Looking at the fleet full of technological beauty on the screen, Zhang Wei took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

In the next moment, his eyes flashed, and he resolutely spoke in the thinking network:

"Attention all units, our guests are here!"

"Yes, Emperor!" *N

Following the response of countless people, on the shadow earth, the divine light of wisdom suddenly lit up in the dead eyes of all the bodies.

Immediately afterwards, billions of earth citizens acted as their former selves under the instruction of [Fuxi].

Not to mention, everyone is really uncomfortable when going from the new era to the old era all of a sudden, and they always feel empty in their hearts.

This is normal. Under Zhang Wei's rule, although they are busy every day, they are doing jobs that they like, and these jobs are meaningful, and they are harvesting tons every moment The sense of accomplishment, but what about the era before Zhang Wei?

Most people are repeating meaningless work every day, running around for three meals a day and unnecessary material desires all their lives.

I didn't feel it at first, but now I suddenly experienced it again, and the gap immediately appeared, and a small number of people even wanted to stop acting directly.

No way, it's too boring, too humble, it feels like a bug struggling in the gutter, the fields are dirty.

They all wondered how their former selves endured 867.

However, everyone also knows that this is acting for an extraterrestrial civilization, so even though I feel uncomfortable, I still play my role dutifully in the end, and say goodbye to my once unbearable self.

As a result, extraterrestrial civilizations saw the earth where prosperity and chaos coexisted.

"Look, as I said, with the mind of monkeys, there is no possibility of a technological explosion. Although they knew that the end was near, they still didn't make any progress. Even the original unified alliance was scattered into dozens of countries."

"This is the despicableness of low-level civilizations. They don't know the vastness of the universe at all, and they only kill each other for immediate benefits.

"Well, with their nature, it is estimated that even if we don't take action, sooner or later they will slowly die out in the internal war."

"Okay, since you're here, let's have fun."

As soon as the alien head of state spoke, the interstellar fleet composed of hundreds of ships suddenly accelerated, turning into streamers of light and rushing straight to the earth.

From the beginning to the end, they didn't realize that they were already under the surveillance of the earth civilization.

You must know that tens of thousands of (aeci) hidden runes have been engraved with lasers on the surface and body of the nanoworms, which cannot be discovered by alien civilizations at all.

It's not that their technological level is not strong, but that the two are not in the same system at all.

Unless there is a qualitative gap, such as the Galaxy Civilization, the difference in the system can be ignored.

Three days later, the fleet arrived over the Shadow Earth.

During Setsuna, all the display devices on Shadow Earth displayed a face similar to that of Avatar, with contempt and disgust in its eyes.

Different from the scavenger's disguise, this guy's disdain emanates from the depths of his soul, the kind that cannot be disguised.

"Despicable monkeys, I am the supreme ruler of the Alpha civilization, following the orders of the great ruler, I am here to destroy you."

As he said that, a ship directly fired a laser beam and blasted towards Mount Everest.

So, under the watchful eyes of billions of actors, the existence known as the world's highest peak just evaporated out of thin air in the dazzling white light, as if it never existed at all.

At this moment, the entire Shadow Earth was dead silent, and everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes, the numbness on their faces was fear.

The next moment, ear-piercing screams and meaningless roars resounded through every city.

Everyone is fleeing aimlessly, as if staying away from the city can avoid the blow of Alpha civilization.

A masterpiece called Doomsday was perfectly deduced, but it looks different in the thinking network:

"Yo, brother next to you, you've overacted, your expression is too exaggerated, look at me, your lips tremble a little less."

"Oh, I understand, why are you also learning from actors, buddy, you act so well."

"Ahem... I will tell you that my girlfriend is an actor."

"Guys, why do I feel that this alpha civilization is like an idiot? Aren't they here to destroy us? Why should they speak harshly and launch an attack directly?

"I don't understand it either. By the way, they don't want to play cat and mouse with us, do they?"

"Huh? Isn't the universe following the law of the dark forest? How could there be such a stubborn man.

"Everything is possible. Maybe the original Alpha civilization was normal, but not necessarily after being tamed by the Galactic civilization."

"If it were me, after recovering a civilization, I would raise him as soon as possible, so as not to let him have the chance to surpass me. It's just a thug. Why do you have to be so smart, as long as you can fight.

"Upstairs, talent, add a friend, and play games together in the future."

"Okay, let's burn glass together when we have time."

"Speaking of which, can we add some drama to ourselves, such as buying something for zero yuan, I haven't tried robbery yet.

"Good idea, I'll go right away."

"Doomsday, as a despicable monkey, it is normal for me to kill and rob, and it is completely in line with the self-cultivation of an actor."

"Fuxi reminded that there are tens of thousands of criminal laws, and the first is to abide by the law. Those who add drama without authorization will be kicked out of the entertainment industry forever.

Looking at the chaos on the shadow earth, and feeling the overflowing joy in the thinking network, Zhang Wei's mouth twitched subconsciously a few times with a strong sense of separation.

He seems to regret proposing this shadow plan a little bit, what a showman.

The next moment, Zhang Wei turned his head to look at the adjutant beside him.

"Did the nanites get in?"

"It's okay to go in, but the opponent is equipped with an energy shield. Once you start to invade, there is a 90% chance of being noticed."

"What about waiting for them to come out?"

"No, according to the other party's current technological level, it must be equipped with a self-testing system."

"According to the latest analysis of the Academy of Sciences, nanoworms and undead legions are not enough to deal with this Alpha civilization, and Gaia is the best way to deal with pure technological civilization."

Zhang Wei nodded, and there was no look of disappointment on his face.

If the extraterrestrial civilization is so easy to solve, then the galactic civilization will not photograph them.

However, Gaia is not in a hurry to dispatch, and the correct answer is to test the Alpha civilization first.

After all, it was so hard to set up such a stage, it would be a pity not to have fun with it.

Of course, play is secondary, the most important thing is to prevent the Alpha civilization from leaving any unknown cards.

If the other party staged a Jedi counter-kill, then the earth civilization would not even have a place to cry...

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