Clash Of Civilizations: I Really Don't Want To Destroy The Earth

Chapter 86 The Emperor Admits, The Emperor Allows, And The Emperor Bears Everything!

At the end of the live broadcast, Zhang Wei started his plan.

Nearly ten million troops marched into the city from all over the world.

As long as they saw rioters, they shot and killed them without saying a word.

After the entire city is cleared, only a part will be left to garrison and continue to the next city.

Zhang Wei's side has faith, strength, and a steady stream of resources from the abyss world.

It was a bit miserable for the Earth Alliance side. Not only was Zhang Wei sprayed it in the live broadcast room, which led to the loss of public opinion, but Zhang Wei also took away most of the troops.

But even so, the battle situation is still very stalemate.

After all, the background of the Earth Alliance is there, how could it be easily overthrown.

But Zhang Wei had already thought of this day.

Just when the war fell into a drag stage, a mysterious army quietly came out of the abyss world.

These are the aborigines of the abyss world, and they are dead bodies secretly cultivated by Zhang Wei in the past few years.

Compared with the people on earth, they have been exposed to the extraordinary since birth, and they have higher combat power.

As a result, beheading tactics reappeared in the arena.

Those dead fighters either lurk in the shadows, or transform into mosquitoes, and carry out suicidal assassinations on the entire high-level alliance. "Seven Forty"

In just a few days, more than 3 floors of high-level alliance officials disappeared, and the remaining high-level leaders were also trembling every day, unable to work normally at all.

No matter how they prevent it, it is useless. After all, the earth's civilization is still dominated by technology, and the preventive measures against the extraordinary are not perfect.

Soldiers lost command, logistics lost management, and the entire Earth Alliance suddenly ushered in a wave of collapse.

Zhang Wei's forces took advantage of the situation to invade the city and plunder the land, constantly eroding the vitality of the Earth Alliance.

Finally, all the top executives of the alliance are anxious:

"What should we do? Our extraordinary is no match for those assassins. If this continues, we will die sooner or later."

"Use the nuke!"

"No, don't forget, the Rat Clan is on Zhang Wei's side, and that star eater is still lying on the star core."

"Then recognize their place and divide the earth in two."

"It still doesn't work, Zhang Wei has the backing of the abyss world, neither resources nor technology is a problem, it can be said that every second is getting stronger, we can't afford it.

"Then what do you say? You can't beat it, and you can't delay it. Surrender."

The moment the words fell, the meeting room fell into an eerie silence.

Just a word to wake up the dreamer, what should I do if I can't beat him?

Just join!

"Cough cough...... Everyone is from the earth. It's a bit too much to say surrender. We are here for the future of the earth."

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally nodded.

Therefore, on the 27th day after Zhang Wei declared independence, the Earth Alliance officially announced its surrender.

The new alliance with Zhang Wei as the core is established!

Just when everyone felt that the matter had finally come to an end, Zhang Wei did not stop, but immediately started his new plan.

In fact, unifying the earth is just a premise, and his reform has just begun.

The first step of reform: promote the thinking network!

That is, to promote the thinking network of the Rat Clan to all human beings after a certain transformation, which is why Zhang Wei first went to the Rat Clan.

This thing is definitely a big killer for a civilization.

The reason why people are suspicious of each other is not because people's hearts are separated from each other, but once they are connected to the thinking network, there will be no barriers between people, and the cohesion of the entire human race will climb countless levels.

Of course, Zhang Wei is not so mad that all human beings will disclose their thinking.

Not to mention how many people would die in situ if he did that, just making human beings lose themselves is not what he wants.

Unlike the rat race, humans are a race that needs an ego.

It is precisely because of the difference of self that human beings have the development of diversity today.

This is the foundation of human beings and must not be moved!

Compared with the flat network of the rat clan, the human thinking network is more like a pyramid, and each has the authority to open and close.

As a matter of course, human education, communication... and many other industries have all been transferred to the thinking network, and the efficiency has been increased by more than a thousand times.

However, this also deeply binds humans to the Rat Race. From then on, as long as humans exist, the Rat Race will no longer be in danger of extinction.

This is the main reason why No. 2 took the lead in joining Zhang Wei.

During this period, Zhang Wei also did a major event, which is to open his thinking to all mankind.

Zhang Wei knows what people are most afraid of now. They are afraid that they are just a careerist vying for fame and fortune, and all the previous words are false.

Once this kind of suspicion is planted, it will undoubtedly be a time bomb for the new Earth Alliance.

