Time is like a fleeting moment, fleeting.

Soon, a week passed.

This week, the City of Hope has become orderly under the management of the clown, and everyone is working hard for their own future. At first glance, it looks like the earth in the age of the real universe.

And Gu Yi and Tathagata lived up to everyone's expectations, and they really researched the cultivation system of Shengguang.

The reason why it can be so fast is because Shengguang's cultivation method is actually similar to that of a monk.

Holy light is not some kind of energy, but the light born from the heart.

So there is no need to worry about energy flow and other issues, as long as the seeds of holy light are planted, and then continue to sharpen the mind.

The cultivation method is also the same meditation as that of monks. It is safer to do so, but it loses efficiency.

If you want to form lethality, you need to meditate for at least 3 years.

However, what the City of Hope lacks the most is time. The person who knows the Laughing Bat best in this world is the clown.

The clown understood that the other party would never give him too long.

Therefore, the clown resolutely chose the method that can make the holy light quick.

That is, let the extraordinary go outside the city to fight against the deformed creatures, and stimulate the growth of the Holy Light through meme pollution.

A crushing massacre is equivalent to a month of penance.

A life-and-death fight is equivalent to a year.

A completely invincible battle can even have a sudden effect.

If he didn't know the origin of the holy light, even the clown would wonder if there was something wrong with it.

After all, this power came so easily, so easy that every experimenter wondered if he had fallen into the trap of a spiritually deformed creature.

But if you think about it carefully, this exaggerated growth rate is also normal.

At its root, Holy Light was born to restrain the evil gods, and it can naturally grow rapidly with the evil gods as nourishment.

However, after observation, the clown also discovered the hidden danger of growing too fast.

The first is the problem of control. The exponentially growing Holy Light is like a sledgehammer that increases weight crazily for the user. Although it can still be called, precise control and so on are not even considered.

This directly leads to the fact that extraordinary people must stay away from the crowd after returning from outside the city, otherwise some tragedies may occur if they are not careful.

For example, if you shake someone's hand, you will pull someone's arm off, if you pat on the shoulder, you will turn someone into a pulp.

Don't think it's funny, there have been instances this week.

In order to solve this problem, One Follow Tathagata deliberately deduced an energy-gathering circle based on the evil god's knowledge and reaction.

The magic circle can continuously extract the holy light overflowing from the soul of the extraordinary, and it can play a restrictive role to a certain extent.

And the converted holy light crystals are also gradually replacing the most primitive electric energy, becoming the new energy source of City of Hope.

After testing, people were pleasantly surprised to find that the holy light is almost omnipotent. It can operate formations, stimulate the benign evolution of crops, and illuminate at night. It is almost versatile.

The second is the use of the Holy Light. The potential of this power can be seen from the crystal of the Holy Light.

But the holy light system has just taken shape, and there is no efficient way to use it at all.

Today's superhumans can only bless the holy light on their weapons at most, causing damage to the deformed creatures, which almost wastes more than 80% of the effect of the holy light.

However, this problem cannot be solved in a short period of time. The establishment of a system requires the continuous efforts of countless people to develop.

It is not enough to rely on Gu Yi and Tathagata alone, and some geniuses are needed to use the Holy Light efficiently to derive skills such as martial arts or techniques.

Finally, and most critically, there is still the problem of the impregnation of the Holy Light.

After the clown's observation, all the fast-growing transcendents of the Holy Light "distorted their personalities to a certain extent.

The murderous one became gentler, the gloomy one became more sunny, and the sunny one turned into facial paralysis.

And this change is subtle, not like being polluted by evil gods, the temperament changes in a short period of time, like boiling a frog in warm water.

This is a bit scary. After all, facing meme pollution is something everyone knows is bad, and they will subconsciously resist in their hearts.

But facing the infiltration of the Holy Light, people will only take it for granted, and even think that it is their original heart, and then take the initiative to open their hearts to the Holy Light.

There is almost no solution to this problem. Even if the clown tells everyone about the danger of the Holy Light, it can only delay the speed of the Holy Light's penetration, and has no effect on the final result at all.

Because most people are short-sighted, they can't see the future harm of the Holy Light, they only know the power in front of them.

Besides, even if they are aware of the harm, so what, will anyone in this world refuse to make themselves better and more just?

Not at all, especially in today's doomsday.

You must know that even the heinous villain educates his children and tells him that he wants to be a good person when he grows up.

However, not being able to stop does not mean that it cannot be alleviated.

For this reason, the clown specially selected a group of single women to build a charming street next to the city gate.

All kinds of small pink lights, coupled with addictive entertainment measures, are enough to satisfy anyone's desire/desire.

The clown enforces that all superhumans must stay on this street for 3 days after returning from going out, and they must enter the store to consume, and it is a crime not to consume.

Of course, those women are all voluntary, and the clown is not so despicable as to force a woman into prostitution.

At first glance, what the clown does is ridiculous.

But this simple and crude method is really effective.

All the extraordinary people who came out of Fengqing Street generally broke away from the state of being soaked by the holy light, and regained the humanity that human beings should (Nuo Zhao's) have.

The Joker's side is in full swing, but what about the Laughing Bat?

In fact, the Laughing Bat has already started to act, and now he is wandering in the City of Hope.

That's right, the Laughing Bat is now in City of Hope.

More precisely, the doppelgänger.

Although his power has been sealed, he is the ruler of the old days after all, so it is no problem to create a clone.

As for the restraint of the Holy Light?

Remove all supernatural beings and just use ordinary flesh and blood clones.

After all, his Laughing Bat feeds on his brains, not on his brash lungs.

I have to say that the fate of the two is really a bit strange.

It turns out that in Gotham, Batman was the master of the city, and the clown was in charge of making trouble.

Now, the Joker is the master of City of Hope, and the Laughing Bat is here to make trouble...

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