Clash Of Civilizations: I Really Don't Want To Destroy The Earth

Chapter 92 Forward, Forward! Forward By Any Means!

There are still 797 days until the arrival of extraterrestrial civilizations, just like the countdown to the college entrance examination.

The lower right corner of all instruments in the world is displaying this countdown, so as to stimulate the potential of all individuals.

Of course, there are also many people who can't bear the pressure and collapse on the spot.

Although such people are worthy of pity, Zhang Wei just abandoned them indifferently.

Even the food supply was cut off to them, and they were left to starve unless they picked themselves up and went to work.

cold blooded

Cold-blooded to the extreme, but it's necessary.

If these miscellaneous things are left to be hamstrung, then the earth will never even think about developing in the remaining time.

Zhang Wei did this to let everyone see his determination, and by the way, get rid of a batch of such defeatist waste.

Earth civilization can be extreme, cold-blooded, and tyrannical, but it is absolutely impossible to lose its animal nature and become waste.

Lost 04 Lost humanity, lost a lot, lost animality, lost everything!

It will be a problem to keep such waste inside the civilization sooner or later. Maybe when the extraterrestrial civilization comes, these people will directly turn into traitors and stab the earth in the back.

In this way, under the unification of Zhang Wei's steel-like will, the entire earth civilization is innovating every day. Even in the morning, a technology was just launched, and the sample was only half completed. In the afternoon, this technology was abolished, because more advanced technology It has been deduced by [Fuxi].

It's that exaggerated.

Zhang Wei is forcing himself, forcing the whole earth to continue to evolve, what environmental pollution, what resource waste, what human rights, what 8-hour working system, all to me!

He just needs to move forward, keep moving forward, move forward by any means!

Even if the hands and feet are broken, I still have to gnaw the mud with my teeth and let me crawl forward!

It doesn't matter if the workers are tired, they enter the thinking network to accelerate sleep, and then add some nutrient solution, and after 20 minutes, they will be a spirited guy again.

Scientists are old and critically ill, it doesn't matter, just abandon the body, reunite into a ghost, or transform into a heroic spirit, and continue to work overtime for research.

It doesn't matter if a soldier suffers from war syndrome, just throw him into the abyss directly, not afraid of your mania, but afraid of your weakness.

As long as you kill enough, until you become numb, the war syndrome will naturally subside.

In a word, under Zhang Wei's leading charge, the earth civilization is running hysterically like a wild dog, regardless of the future or destruction ahead.

In this time node known as the "Advance Era" by later generations, no one is free, even during the break time, they have to enter the thinking network to play simulated Star Wars games, cultivate their combat capabilities, and at the same time supplement Gaia. ammunition.

In this self-destructive evolution, the entire earth civilization is soaring to a higher dimension at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, if the fleet of extraterrestrial civilizations knew the status of the earth, they probably wouldn't be as leisurely as they are now.

In deep space, in a certain main ship, a few aliens who look like Avatar and wear 'octopus' accessories are chatting leisurely:

"Tell me, what do the masters think? Why do you want us to attack a low-level civilization that hasn't even come out of a home planet?"

"It's probably too weak. The ruler is too lazy to destroy it. After all, civilizations like ours are only a minority, and the weak are not worthy of submitting to the tentacles of the ruler."

"It's true, then do you want to play when we get here?"

"How to play?"

"Give those monkeys a biochemical virus/virus, make them all infertile, and then watch them slowly die out in despair.

"Not good, the time is too long, and it's not exciting enough."

"Then inject No. 3 energy into the home planet of those monkeys to stimulate animals, plants and insects to go berserk?"

"Are you a fool, the amount is so precious, it's too wasteful to use it on a bunch of monkeys."

"Then how do you play?"

"I have analyzed the social structure and thought model of those monkeys, and it feels like bugs in the gutter, full of desire for sex and materialism."

"Such individuals, as long as we say a word, a large number of them will join us. At that time, we will give those monkeys some weapons and watch them kill each other."

"And we are sitting in the starry sky, watching a big show with the warm rays of the stars."

"Good idea, good idea, or you can play."

"Hey, are you too arrogant, what if the monkey civilization has a technological explosion in a short period of time?"

"Pfft! Hahaha..... Can you stop teasing me? Let's not say that the probability of a technological explosion in lower civilizations is less than one in a billion. Even if they have a technological explosion, if they want to transform their technology How long will it take to turn it into a substantial basic industry and turn it into a weapon?"

"A hundred years or a thousand years?"

"And we will be there in two years, when the time comes, we will directly use the 'mathematical singularity' to distort 307's mathematical laws, lock their technological upper limit, and collapse their technological system

"To be honest, I can't even imagine how we would lose unless the Juggernaut is on their side."

If Zhang Wei knew about this conversation, he would definitely... 098712504 Feilu 054031061]

Laugh out loud, and then celebrate for three days and three nights.

Contempt is good, the more contempt they have, the weaker their defense against the earth will be.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to wait two years for the earth to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers.

However, Zhang Wei didn't know that all his imagination of extraterrestrial civilizations came from the previous scavengers.

What is the image of a scavenger?

Yin Bi, an old Yin Bi who can falsify the time at will, but he is extremely obsessed, and his acting skills have broken through the ceiling.

Therefore, in Zhang Wei's imagination, extraterrestrial civilization is an old and dark concentration/camp.

Otherwise why is he so poor.

If Jiang Chen hadn't told him the time directly, Zhang Wei might have hidden the three artifacts long ago.

As for biochemical weapons, No. 3 energy, [mathematical singularity or something?

That’s all for the future, whether it can be used or not……….

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