Clash Of Civilizations: I Really Don't Want To Destroy The Earth

Chapter 3 S-Level Evaluation And Task Rewards

It takes two minutes to control the mouse to open the cages of other mice in turn, including the one that is incomplete in the corner.

The number of mice is not too many, exactly 12.

Immediately afterwards, under the control of Jiang Chen, the group of rats climbed up the computer desk along the shelf, then jumped to the ground using the computer chair as a springboard, and finally climbed into the ventilation hole in the corner with a clear purpose.

This is the escape route that Jiang Chen had already aimed for during the 5-hour wait.

But the idea is good, but the reality is cruel.

The environment in the air duct was much more complicated than Jiang Chen imagined, like a maze, he finally found a few exits, only to be blocked by the ventilation fan again.

Moreover, the speed at which the fan rotates is not as slow as in the movie. Even if you think about it with the size of a small white mouse, it will only be stirred into a mosaic.

After another half an hour, and after confirming that the ventilation ducts were blocked, Jiang Chen decisively controlled the rats to withdraw to the laboratory, and aimed his sights at the bathroom.

Yes, the bathroom.

Since the wind road is impassable, the only way to go is the waterway.

And the only waterway in the bathroom is in the toilet... Forget it, let’s not talk about it, it’s disgusting.

In fact, this waterway is far more reliable than the ventilation pipe, Jiang Chen ranked it second because of nausea.

No way, don’t look at the sloppy screen of this game, but because the mind can control the mice, the sense of substitution far surpasses all the games Jiang Chen knows, and even he can vaguely feel the perception of the mice.

If it wasn't for the fact that the vents couldn't get through, Jiang Chen really didn't want to drill into the toilet.

Walking through the waterway is much simpler, just manipulate the mice to tear off the toilet paper next to the toilet, and then use the toilet paper as a rope to jump onto the toilet one by one.

The whole process went smoothly, except when it came to the crippled mouse, the progress got stuck.

Because of the incomplete forelimb, this little white mouse has no problems climbing from high to low and crawling normally, but it can't do anything about climbing. It can only keep spinning in place, no matter how Jiang Chen manipulates it, he can't climb. Go to the toilet.

As a last resort, Jiang Chen tried to let a mouse hang its tail on the edge of the toilet, and the other mice bit the tail, starting from the edge of the toilet, building a "rat bridge" extending to the ground, which Only then did the crippled little white mouse climb up a little bit.

In the end, all 12 mice jumped into the drain of the toilet and swam continuously down the pipe.

One minute later, the field of vision suddenly changed from narrow to wide, and a line of prompts popped up on the screen of the phone:

[Prologue]: Escape from the laboratory! (completed)


[It is detected that all the mice in the laboratory have escaped, and the task completion is rated as S-level]

【Do you want to submit the archive? 】


There's nothing to hesitate about, it's just for this after waiting for 5 hours.

The moment I clicked [Yes], the screen suddenly focused on the crippled little white mouse for some reason.

[Please name your new character! 】

Jiang Chen, who was anxious to see the reward, didn't think about where the other 11 mice went, so he randomly named it an easy to remember:


After the naming is completed, it finally comes to the link of task rewards.

I saw a bronze-colored treasure chest gradually occupying the entire screen from small to large.

Then, a ball of dark golden light jumped out of the treasure chest.

【Gene Optimization】

【Function】: optimize gene

【Scope of application】: All carbon-based organisms

[Remarks]: The exclusive reward for the highest level evaluation has already carried all the energy needed for transformation

Looking at the introduction of the reward, Jiang Chen's pupils began to dilate uncontrollably, and he was stunned for a few seconds before he swallowed his mouth and pointed at the light ball.

But just as he was about to click, he seemed to suddenly remember something, walked into the bathroom with his mobile phone in his arms, and took off/naked/clothed and sat on the toilet by the way.

After everything was ready, he double-clicked the ball of light.

The next moment, the ball of light rushed out of the phone screen and shot straight into his body.


An itch from the bone marrow!

That feeling was like a wound that originally took a month to heal, suddenly shortened to one second, and it was all over the body.

Up to the scalp, down to the toes, all fell into the endless itching.

Jiang Chen was so itchy that he couldn't even cry out, he could only just stand still and twitch like a drowning man.

At this moment, from a microscopic perspective, every gene chain in Jiang Chen's body is constantly being broken, and then filled with more excellent genes.

From a macroscopic point of view, the changes are quite large. The hair all over the body falls off quickly and then regenerates, the most conspicuous of which is the hair.

The re-grown hair became darker and thicker, and the two sideburns that had gradually fallen off due to staying up all night coding were also filled in again, and these regrowth hairs are still the same as the permanent hair on the back of the head, which will never fall off kind.

Reddish blood and tears flowed out of both eyes uncontrollably, the muddy eyeballs that were visible to the naked eye became clearer and clearer, and the ordinary irises were also rapidly mutating.

