Yes, Jiang Chen fell asleep for 3 years.

During the three years he slept, the earth has undergone earth-shaking changes.

In the first year, the earth was relatively peaceful, and the attention of the five rogue nations was all focused on the development of the abyss world.

Under the leadership of Zhang Wei, the earth has successively conquered many dark worlds such as "Fast and Furious", "Extreme Chase", "Extreme Killer"...etc.

The first ten floors of the abyss were alright. Although the level of military force and technology was getting higher and higher, there was no extraordinary power. With the investment of the five major powers regardless of capital, they were quickly conquered.

But after reaching the tenth floor, signs of transcendence began to sprout.

First is the world of dark martial arts, then the world of dark martial arts, and then the world of dark fairy tales

In a world where Transcendental systems are getting stronger and more popular, the five major countries once wanted to drop nuclear bombs.

There is no way, the overall power of those worlds is not strong, but there are many individual extraordinary people, and they still hold natural hostility towards foreign invaders like them.

As a result, just like what the earth did in the Three Kingdoms world, those extraordinary people did not confront Zhang Wei and the others. They just kept executing beheading tactics, and even carried out a series of magic changes after getting modern weapons, so as to counterattack the earth camp .

Many times, Zhang Wei was on the verge of death, and it was the suicidal protection of others that kept him alive.

Since toughness is not enough, we can only use strategy.

Until then, Zhang Wei gradually got rid of his puppet status.

Using tactics and human nature, Zhang Wei began to deploy 293 little by little in those extraordinary worlds.

For example, send history books to the world of martial arts, send nuclear bombs and biochemical weapons to the world of fairy tales, and let people in the world kill each other for rights.

Like a poisonous snake in the shadows, once the world weakens to a certain extent, it will be conquered immediately.

In turn, Zhang Wei was recognized by the five major powers and was jointly appointed as a general.

At the same time, conquering these extraordinary worlds also brought an extraordinary system to the real world.

Among them, Dragon Country follows the flow of internal force and martial arts, Beautiful Country follows the flow of genetic modification, Eagle Pass follows the flow of witchcraft, Russia follows the flow of fighting spirit, and France follows the flow of spirituality.

Of course, it is impossible for these supernatural knowledge to be popularized to the people in the first place, but to be applied to the army and powerful groups first.

At the same time, the resources of the Sea Emperor were transported from the abyss world to the earth by the five great powers.

However, even so, the world's prices have not decreased, but continue to rise, and even the living standards of the people have not changed.

That's right, most of the resources are monopolized by the upper class, and the remaining small part is also restricted.

After all, if those resources are put directly into the market, it will affect the interests of too many people.

For example, those local tyrants who rely on oil in the desert cannot allow the flood of oil.

This also made Zhang Wei more sure of the correctness of his path. If the earth wants to truly develop, those capitalists must be swept into the dust of history, otherwise they will continue to lie on the 7 billion human beings and suck blood until human beings perish.

In the second year, the extraordinary system was finally opened to the public.

Through the derivation of technology, both internal force and witchcraft have evolved to a higher level, and the efficiency is many times higher than the original version.

The first is the children in the school. Physical education classes in colleges and universities all over the world have been forcibly changed to practice classes.

And it is the kind that must be attended. If other teachers occupy it, it will directly violate the criminal law.

At that time, it once caused an uproar all over the world, and countless middle school teenagers thought their time had finally come.

Then they discovered that transcendence is not as easy to obtain as in novels and movies.

The internal strength of Longguo needs to keep in mind the acupuncture points and meridians of the whole body first, and can only be cultivated with the special medicine that can be used as poison for bitterness, and the speed of cultivation is not much faster.

Pretty Country is similar, it can be genetically adjusted, but the adjustments are surprisingly expensive, and it is basically within the reach of the grassroots.

It's not a deliberate monopoly, but the cost is really high, and the same goes for the other three countries.

Of course, the popularization of the Transcendent System was not so smooth.

