After Ding Hao was given the important task, he also wanted to show off his talents!

Therefore, Ding Hao, senior personnel of Changyou Company, decided to stay at Xianyou Experience Center. He must dig out an outstanding talent for Changyou!

Of course, the popularity of Xianyou is not limited to Changyou alone. Many game companies in the circle are eyeing Xianyou, and even some entertainment companies have sent reporters to stay in Xianyou.

There is no way, Xianyou is too popular. Not only that, there are even people who want to invest in Xianyou to get a piece of the pie.

However, this idea was quickly disillusioned.

A big V on the Internet named “Has Chu Shen’s industry been exposed today?” issued a latest report about Xianyou: “According to the latest news from the exposure editor, the people behind Xianyou are also part of Chu Shen’s industry. See the picture for details. , where there are pictures, there is the truth!”

The accompanying pictures below include scenes of Pingle talking to Chu Yang, as well as scenes of Dong Shao, Xie Jianhua, etc. with Chu Yang.

Soon, the news about the big V was ranked No. 1 in the hot search rankings.。

“I think today’s exposure of the material is a rock. Please pay attention to the eyes of Mr. Guan and others. They are excited, worshipful and admirable!”

“Stone hammer without a doubt! Having said that, the reason why Xianyou is so popular is probably controlled by God Chu! After Chu Shen became popular with Maoqiu’s abdominal muscles, how many men went to train their abdominal muscles for girls! For example, I [abdominal muscles.jpg】。”

“Cry! I am also a victim of abdominal muscles! No, as soon as I was single, the man behind Xianyou was revealed to be God Chu. I felt like I was tricked by God Chu, but I was happy with it.。”

“I have no abs, and I’m not single yet! Even my inflatable girlfriend got punctured accidentally today! It’s so hard for me!”

“Oh, Chu Shen’s property has been exposed again? Laughing to death! It’s time to show off your real skills! Zhao Ziyun, No. 100 on the Immortal Travel Ranking, joins the competition!”

“If you have a pineapple head, you are still ranked 100th, right? Labor and capital 99 Labor and capital are frustrated? ”

Under the exposure of the big V’s comments, the style of the comments gradually became distorted and turned into an online show-off site for Xianyou’s combat power rankings. A group of

melon-eating people also joined the battle group one after another and started the show-off mode.

Chu Yang is the man behind the scenes After a wave of exposure of big V’s operations, the news quickly reached the ears of the Dai Group.

Recently, the Dai Group can be said to have made a lot of money because of Chu Yang’s public marriage with Dai Shanshan!

Dai Xinghuai He is very satisfied with Chu Yang as his future son-in-law. As long as it can bring him benefits, he can accept any kind of son-in-law!

When Dai Xinghuai was happy that Xianyou was Chu Yang’s property, Manager Li from the Finance Department knocked on the door and walked away. Come in。

“Mr. Dai, I have something to ask you. ”

Manager Li wore glasses. He looked very polite and bookish, but he was a very capable person.

Dai Xinghuai still valued Manager Li very much. He waved his hand proudly and said, “What’s the matter? Tell me!

Manager Li nodded: “Mr. Dai, what I want to ask you is, if our Dai Group buys shares in Xianyou, how sure are we that we can succeed in buying shares? ” ”

Manager Li said, raising the corner of the bridge of his nose with his right hand to cover the light flashing in his eyes.。

“It’s not 100% sure to invest in Xianyou. The person in charge of the Chu Group is my future son-in-law! Manager Li, are you very optimistic about the future of Xianyou? ”

Dai Xinghuai’s positioning of the industry is still in the industrial sector. In Dai Xinghuai’s view, the popularity of Xianyou is not worth mentioning. In comparison, the benefits brought by the Chu Group are greater. Manager Li’s mouth outlined a hint

of With a professional smile, he nodded in agreement and said: “Yes, according to the current trend of Xianyou, by the end of this year,

it will at least bring in profits of more than 100 million. This is still my lowest estimate of Xianyou. ”

Dai Xinghuai was shocked after hearing this!