You don't need to be provoked by others. Maybe it will blow up that day.

Therefore, reassuring everyone is the most urgent task at the moment.

At this moment, billions of human beings have seen Zhang Wei's heart:

Bright and dark, decisive and tolerant, contradictory but natural.

The most important thing is that this man really loves the earth and the entire earth civilization.

During Setsuna, the situation on the entire earth calmed down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Because people firmly believe that Zhang Wei is a leader who can bring them the future, it's that simple.

In fact, the people do not have too many pursuits. It is enough to live to the end of old age and death if they can eat enough, wear warmth, and meet certain material and spiritual needs.

The second part of the plan: implement the new system!

After all the people entered the thinking network, Zhang Wei promulgated a new social system.

Much like communism, but not quite.

The absolute equality of people is just an illusion after all. Zhang Wei just puts the intelligent life on the whole earth on the same starting line, and then allocates resources according to the level of ability.

At the same time, all the currency systems in the old world are abolished, and the contribution point system is proposed.

That is, the basic diet and medical care of the people are all taken care of by the alliance, but they also need to pay equivalent labor.

If you want more, you can only improve your ability, make greater contributions to the civilization of the earth, and earn contribution points to buy.

In order to avoid the re-emergence of capitalism, all the alliance's industries related to people's livelihood and military are nationalized.

Except for self-sufficiency, the funds of all state-owned enterprises are fed back to the private sector, so as to form a long-term and stable capital cycle.

If the people want to do business, they can, but it must be controlled by the alliance, which fundamentally eliminates the possibility of monopoly or exploitation.

Of course, taxation is still unavoidable, otherwise, what would Zhang Wei use to support the alliance...

Once the new system was announced, it immediately caused a sensation in the whole world.

The fishing boat presents a polarized situation.

The public quickly agreed, thinking that Zhang Wei is the greatest leader in history.

The capital side, on the contrary, tried every means to slander Zhang Wei.

Nonsense, Zhang Wei's hoe is enough to dig up their ancestral graves, if you don't resist, you will die.

As the saying goes, it is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. Capitalists who are used to manipulating funds and using money to make money to survive, how could they be willing to work.

They thought that Zhang Wei had just established a new alliance, even if they manipulated the fishing boat, Zhang Wei would not touch them, and it must be mainly to appease them.

However, they underestimated Zhang Wei's consciousness too much.

From the moment he declared his independence, this man was ready to bear everything.

As I said before, whether he is feared by all living beings or left with a bad reputation for thousands of years, he recognizes them all.

This is not just talking, he is really going to do it.

As a result, all capital tycoons who resisted were hanged, and even those who did not participate were confiscated in full.

For a whole month, the crematoriums all over the world have not stopped, and even the iron frames have been incinerated. Who knows how many people Zhang Wei executed.

For the first time, the world saw what real cruelty was.

Correspondingly, with the death of those diehards, the entire earth civilization is gradually bursting with new vitality.

The third step of the plan: planning for all!

A new era has arrived, and the thinking network begins to evaluate each person's personality and ability, so as to assign their own work.

In this era, no one is idle, everyone is creating value, and everyone has the same goal.

Although it is not as leisurely as in the past, but it is also extremely fulfilling, and even the anxiety about extraterrestrial civilizations has dissipated a lot.

Whether it is the military or the people's livelihood, breakthroughs have been made rapidly.

It seems unbelievable, but it is only natural when you think about it carefully.

Intelligent life has five pursuits.

Namely, Survival, Security, Social 5.9, Position, Self!

Zhang Wei gave them all.

In terms of survival, people no longer work blindly for food and clothing, and the alliance is responsible.

In terms of security, adhering to the spirit of the Dragon Kingdom Army, Zhang Wei vowed not to let the people suffer any harm.

Socially, with an improved version of the thinking network, everyone can be friends with the whole world.

In terms of position, there is a thinking network to judge an individual's ability and character. Everyone can find their own position and create value for civilization in the most suitable way, which is full of sense of accomplishment.

In terms of self, with the guidance of Zhang Wei, people are no longer confused and know how to go on the road ahead.

How can such an earth not rise?

In this way, since the birth of intelligent life, the greatest, most brutal, and most dictatorial ruler was born.

Standing at the highest position, he looked up at the stars and the sea, and stepped into the mud to carry the demands of all living beings. His name was Zhang Wei, but no one called him that anymore.

People prefer to call him by his new name......


PS: Thank you [wx_04**] for your 688 point reward!

Thanks to [2150**] brother for the 100 point reward!.

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