"Ka Ka... Ka..."

Accompanied by a continuous sound of bone fracture resembling a metal sound, it sounded.

The original horrible mythological creature, the eight-winged sea dragon, demon, had finally absorbed the charm of Blood Essence from its entire body in the Sword of Slaughter Heaven.

The shriveled and terrifying body of more than 10,000 meters collapsed again, and the dazzling golden light radiated from the whole body of the Slaying Heaven Sword, and fell into Zhang Changsheng's hands with an aura that seemed a little stronger than usual.

And Zhang Changsheng looked at the shriveled body of the eight-winged sea dragon demon, which was already shriveled and useless, and thought for a while, still using the space of the thundering jade pendant to include the body of the shriveled eight-winged sea dragon demon.

To be honest, Zhang Changsheng also doesn't want to waste. Maybe this eight-winged sea dragon demon, a high-rank refining artifact, can also refine many excellent Magical Items.

Although Zhang Changsheng can't use it by himself, it doesn't mean that his apprentices and grandchildren can't use it.

Moreover, there is no inventory in the hands of every sect in the ancient Wu family.

And after the eight-winged sea dragon demon completely disappeared on the seventeenth floor of the town demon tower, it was also revealed that the current ancestor Zhang Changsheng had completed the challenge of the seventeenth floor of the town demon tower.

The eight-winged sea dragon demon, who had just been killed by him, had warmed up Zhang Changsheng's body.

And Zhang Changsheng needs more than that, he wants to meet an opponent who can really make him serious.


"The seventeenth floor of the town demon tower has been processed, so next is the last floor of the town demon tower, and it is also the place where the final secret of the town demon tower is hidden."

"I hope not to let me down, Martial Saint powerhouse, what level of strength you have reached, do I now have the strength to compete with the Martial Saint powerhouse 々〃!"

For Zhang Changsheng, the current patriarch, he is also very excited inside.

Driving the slow pace, the ancestor Zhang Changsheng also walked towards the top of the town's demon tower.

At the moment when he was about to move towards the last level of the demon tower in this town, the seventeenth level of the demon tower in this town was suddenly absorbing the shock.

"call out......"

The red jade token that drove the dragon's breath, also with flowing light, suddenly appeared in the hands of the ancestor Zhang Changsheng.

Zhang Changsheng looked surprised and looked at the token in his hand.

"Dragon Palace token?"

"This eight-winged sea dragon demon, is it possible that it also involves the secrets of the Ocean Dragon Palace. It turns out that there is still a Dragon Palace in this current world?"

At this time, the patriarch Zhang Changsheng also looked very confused and confused.


【Longevity System Attribute Edition

Zhang Changsheng: 100 years old

Cultivation Technique: Taiji Emperorquan (first layer)

Tai Chi Sword (ninth floor) Cultivation Technique is complete, and the current level of upgraded mythology is zero%.

The Sun Scripture (ninth floor) (evolved from the Nine Sun Divine Art, belongs to the emperor Cultivation Technique)

Taiyin Scripture (eighth level) (evolved and evolved from the application of the Jiuyin Scripture, belonging to the Emperor Cultivation Technique)

Eternal Immortal Sutra (first layer) Specially enhances flesh and blood power. Emperor level Cultivation Technique, each cultivation layer increases lifespan by 500 years and gains the world of law to strengthen oneself by 30%. The duration depends on its own strength.

Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong (ninth level of perfection) special enhancement of flesh and blood power Cultivation Technique, each cultivation level obtains the power of one dragon and one truth, cultivation to the ninth level of perfection obtains the power of eleven dragons, and can use its own lifespan Ascension dragon elephant The number of prajnagong cultivation layers!

Kunpeng treasure (6th floor)

Tai Chi Yin & Yang Picture (Dacheng)

Refining level: Master

Life level: Half-step Martial Saint level

Convergence Avenue: The Avenue of Yang (All fusion has been completed so far) The Avenue of Yin (Currently 50% has been fused.)

Sword intent: time (to master 50%)

Remaining lifespan: Seven thousand and thirty-year lifespan

Companion Magical Item: Spirit Saint's Top Magical Item Sword of Slaying the Sky

Current long-term task: For every disciple who has a talent exceeding the elite level, he will get ten lifespan points.

Root Qualifications: Peerless genius level (respectively ordinary, elite, genius, elite genius, peerless genius, and the highest level currently)

Comprehension: the ultimate level

Current long-term mission: Now for every Realm disciple cultivated with a Martial Master or higher, 30 life points can be obtained.

Seven-star mission: On the day Spiritual Recovery comes, destroy the invading Devil Dao Lin family, two half-step Martial Saint level Elder! The outer starry sky Demon Cultivator descends on the follow-up mission of the initial planetary event.

Task reward: get a piece of Shenyuan fairy crystal.

Six-star mission: All Wudang disciples go down the mountain, guard the common people, and destroy them causing chaos. Demonic Beasts and upgraded creatures (47466/100000)

Task reward: Obtain the town’s defense formation, the Universe Star formation.

Eight-star mission: suppress the demon tower of Shushan Town whose seal is about to collapse.

Mission rewards: 500 merit points, (good Zhao) 3,000 birthday points.

Eight-star mission: Bravely break into the eighteenth floor of the Demon Tower in Shushan Town!

Task reward: 500 merit points.

Seven-star mission: Solve the knot of Martial Saint powerhouse one hundred thousand years ago, and conquer the nine-tailed sky fox girl Ari as a disciple.

Task reward: 300 merit points.

Seven-star time-limited series of missions: use the eight-winged sea dragon demon identity token to open the ancient dragon palace and trigger the secrets of the true dragon.

Task reward: the full version of True Dragon Treasure!

Remaining lifespan: seven thousand and thirty points

Remaining merit points: 180 points (can be exchanged for life yuan points at a ratio of one to fifty. You cherish the energy points, please use them carefully.)

Obtain the Cultivation Technique 50% level chance four times, obtain the core of the fine iron spirit mine, and a piece of the god source fairy crystal. 】


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