When other small countries found out that the bosses had joined together secretly, and they quit immediately after not taking them to play.

First it was a protest, then a fishing boat denounced it, and finally it rose to the point of door-to-door cursing.

They have only one request, and that is to let the five great powers share the extraordinary.

The result is self-evident, the Transcendent System that the Five Great Powers spent so much money to get, they just want it with their mouths, I'm afraid they are just thinking about farts.

Even if the small country exchanges resources, the Five Heavens Kingdom will not agree.

They have no shortage of resources now, and they are even a little worried about how to store those piled up resources.

Therefore, a local war broke out, which is the first global war in the modern history of the earth.

There is only one word to describe the trend of the entire war:


After all, the five rogue countries have united together (aedh), and it also comes with an extraordinary system [it is naturally easy to deal with those small countries.

Immediately, the small countries all stopped, but they still didn't listen to the small movements behind the scenes.

The outbreak of the war seems to have caused chaos deep in the hearts of the people.

After the end of the local wars, problems emerged one after another within the five major countries.

The sprout of extraordinary made those Sabi who didn't know what to expect and thought he was the protagonist slowly swelled up.

Robbery, murder, rape/female...

In that year, the crime rate in various countries soared by more than ten times.

In this regard, the countries were not polite, and they all dispatched armed forces to violently suppress, and even the trial went through a process, and anyone who committed a slightly worse crime would be directly shot.

For this reason, a country that does not have the death penalty like the beautiful country has specially enacted a temporary death penalty bill.

The purpose of doing this is to use iron and blood methods to frighten this era of change.

To put it bluntly, it is killing chickens and monkeys.

This year is hailed by mankind as the first year of the extraordinary.

In the third year, the situation of the entire earth suddenly changed drastically.

Because the excavation of the abyss became more and more difficult, gradually the five major powers focused their attention on the earth.

The Earth Alliance proposed by the Dragon Kingdom took advantage of the trend and went on the agenda.

This is a matter of course. When resources are not lacking, the core contradiction will disappear.

In order to strive for more resources and at the same time ensure the leading position, in-depth cooperation is an inevitable result.

After about two months of negotiations, the five major powers finally announced the establishment of the Earth Alliance around the world.

The Earth Alliance adopts a parliamentary system, and each country gets a corresponding number of members according to its comprehensive strength.

All councilors have a 4-year working system, and all major decisions are made by votes of councilors.

Ordinary things, the minority agrees with the majority.

Important things need to be agreed by 80% of the members.

By the way, Adam is one of the councilors. After all, the whole West can be said to be his voice.

The establishment of the Earth Alliance has brought unimaginable impact on human society.

Leaving aside the other small countries, the five major countries are not used to it.

However, under the newly issued various welfare systems, the people of the five major countries slowly merged together.

I believe that in another decade or so, there will be no differences between countries in the world.

Now those small countries are completely out of the game, and the smarter ones immediately joined the Earth Alliance and became a grassroots leader.

Those who cannot see the future are annexed by the five major powers for various reasons.

However, the matter was still not over. Just when the Earth Alliance was about to be stabilized, the Rat Clan, who had been hidden for a long time, suddenly spoke up, demanding to have the same seat as the five major powers.

The reason given to the outside world is that the rat clan is also a part of the earth.

Internally, they first threatened with Star Devourers, and then took the initiative to reduce the cost of cleaning up nuclear pollution.

In the end, the Rat Clan became the sixth force of the Earth Alliance and officially embarked on this train leading to the future.

Of course, the integration of the Rat Clan was not so smooth. Humans and Rats are two races after all.

The current rat clan and humans are more like one country, two systems in disguise.

The establishment of the Earth Alliance immediately made Xiao Poqiu's comprehensive strength begin to spread rapidly.

Then several layers of abyss were broken through, and the Earth Alliance became stronger with the backfeeding of various technologies and resources in the abyss world.

Like a snowball, everything is developing in a good direction, only Zhang Wei has become more and more silent.

Just at this moment, Jiang Chen came back………….

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