Visually, the last two pupils look like two rotating black holes, which are extremely eye-catching, even more stunning than the most beautiful pairs of eyes circulating on the Internet.

Then came the teeth, 32 of Jiang Chen's soot-tainted teeth fell out at the same time, and were replaced by new teeth that grew out at a rapid rate.

These new teeth are arranged extremely neatly, there are almost no gaps between them, each one is like jade, and there is an indescribable sense of harmony when looking at it.

This is not over yet, after the teeth regenerated, Jiang Chen's internal organs began to squirm crazily.

With every peristalsis, the toxins in the body and the heavy metal garbage that cannot be metabolized are flushed down the intestinal tract into the toilet, emitting a pungent smell.

It was thanks to his foresight that he was not dazzled by the rewards. If the bedroom was remodeled, the picture could only be described as 'painting the wall with dung and hair'.

After the waste in the body was discharged, every corner of Jiang Chen's body made a crisp sound, those deformed bones due to bad habits were corrected bit by bit, and the original defective parts also began to grow again.

The most obvious thing is that his height suddenly increased from 170 to 185, and he grew 15 centimeters in a few seconds.

Then it's the muscles that start to change.

The muscles of the human body are roughly divided into two categories: red muscles and white muscles

White muscle mainly explodes, but has poor endurance.

Red muscle is about endurance, but not explosive.

The two are coordinated with each other and operate alternately to have the movement of the human body.

But now these two muscles are slowly merging, and finally turned into a new type of muscle with higher energy storage, explosive power and endurance.

The change brought about was that Jiang Chen changed from an otaku to a fitness expert with eight-pack abs like chocolate in just a few seconds.

The whole body exudes the primitive wildness like the ancient Greek statues, and there is no lack of mechanical beauty. It is definitely not that kind of bloated big man.

Finally, there is the skin. There is no scene where the pores are overflowing with dirt like in novels. Don’t think too much about the function of the pores. Its function is only to sweat and cool down, and it can’t hide much dirt.

Like a snake shedding its skin, Jiang Chen's skin fell off layer by layer.

With peeling, small blemishes such as acne, scars, moles, etc. have disappeared, replaced by a healthy and fair skin like a baby.

The entire renovation lasted for an hour before it was completely over.

Tearing off the dead skin on his body, Jiang Chen looked at his perfect and mortal self in the mirror and smiled.

The laughter continued to echo in the bathroom, the sound became louder and louder, and it took a long time before it fell silent.

Jiang Chen is not happy for his brand-new body, but for his own future.

This is just the prologue reward of the first game, one can imagine how scary the rewards after that will be.

During the whole process, Jiang Chen never complained about the torture during the transformation process, on the contrary, he enjoyed the pain very much.

It's not that he's abnormal, it's the pain that makes people feel rewarded.

This shows that these changes truly belong to him, even if "Infinity Game" is gone, they still belong to him.

It's unrealistic to become a superman without any pain like in the novel.

After roughly measuring the new physical fitness again, Jiang Chen slowly recovered from the excitement.

Next, Jiang Chen did not hold his mobile phone like an upstart, but went out of the house to start an experiment.

During the period, there were a few girls who came up to strike up a conversation, so I won't list them in detail, but now he doesn't have that kind of thought.

First of all, Jiang Chen bought a new mobile phone to experiment whether "Infinity Game" is bound to him or to that mobile phone.

If it's bound to him, then of course there's nothing to say, but if it's bound to a mobile phone, you have to be careful.

As a result, when Jiang Chen turned on the new phone, "Infinity Game" was automatically loaded on the main interface, and the save file of "Rise of the Rat Kingdom" remained unchanged after opening the game.

Looking at the old mobile phone again, there are no traces of "Infinite Games".

Next, Jiang Chen experimented with computers, tablets, PS4, and even elderly machines with black and white screens, and found that as long as he had the idea of ​​playing games in his mind, "Infinite Games" would be automatically transferred to the electronic devices in his hands.

After confirming that "Infinity" was bound to him, Jiang Chen found several children and asked them to describe the interface of "Infinity", affirming that "Infinity" can only be seen by himself.

The last is the power test. First, put the power of the mobile phone down to 1%, and then turn on the game to test how long the power can last.

It can be seen from a glimpse of the leopard in the tube.

From the prologue of "Rise of the Rat Kingdom", it can be seen that "Infinity Game" is not a small difficulty, Jiang Chen does not want to get a power-off package when he is about to clear the level in the future.

As a result, the 1% power lasted for 3 hours abruptly without any sign of shutting down.

The moment I quit "Infinity Game", the phone automatically shuts down, leaving only the "Infinity" icon exuding inexplicable brilliance on the pitch-black screen, confirming that there is no need to worry about battery power.

The experiment is almost done, so there is no hesitation, let's continue to play the game.

However, what Jiang Chen didn't know was that just as he was submitting the archive, something changed somewhere in the real Neon Kingdom...

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