expression still hadn't changed much, he was still plain.

"Old friends are now at this time, you can also come out to see the strong, can't you?"

The ancestor Zhang Changsheng's expression changed slightly, and he slowly raised his hand, and he also summoned the magical item, the magical item hidden in his body, the sword!

The Sword of Tutian finally became the Magical Item of the ancestor Zhang Changsheng's destiny last time, and it was the first time it appeared in front of everyone-!


That crisp sword chant resounded in the midair of the entire Wu Qian Temple.

The Queen of the Holy See, Kang Na, saw the golden long sword with large rust in the hands of the old ancestor Zhang Changsheng, her expression suddenly changed, "It is actually a magical item of the spiritual saint level, Zhang Changsheng, I will see if you can Can't bear the supernatural power of my strongest talent!"

"Give it to me!"

The power of the thousands of stars of the Empress of the Holy See, Kang Na, also transformed countless huge stars, sitting in the air, with the power that was not a mere mortal, they smashed at Zhang Changsheng one after another.

In fact, if it weren't for the Queen of the Holy See, Kang Na and the old ancestor of Wudang, each used their respective large formations to suppress the front hall of Wudang Mountain.

I'm afraid that the two people's auras will destroy this mountain range before they can perform their attacks.

Zhang Changsheng's expression was faint, but in fact he finally got serious at this moment, holding the Sword of Slaying the Sky, slightly using force.

The terrifying and fierce golden Sword Ray, mixed with the terrifying and scorching power of the Yang Dadao, completely resolved the attack of the Empress Conna of the Holy See in an instant!

Zhang Changsheng's immortal figure has been submerged by the golden flames of his avenue of Yang that is perfectly integrated.

That sword of slaying the sky was also covered with a lot of golden flames. Zhang Changsheng held up the sword of slaying the sky and said lightly, "Between heaven and earth, I am the only sword!"

A scary Sword Ray with a fiery red aura in the gold was instantly revealed from the sword in the hands of the old ancestor.

Although this golden Sword Ray looks only a hundred meters long, don't forget that sometimes the more bland a blow is, the horror contained in it is beyond imagination.

Conna, the Queen of the Holy See, had a sudden change in expression, and quickly mobilized the power of thousands of Stars in an attempt to protect herself.

But the speed of the golden Sword Ray was too fast, even if the Queen of the Holy See, Conna, responded very promptly, but the moment the golden Sword Ray touched the power of the thousands of stars.

· ··········Ask for flowers········

It's just like cutting tofu with a knife, it's too easy.


The entire competition arena has fallen into the golden and fiery red glow, completely submerging the figures of Wudang Patriarch Zhang Changsheng and the Queen of the Holy See.

The power of the old ancestor Zhang Changsheng's sword is really terrifying, even if there is a defensive formation between him and the Queen of the Holy See, Kang Na, on the periphery of this competition arena.

But the entire Wudang Mountain range shook because of the collision of these two terrifying forces!

... 0

"Fuck, is this f*ck still something that Xiu Practitioner can do? Fortunately, these two people are competing in this martial arts arena with many defenses. If there are no such restrictions, I am afraid that everyone who stays in Wudang Mountain now I am afraid it will be destroyed along with Wudang Mountain!"

The mythical Dragon Turtel looked at the chaotic competition arena with an unbelievable look.

Now no one knows whether these two powerhouses, whose strength is too terrifying, can win.

But no matter how you say it, the battle between the two top powerhouses this time has shocked everyone present.

It turned out that the fight between the strong is not only relying on the Cultivation Technique, but on the road of self-understanding.

With such Cultivation Technique and Dao Dao comprehension and application, both of them have reached a level of superb level.

It’s just that now the front hall of Wudang Mountain, everyone present, what is most anticipated in their hearts, this time about the Queen of the Holy See Kang Na and the old Wudang patriarch Zhang Changsheng, who can win the final victory!


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