The game restarted, and Jiang Chen skillfully manipulated Caesar into a corner, harvesting half a fishing line and a rusty blade.

Pass the fishing line through the notch in the blade and tie it to Caesar's stump.

Novice weapon, get!

After turning left and right for another 10 minutes, a mouse nest appeared on the screen. In the nest, a dozen pink and tender young mice were quietly sleeping, apparently just born.

Without further ado, Jiang Chen pressed the handle to let Caesar approach slowly, and then...

Raising the blade strapped to his left paw, he began to slaughter wildly.

But don't kill these young rats, just beat them to half blood.

In an instant, the sharp cry of a young mouse came from the stereo.

[The young mouse is attacked, activate the skill 'call']

[The male mouse and the female mouse are on their way, please get ready]

Without the slightest panic, Jiang Chen just put on the earphones and manipulated Caesar to hide in the corner, like a hunter waiting for the prey to step into the trap.

About two minutes later, there was a sharp hiss, mixed with the sound of panicked footsteps slowly approaching.

【male mouse】

【Health volume】: 100/100

[Skill]: Epidemic teeth (there is a certain chance of contracting a disease after being bitten)

PS: In the state of serious injury, there is a certain chance to subdue

Just when the male mouse was rushing towards the young mouse, Jiang Chen saw the timing and quickly pressed the handle, and directly chopped off the male mouse's tail.

[The player causes weak point damage, the blood volume of the male mouse is -20, and it falls into an unbalanced state]

On the screen, the tail of the male mouse was directly cut off by the blade, and then the male mouse began to shake like he was drunk.

This is what Jiang Chen has explored a long time ago. There are weak points in this game. For example, if you cut the eyes, you will be blind, and if you cut off the tail, you will lose your balance.

Vertebrates have tails instead, and tails are basically used to balance the body. It is difficult for mice without tails to walk.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!

When the male mouse was out of balance, Jiang Chen was hacking around it.

[Successful attack, male mouse HP -10]

[Attack effect, male mouse HP -20]


[The blood volume is less than 10, and the male rat fell into a coma due to serious injuries. Do you want to take it in? 】

Jiang Chen needs starting genetic points, and he doesn't need male mice in his plan, so...

[The male mouse is dead, get 10 gene points]

Without the slightest trace of ink, under Jiang Chen's control, Caesar dragged away the corpse of the male mouse and hid it in the corner again.

A few minutes later, the same footsteps sounded again.

【female mouse】

【Health volume】: 100/100

[Skills]: Plague Teeth, Overpopulation

The same routine, the same operation, but this time Jiang Chen only cut off the mother mouse's tail, but did not kill it.

The reason is simple. Caesar is just a male rat, and he needs a female rat to cooperate after he wants to reproduce, and this female rat is the reproductive machine selected by Jiang Chen.

After completing his goal, Jiang Chen slaughtered all the screaming young rats immediately, and then covered up all the bloodstains with soil to avoid attracting other mobs with the sound and bloody smell.

Don’t blame him for being cautious. Who knows who developed this game. The graphics are so sloppy that it can’t be any more sloppy, but the various scene settings are extremely realistic, basically no different from reality. If you are not careful, you have to start all over again. .

Finally, Jiang Chen repeatedly clicked the pop-up [Recovery Button] on the wriggling female mouse.

He tried it before, and the probability of subduing it is about 30%. After the subduction fails, it takes 10 minutes to recover it again, provided the target is still alive.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen's luck was not bad this time, and he successfully subdued him the first time.

With a flash of light, the mutilated female mouse instantly revived with full blood, obediently surrounded Caesar, and the semi-hidden task box in the upper left corner jumped to 2/1000.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, but it will be easy after taking the first step.

Click on the genetic map, the initial skills of the three skill trees are all 10 gene points, but you can only choose one, and if you choose one, the other will disappear automatically.

The initial skill of the technology tree is [brain development], which can provide more weak points to attack, which is basically meaningless, and can be made up for with operations. It may be that subsequent skill matching is required to reflect its power.

The Super Power Tree is [Super Power Awakening], its function is to allow individuals to have a certain chance of awakening super powers.

From the current point of view, the super power route is obviously more useful than the technology route. The latter may explode in the later stage, but there is no talk about the later stage in the early stage, not to mention that the super power route is not necessarily weaker than technology in the later stage.

So the choice is very simple, Jiang Chen did not hesitate to use the gene points contributed by the male mouse to light up [Super Energy Development].

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