The dragon Turtel, a huge horrible creature with a volume of more than two kilometers, appeared in this world.

It also made everyone in the vicinity truly feel the extreme Death threat.

Shen Mubai's body trembled inexplicably, and now he really didn't know how to get out of here alive.

The terrifying Dragon Turtel slowly opened those huge eyes under the horrified gaze of everyone present.

As those eyes opened a little bit, black and white light flexed-shot out from Dragon Turtel's eyes.

The earth was trembling, and the surrounding air pressure seemed to be suppressed again. With Dragon Turtel's huge body as the center, the rocks on the mountain peak began to tear dozens of huge, bottomless trenches.

And Shen Mubai and Qin Yin finally saw this situation, the huge cracked horizontal ditch and the rocks that rolled down everywhere with roaring noises from time to time.

Let the two of them stay in place without being frightened because of the endless fear pressure on them before this Dragon Turtel.

Qin Yin and Shen Mubai looked at each other, and then the two quickly separated and fled. For such a thing, if they were two together, they would definitely die together.

At the very least, the two will run separately, and the result is that at least one person will survive.

And Tang Zhan and Li Changsan were seeing Qin Yin and Shen Mubai who had separated and rushed towards them.

The two teams hurried forward to greet them. For these soldiers, the lives of researchers and researchers are more valuable than they are doing things for the people of the country.

Tang Zhan's vicissitudes of face roared solemnly, "Let's leave here first, this monster turtle is about to wake up, this level is simply not something we can deal with!"

Tang Zhan grabbed the arm of Qin Yin who had already run into their team, turned his head quickly, and ran down the mountain with all his strength.

At this time, the mutation suddenly occurred, and Dragon Turtel finally opened his eyes completely at this time.

Dragon Turtel's eyes full of wisdom, the huge eyeballs are completely covered by a black and white glow.

The huge dragon head swept across the Kunlun mountain range again with a terrifying dragon roar.


Zhang Changsheng was less than ten minutes away from Kunlun Mountain at this time.

Above the sky, a figure completely wrapped in black and white escape light flew at an extremely fast speed, and a large cloud of clouds along the way was directly torn apart.

Zhang Changsheng lifted up with one hand, and a half-meter-large Tai Chi picture appeared in front of him.

Yin & Yang's eyes appeared mysteriously, but Zhang Changsheng's white sword eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

He also didn't expect that a guy of this level would still appear in this world.

But now it is obvious that Zhang Changsheng knows that the little guy Qin Yin is really dying.

Immediately Zhang Changsheng gently took down the broken sword behind him, and whispered, "Old friend, I have to work hard for you this time, but someone who is already worthy of our action appears, you shouldn't mind, right?"

Zhang Changsheng shook the remnant sword in his hand, and saw that the remnant sword had a golden luster, and the body of the sword supported Zhang Changsheng's body.

With the blessing of Remnant Sword's ability, Wudang ancestor Zhang Changsheng wanted to fly and ascension again to a new level.

The air pressure in the sky hadn't waited for Zhang Changsheng to come in front of him, and Sword Qi, who had been inadvertently distributed by the broken sword, broke a path in the sky abruptly!

Zhang Changsheng estimated that at his current speed, it would probably take more than ten minutes to reach the Kunlun sacred mountain, but now it may only take four minutes.

Zhang Changsheng can only say now that he hopes that his own disciple Sun Xiaoqinyin will not die before he arrives, otherwise he will not be able to save her.

And this time Zhang Changsheng was not only here to save Qin Yin, but part of it was this alien creature that he could figure out a little bit to come from.

And this creature is predestined to Wudang, so it is natural to surrender it as the spirit beast of Wudang Mountain Town's air transport.


After the terrifying creature Dragon Turtel completely awakened, he did not immediately attack Shen Mu Bai Qinyin and the others.

Rather, it looked like a human with a look of doubt and awe, raising the head of the dragon and looking to the southeast.

It seemed that Dragon Turtel seemed to be in a big trouble, and roared to the sky again, and the sound of the dragon's roar was earth-shaking.

As a result, some of the people who had fled halfway up the mountain couldn't bear such a terrifying sound, and their eardrums, including internal organs, were damaged to varying degrees.

Dragon Turtel flipped the huge eyes wrapped in black and white glow, and finally noticed that Qin Yin Shen Mubai and others had fled halfway up the mountain.

The dragon head of Dragon Turtel opened his mouth slightly, seeming to have a disdainful expression, a beam of black and white energy with a width of more than three meters, like that machine gun.

Crazy Breathing Exercises, with a terrifying explosion, the mountainside of the mountain where the Dragon Turtel is located, Shen Mubai and others have been completely flooded by the explosion caused by the blast of energy.

· ··········Ask for flowers·······

Dragon Turtel didn't seem to want to waste time here anymore, that huge body was slowly getting smaller.

Under the refraction of the sunlight, the Dragon Turtel, which was originally more than two kilometers in size, was rapidly shrinking its body.

The huge tortoise shell was wrapped in black and white qi, and it seemed that it was a moment of effort.

The head of the dragon is the head of the dragon, and it is carrying a tortoise shell engraved with the Yin & Yang Tai Chi Eight Trigrams. The body of the Dragon Turtel standing on the weird hind legs has shrunk to the size of two meters.

Dragon Turtel glanced towards the southeast with vigilant eyes, and then flew down towards the mountainside.

Just now Dragon Turtel didn't kill him, but it didn't mean that he didn't want to kill these human beings. He just came to this original ancestor star longed by countless domain races, so he naturally wanted to find out the basic situation.

......... .... ...

And there is a person in it, with a hint of Tai Chi Yin & Yang, which surprised Dragon Turtel.

After all, this Tai Chi Yin & Yang is a Cultivation Technique that the pure-blooded Dragon Turtel clan who carry the god map of Tai Chi town need to spend a great price to cultivate.

Why can a guy who opens his own secret store have this breath?

Dragon Turtel squinted the beast pupils and waved his right paw slightly, sweeping away a large amount of white mist and dust halfway up the mountain.

In that group, he deliberately kept his hand in a single blow, without asking them to hit.

Dragon Turtel still found the body that was still in a coma and was stained with a trace of Yin & Yang breath.

With puzzlement, Dragon Turtel's left paw has been grabbed on the young human woman's head, trying to use his own power to completely view the woman's memory to one side.

Generally, this kind of technique is used by Cultivation Technique, and even if the Cultivation Base is not bad, the Practitioner will drop the Cultivation Base, and it will end stupidly, let alone an ordinary person like Qin Yin?

"Little turtle from outside, can you please take your little paw away from my lovely little grandson?"

With a hint of coldness at the corner of Zhang Changsheng's mouth, his right hand held the residual sword against the corner of the dragon Turtel's softest and unprotected abdomen on the right side of the Dragon Turtel.


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