“Okay! I’ll leave later.”

Brian’s heart was trembling. He had a premonition that the person who acquired the company would surprise him.

Five minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

Chu Yang appeared in everyone’s sight wearing a black suit and Patek Philippe.

His handsome appearance and extraordinary temperament immediately caught the attention of countless reporters!

“So handsome! I have never seen such a handsome Chinese man!”

“With this temperament, I almost thought it was a celebrity!”

“Can celebrities compare with this one? So handsome! I want to take more pictures!”

“How many? Hehe, with the hand speed I have developed, I can do 60 pictures a minute!”

“Forehead? 60 pictures a minute? This is the speed of flying an airplane! ”

In the process of capturing Chu Yang, the reporters did not forget to occasionally criticize their opponents.

After Chu Yang appeared on the stage, Anna also appeared in front of everyone wearing a suit.

This combination of handsome men and beautiful women could not help but be eye-catching, even their Don’t worry about article traffic!

Chu Yang aside, Anna’s identity is still the daughter of the former president of Louis Group!

Now the group has changed hands, but Anna is still there.

The situation is very thought-provoking.

See Fei Qi The two came out and handed the microphones to each of them with a wink.

Qin Mu also came to the scene by accident because of the relationship that Chu Yang had arranged before.。

“Good afternoon everyone, let me introduce you first. My name is Chu Yang, and the Lewis Group is currently under my name. ”

Chu Yang’s fluent and pure Falan and the amount of information on the topic instantly shocked all the reporters present as well as Qin Mu and Brian who were watching the excitement.。

“No! Mr. Chu is the acquirer of Lewis Group?”

“How rich do you have to be to build this? It seems that Mr. Chu is only in his twenties!”

“Acquiring a 100-billion-dollar group in your twenties? Oh God! Even if he has money, it’s disappointing that he’s still so handsome!”

“So the question is, what is the relationship between Anna and Mr. Chu?”

“yes! Why do the former Lewis executives and the current president appear together? ”

The reporters slowly got a taste of it.

Anna’s existence is not simple!

Qin Mu and Brian were also shocked by the reporters’ words.

Qin Mu didn’t expect that Chu Yang would only go out for a day or two. In a matter of seconds, he accomplished such a big thing!

If it weren’t for the inappropriate situation now, he would have wanted to smoke a cigarette to calm down! He

was a billionaire group as soon as he made a move?

Mr. Chu, I feel so wronged to you before I left the country!

I have a relationship problem . Only in this country can you show off your skills, right?

Qin Mu tremblingly took out his mobile phone, took a photo of the scene, and sent it to the group of young and old in the Magic City.。

“Let me expose to you Mr. Chu’s new identity, the new president of Lewis Group, let’s find out! Qianyi Group just acquired it! I just want to ask you if you are convinced! ”

Members of the Young Masters of Magic City:“!!!”

What’s going on with this horse riding!

It was just a trip to Falan Country, and yet he managed to create a 100-billion-dollar conglomerate! ?

Wang Song: “What’s going on?”

Meng Xiaobai: “Young Master Chu is worthy of being Young Master Chu. He can build a group worth hundreds of billions whenever he goes abroad.”

Chen Wei: “No wonder the changes in the Lewis Group have been very strange recently. It turns out the owner has changed!”

Zhang Jing: “6666, Mr. Chu is awesome!”

Mr. Song: “Young Master Chu is in a bad mood, so he just wants to buy a group for fun. Hey, Qianyi Group will buy it if i

t says it will buy it. Hey, I don’t do it to make money, I just want to buy it. play~”


A piece of news from Qin Mu immediately exploded all the young people in the Demon City.

Lewis Group, a huge 100 billion group, was acquired by Chu Yang so lightly?

Being the president of a 100-billion-dollar group is enough for Chu Yang to top the rich list of Falan Country!

And this is the acquisition channel!

Many young and old people couldn’t help but guess whether Chu Yang also has many great industries abroad?

For example, is the Lewis Group in front of us just one of Chu Yang’s overseas industries?

Following Qin Mu’s news, the young and old not only refreshed their understanding of Chu Yang, but also made up for many situations in their minds.

The direct consequence of this news was that Chu Yang became even more mysterious in their hearts and even more unoffendable!

And Brian was shocked when he saw this scene!

He never thought that his daughter would be with someone like Chu Yang!

Brian still knew how powerful his group was.

Chu Yang’s ability to acquire the group is enough to show how powerful he is!

How could such a person really join the Lewis Group?

After reacting, Brian felt both disappointed and relieved. No matter what, judging from the current situation, the relationship between Anna and Chu Yang was very good.


Well, it’s a pity that there is no if in the world.

Fitch silently paid attention to Brian’s movements, and the curvature of his lips rose slightly: Now Brian knows what he has missed!

“Mr. Chu, why did you suddenly choose to acquire Lewis Group?”

“Is it because of Miss Anna that you chose Louis Group?”

“Mr. Chu is from China, right? Why did you choose to acquire a group abroad?”

“Mr. Chu……”

Not long after Chu Yang finished speaking, the reporters couldn’t wait to start the interview.

After hearing what the reporters said, Chu Yang nodded slightly: “The reason why I acquired the Lewis Group is actually not that big. I just suddenly wanted to acquire it.。”

“In the future, Anna will still be the president of the company, and she will continue to manage the Louis Group. Of course, the company will also be changed to the Chu Group. ”

Chu Yang said quietly, and his words once again shocked the reporters!

Let Anna continue to be the president of Louis Group?

This is the daughter of the former group president!

Is there any special relationship between Mr. Chu and Anna ? ?

After the reporters caught the key points, they started the interview again。

“Mr. Chu, what is your relationship with Miss Anna?”

“Why did Mr. Chu choose Miss Anna to be the president?”

“Why did Mr. Chu choose Miss Anna as president?”

“Mr. Chu……”

The reporters were so curious about Chu Yang!

If time does not allow, they all want to continue the interview without restrictions.

The Mr. Chu in front of me is so mysterious!

The appearance is also the existence that crushes the popular stars!

Such a handsome and elegant Chinese guy, I’m a fan!

Chu Yang raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his lips were slightly raised. When he was about to speak, Anna beside him spoke up.。

“Ahem, I want to say a few words here. Currently, I am in the state of pursuing Mr. Chu. Mr. Chu is excellent and worthy of my pursuit.。”

“As for your question, I want to say that I think I have the ability to manage the group well, and I am very grateful to Mr. Chu for giving me this opportunity and not giving up because of my pursuit. ”

Anna’s statement is not without boldness.

But it is precisely because of her frankness that reporters feel it has more visual and sensory impact!

Anna, a recognized strong woman in the industry, publicly admitted that she is pursuing Chu Yang!

Mr. Chu Yang The charm is too great!

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