The eight-winged sea dragon demon at this moment has fallen into complete madness. What it wants most now is to let this old human Taoist who look down on it die under the corrosion of its own poisonous road!

Let him know the price of offending the Dragon King of the sea and hurting the Dragon King of the sea!

The ancestor Zhang Changsheng slightly raised his head and looked at the eight-winged sea dragon demon approaching him above the sky, without a trace of panic in his heart.

For him, this eight-winged sea dragon demon has completely lost his mind, and he has seen all the methods of this eight-winged sea dragon demon.

Naturally, there is no more thought of playing with this eight-winged sea dragon demon.

As Zhang Changsheng's eyes were wrapped in Yin & Yang, a terrifying black and white light appeared all over his body.

With the most terrifying power, under the condition of Zhang Changsheng's hand that swung the sword of killing the sky.

The Kunpeng senior Sword Technique golden giant sword furnace with a more terrifying aura, carrying a terrifying pressure.

This is also Zhang Changsheng's most savvy Kunpeng technique and the strongest Kunpeng technique that can be used at present.

"Born in Kunpeng, when there is a dream of flying Nine Heavens!"

"Sword furnace appears! Everything is destroyed!"

The eight-winged sea dragon demon looked at the golden sword furnace with extremely solar energy, which was almost covering a corner of the world, and immediately stopped in the direction of own Yukong.

The huge golden eyes trembled with extreme horror, "Impossible, impossible, old Taoist, you actually mastered such a top Cultivation Technique. This is the Kunpeng method, and it also incorporates the top Dao Yang Dao rules, damn it. , You guy is totally playing tricks on me!"

Now the eight-winged sea dragon demon can only roar silently. A large number of black and purple poisonous gas mixed with poisonous avenue rules are accompanied by a terrorist attack attempting to attack Zhang Changsheng, trying to avoid this terrorist blow.

This eight-winged sea dragon demon is also really scared in his heart. It clearly feels that if this old Taoist strikes itself, then it may not survive at all.

no no! It hasn't lived yet, it is eager to enter the next Realm.

Once it can break through the half-step Martial Saint level like that, it may be able to break away from the control of the demon town tower, thus gaining freedom again and gaining longevity in disguise.

In this way, it can also return to the sea and become the king of the sea!

At this moment, the eight-winged sea dragon demon was completely panicked, and with madness, then its proud most powerful move, Corrupting Heaven and Earth, launched again, and this time it was launched not only once.

Moreover, three huge black and purple poison gas energy balls with a volume of more than 10,000 meters were directly created and pressed against Zhang Changsheng.

The eight-winged sea dragon demon distorted his face and roared, "Old Taoist you deserve to die, you deserve to die, you are completely dead here under the anger of the Dragon King of this sea!"

"I want to evolve! I want to can't stop me, I am the Dragon King overwhelming the ocean..."

The ancestor Zhang Changsheng frowned slightly, feeling a little helpless for the final dying resistance of the violent and mad eight-winged sea dragon demon.

But the Zhang Changsheng Yukong stood on the top of the tower, and the terrifying golden sword furnace merged with the rule of the road of the sun has been formed, gathering the power of terror that shocked the world.

"Sea Dragon King? You are just a little sea snake. Today I will annihilate you on the seventeenth floor of the demon tower in this town. I'm sorry old man, I will send you to the west first!"



The golden sword furnace of Kunpeng method, which is formed by the convergence of the rules of the Avenue of Yang driven by the thousands of golden Sword Ray, is under the martial sword of the patriarch Zhang Changsheng.

In an instant, they rushed towards the three groups of black and purple poisonous energy balls emitted by the eight-winged sea dragon demon with terrifying power.


The seventeenth floor of this town demon tower has been completely collapsed.

The dim top of the tower was also torn apart, revealing the opaque face that should have been black.

Countless black and purple lightning flashes directly in the entire space from time to time.

And with the black and purple poison gas energy ball being wiped out by the golden sword furnace.

Under the unbelievable and horrified gaze of the eight-winged sea dragon demon, the terrifying golden sword furnace has completely submerged the eight-winged sea dragon demon, which stays in the mid-air on the top of the tower, with a volume exceeding 10,000 meters.


The trembling dragon chant sounded, and as the sound became more and more miserable, the sound of its dragon chant became weaker and weaker.

In the eight-winged sea dragon demon that is wrapped in this infinite golden Sword Ray sword furnace, all the sea dragon scales with extremely high defense power have been stripped...

Together with the bright and powerful flesh and blood of the whole body, it has been completely destroyed by the thousands of golden Sword Ray.

In line with the principle that everything should not be wasted, Zhang Changsheng swayed slightly with one hand, and the countless defensive scales of the sea dragon that fell from the midair of the town demon tower have all been absorbed into the storage space by the Thunder Spirit Jade Pei on his waist. Among.

At this moment, with the thousands of golden Sword Qi and the fused golden sword furnace dispersed, the eight-winged sea dragon demon is currently in a state of dying.

He didn't even have the strength of his own Yukong, with his huge body and the huge sound of touching the earth, it stirred up countless huge waves and fell into the depths of the black water sea bottom in this space.

Zhang Changsheng looked at the eight-winged sea dragon demon that was about to die, and then turned his sword into a black and white escape light and quickly came to the space above the eyes of the huge dragon head of the Dragon King.

The eight-winged sea dragon demon forced his last breath and trembled, "Let me go, as long as I let go, I will agree to whatever you want me to do, but the premise is that you keep me alive."

The eight-winged sea dragon demon at this moment is also extremely regretful, why did he want to provoke this terrifying existence like inhuman.

This real person is playing own, but he was so confident at the beginning, and he was really playing to death!

And it is really dying now, but it doesn't want to die.

Even if it is to give it all, but it now has nothing.

Zhang Changsheng held his sword and looked at the eight-winged sea dragon in front of him, which had long since disappeared from its usual mighty and violent color. Demon said lightly, "You damn..."

The old ancestor had no intention of keeping this eight-winged sea dragon demon. After all, everything in this town demon tower was suppressed and locked by this town demon tower. Naturally, there was no need to waste energy.

"No, you damn old Taoist..."

Accompanied by the faint roar of the eight-winged sea dragon demon, those huge golden eyes have lost all the light and look of normal living life.

The only thing is that Zhang Changsheng is suspended above the dark sea surface, and the sword of slaying the sky in his hand has been instantly submerged in the eyes of the eight-winged sea dragon demon, which is filled with the head of the huge dragon head that is unwilling to be humiliated.


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