A profit of more than 100 million!?

Is the game industry so powerful?

Thinking of this, Dai Xinghuai’s heart began to move.。

“That sounds promising. I’ll let Shanshan handle this matter. You can go down first. ”

After Dai Xinghuai reacted, he waved for Manager Li to go out. Turning around, he asked his secretary to call Dai Shanshan.。

“Shanshan, you have also seen the trend of Xianyou. I am very satisfied with my son-in-law. Go and tell him that our Dai Group is willing to invest 300 million yuan and hold 30% of the shares. ”

Regarding his daughter, Dai Xinghuai was even more casual.

He arranged Chu Yang in one sentence without waiting for Dai Shanshan to speak.

Dai Shanshan didn’t have a good impression of her father. After hearing Dai Xinghuai’s words, a sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth: ” Since Mr. Dai is so powerful, why not talk to your son-in-law in person? ”

Let’s not talk about how much money the Dai Group gave and how many shares it held. Let’s talk about Chu Yang’s own financial resources. Not to mention 300 million, if you say you are short of 300 million, he can still give you 300 million! Give him

300 million back Holding 30% of the shares, Dai Xing is very proud!

“I am his father-in-law, how can I lose this status? Aren’t you and him an unmarried couple? Since there are good projects, why not do it together? Haven’t I taught you the principle of mutual benefit and win-win? ”

Dai Xinghuai lowered his face, and his face was gloomy.

Dai Shanshan’s expression turned cold: “Then I’m going to lower my face? If you go and investigate, you should know that the best thing about Chu Yang is money. He spent hundreds of billions to buy the Chu Group!”

“Anyway, I don’t agree with this! If you have the ability, go tell him yourself! Anyway, if Chu Yang doesn’t want to marry me, just cry! ”

Dai Shanshan was very disgusted with Dai Xinghuai’s expression. She left the president’s office after saying this.

Dai Xinghuai was even more dissatisfied with Dai Shanshan. He thought to himself: “I am Chu Yang’s father-in-law. Even if Chu Yang is not happy, I If he opens his mouth, can he still give me a stake?”

“I haven’t married you yet, are you watching me cry? Hehe, when have I, Dai Xinghuai, ever done such a stupid thing? I can’t help but want Xianyou’s shares, I also want���Chu Yang begged me to let you get married. ”

Dai Xinghuai thought so, and he felt at ease. He found someone to get Chu Yang’s phone number and dialed it.。

“I am Chu Yang, who are you? ”

Chu Yang glanced at his mobile phone and raised his eyebrows.

Chu Yang has two mobile phone numbers. One is a personal phone number, and most of his contacts are Qin Mu, Sang Biao and other people; the other is a work phone number. Occasionally, he wants to talk to Chu Yang. This phone number will be obtained through cooperation and through various channels.

Xianyou has been very popular recently, and Chu Yang has received a lot of calls.。

“Oh, son-in-law, I am Shanshan’s father, Dai Xinghuai. I would like to talk to you about cooperation. Our Dai Group wants to use 300 million to hold 30% of the shares. Do you think it is okay? ”

Chu Yang touched his chin, his eyes full of interest.

It’s not Dai Shanshan who came here in person, but Dai Xinghuai?

The trick here is not ordinary!

“It’s okay, it’s okay, but in this matter, you let Dai Shanshan Come and tell me yourself. ”

After saying that, Chu Yang hung up the phone.

Don’t say that he is not short of money now. Even if Chu Yang is short of money, he has never seen such a big talker as Dai Xinghuai.

I spent five to six billion in the early stage. You Tell me about 300 million shares of 30%?

Why are you so shameless!

Dai Xinghuai looked at the hung up phone and was furious!

You Chu Yang, you don’t even take me as your father-in-law seriously, what do you think of me? Fix you!

After thinking about it, Dai Xinghuai dialed another number and looked at the international phone number. It was the phone number of Eagle Country.

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