The world was plunged into darkness, and the night world seemed too lonely, but there were too many dangers hidden.

The mythical Dragon Turtel looked expectant, and said to the ancestor Zhang Changsheng who was going to the Shu Mountain beside him, "Old Patriarch, I don’t know much about this Shu Mountain. This time it happened that we also went to the Shu Mountain."

"Your old man, just tell me on the road?"

The mythological species Dragon Turtel descended on this original ancestor star, almost a year has passed, and most of the time is also staying on this Wudang Mountain.

The only three times I left Wudang Mountain, one was to the top of Mount Tai and entered the Mount Tai secret realm, and the second was to go to the Leifeng Pagoda alone to defeat the mythical white snake that was in the period of weakness at that time.

The third time, that is, at the top of Huashan Mountain, participated in the various ancient martial arts grand gatherings.

This time I went to Nashu Mountain, and it was the fourth time it went down to Wudang Mountain. As for Nashu Mountain, it really didn't understand it.

The ancestor Zhang Changsheng had a faint expression and slowly said, "The Shushan Immortal Sword Sect was the Taoist school. Before the establishment of the school, the 19 immortal editions on the Shu Mountain used the pill refining technique as the mainstream. The Shushan Fairy Sword Sect."

"The Shushan school's cultivation method focuses on cultivation technique and swordsmanship, cultivates immortality to accumulate virtue rather than promotes immortality, and actively enters the world to kill demons. At the same time, it does not reject other sects of cultivation methods, and actively collects and preserves various cultivation methods."

"The Shushan disciples often go down the mountain to collect demons. There were several heads who made friends with the Martial Forest people, so they have a good reputation in the Martial Forest. The Shushan School of swordsmanship is the yearning of the martial arts scholars, and you can look down on the ancient Martial Forest with just a fraction of your skill. The predecessor of the Shushan School of swordsmanship originated from the Fairy Sword School."

"The sword fairy faction uses the body to nourish the qi, uses the qi to defend the sword, and reconstitutes the Sword Qi to form and hurt the enemy. Swordsmanship is transcendent, the sword is like a frost, and the qi fills the body. Whenever there is a strong enemy, the spirit does not grow."

"The Shushan School’s immortal arts and mental methods have the effect of restraining demons. The Shushan School is best known for its sword flying technique. Because it is located in the Shu area, Shushan school disciples often go through Yuzhou when they go down the mountain to eliminate demons. Therefore, Yuzhou There are many anecdotes about the Shushan disciples carrying the demon book and flying swords on their backs."

These things are actually the ancestor Zhang Changsheng. He knew something about the Shu Mountain in his early visits. He naturally didn't know the real situation of Shu Mountain.

Dragon Turtel listened attentively. The huge dragon head said with curiosity, "Old Patriarch, it seems that in your thoughts, the people of Shushan are all masters with swords, so the Old Patriarch, our Sword Technique of Wudang Mountain, Compared with them, who has the advantage?"

This is also what Dragon Turtel is curious about. After all, if it is to talk about the top power of the sect alone, the old ancestor is stronger than the thousand Qing Wei Dao leaders.

But this time, it's not just about the top power of the sect, just about Sword Technique's brilliance.

"Each has its own strengths. In the early stage, Shushan's sword repairing method is still strong, but in the late stage, between heaven and earth, who can say that the Tai Chi sword with Yin & Yang Taoist rhyme is not good?"

"Little tortoise, it's getting late, let's set off now, don't rush to the Shu Mountain on the road, just take advantage of this opportunity to take a good look at the wonderful changes in the world today."

When the old patriarch finished speaking, he was not speaking.

The mythological Dragon Turtel nodded in agreement again and again, and in an instant the black and white glow appeared all over his body, followed by a dragon chant.

The original Dragon Turtel's ten-meter-large body had disappeared, and it turned into a hundred-meter-sized body.

Obviously after this Closed Door Training, Dragon Turtel's strength has taken a step further, if it truly reveals its true identity.

The volume is at least more than 3,500 meters, or even larger.

But this is an extraordinary period, and there is no need to pretend to be that. Moreover, Dragon Turtel is also a person who knows what kind of personality the ancestor Zhang Changsheng is.

An old ancestor who looked like an immortal in white, turned into a golden light, and appeared on the back of the Dragon Turtel in an instant.

"Let's go!"

"Goal, Shushan!"

With that old patriarch Zhang Changsheng's cold voice sounded.

Dragon Turtel also did not dare to delay, driving the mountainside behind Wudang Mountain to tremble with its huge body.

One person and one turtle quickly disappeared in the backside of Wudang Mountain.

The white moonlight is shining, even if it is already night, the sky is still bright, and tomorrow must be a good weather.

"Old Master, after this Spiritual Recovery outbreak, the whole world seems to have undergone a lot of changes. In the past night, these rare-traveled mountains and forests are very quiet, but the changes are indeed a bit big now."

Taking advantage of the black clouds passing by, Dragon Turtel naturally, relying on his powerful perception ability, also felt that the world had indeed undergone great changes.

Old Patriarch Zhang Changsheng didn't say much, just nodded lightly.

In fact, he was also counting the whole Wudang Mountain disciples going down the mountain to clean up the things that caused chaos and upgraded creatures.

He has been observing the own longevity system attribute board.

The number of upgraded Demonic Beasts that were beheaded for disaster did not stop rising even if it was night.

It means that the number of upgraded creatures in the entire world is beyond imagination. Maybe this is just the beginning.

The inconsistency in the back will really lead to the tide of beasts that really make the world timid and panic.


A little bit of time passed, as early as the arrival of the old patriarch Zhang Changsheng and the Dragon Turtel.

Qing Wei, the head of Shushan, did not dare to stop for a moment, and finally rushed back to Shushan.

After all, he was also afraid that during the time he was leaving, something happened again in the Demon Tower in Shushan Town, and the situation would really get worse.

This situation is also very unwilling to see Qingwei, the head of Shushan.

Fortunately, after Dao Qing Wei returned to Own Shu Mountain, he didn't feel any chaos happening, and he was slightly relieved.

What he needs to do now is to guard the town's demon tower in Shushan, and when the Wudang Patriarch arrives, he is entrusting this important task to his old man.


"Old Patriarch!"

"Old Patriarch!"

"We have reached the area of ​​the Shushan Mountain Range!"

With a trace of excitement, Dragon Turtel said to Zhang Changsheng, the ancestor on his turtle shell.

Sitting cross-legged, Zhang Changsheng, who had fallen into the avenue of cultivation early, also opened his eyes slightly, feeling the light of the first sun in the world.

It was also at this time that he and Dragon Turtel finally arrived at the Shushan Mountain Range, which has one of the most advanced sword repairing skills in the world.


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