Less than three minutes after Dai Shanshan left in a hurry, Chu Yang heard the sound of shallow and deep footsteps approaching quietly with the unique sound of high heels.

Chu Yang took a shower with cold water. Although his body felt better, the chill in his eyes was even worse.

He didn’t expect that someone would tamper with him at his banquet, and even do it to his head!

“Young Master Chu~”

Chu Yang came out of the bathroom and saw a woman with heavy makeup rushing towards him.

From a distance of several meters, he could smell the strong scent of perfume on the tip of his nose.

What made Chu Yang even more annoyed was that the smell of perfume actually intensified the heat on his body!

Good guys, you guys are really good at this serial plan!

Chu Yang’s eyes turned from bright to deep.

The woman fell to the ground and ouched twice, and then she tried to get up quickly.

Chu Yang is so good-looking in a white bathrobe. His cold and noble look makes him look very abstinent. His sexy throat, defined chest, and narrow waist are all coveted.

As long as she succeeds today, the title of Mrs. Chu will be hers!

“Who is the person behind you? Who brought you in?”

Chu Yang looked down at the woman condescendingly. She could barely see her original face, which made Chu Yang look gloomy.

Who on earth found such a thing to plot against him!

“I… Mr. Chu, spring is too short, so let me serve you first!” The

woman was a little scared by Chu Yang’s gaze, but after thinking about what the man said, she gritted her teeth and decided to pounce on Chu Yang first. .

Now this man is just a paper tiger, she is not afraid of him!

“Get out!”

Chu Yang was angered by the woman’s gesture and kicked her out of the room.。

“Come on, it’s upstairs. ”

Dai Shanshan felt nervous when she heard the noise. After she told the security guards, she took off her high heels, then lifted her skirt and went upstairs.。

“Well, what a miserable woman. ”

When the security guards followed Dai Shanshan up, they saw an unconscious woman hanging on the corridor railing. Judging from her unconscious posture, she must have been kicked away.。

“awful? My fiancé is in trouble! Why don’t you take this woman down quickly! Find out who brought her in as soon as possible. ”

After Dai Shanshan said angrily, the security guards fell silent.

The two smart security guards immediately took the person downstairs, one raising his head and the other raising his feet.。

“Month by month, you follow the progress, but I am negligent, and I actually think that there will be no mistakes in my territory. Chu

Yang said quietly, as if he was giving himself another warning.

Zhuyue paused for a few seconds and said to Chu Yang: “Okay, young master, how do you want to deal with those culprits?””

“It’s getting colder. ”

Chu Yang was lying on the soft big bed. His calm tone did not convey any emotion or anger, but it made people feel chilled.。

“Okay, young master. ”

It has become clear month by month.

It’s getting colder. It’s time to loosen the soil and fill in a hole. Next year, people will dance in the hole.

Chu Yang hummed and didn’t want to think too much.

He sat half-sitting on the bed, Dai Shanshan led the accompanying doctor over, with a slight blush and nervousness on her face: “Doctor Xu, please show my fiancé quickly. ”

When Dr. Xu saw Chu Yang’s face, his heart even shook uncontrollably.

This Mr. Chu is really surprisingly good-looking!

I, a straight man, almost got turned off by this look!

After Dr. Xu stabilized his mind, he began to carefully examine Chu Yang’s current condition.

Two minutes later, Dr. Xu swallowed silently, and said to Chu Yang with twinkling eyes: “Mr. Chu, your current situation, please go to the hos

pital for a check-up.” Water doesn’t help either, the medicine is too powerful. In the current situation, you must know what to do, right? ”

As Dr. Xu said this, he felt that his words were a bit redundant.

Dai Shanshan and Chu Yang were originally an unmarried couple!

Therefore, they asked him to come here just to let him judge whether the medicine could be cured. If not, Mr. Chu can just do it naturally?

Today’s young people have so many tricks!

They just haven’t mastered this amount well, and they don’t know if the sound insulation of this room is good. According to Mr. Chu’s situation, it is estimated that it will take all night.

Dr. Xu took a sneak peek Dai Shanshan, this is Miss Dai’s first time, and she doesn’t know if she can bear it.

After thinking about it in a mess, Dr. Xu suddenly felt that he was a multi-million-watt light bulb.

So, Dr. Xu silently said “Excuse me” in his heart, and then didn’t look back. He left.

Dai Shanshan was shocked when she heard Dr. Xu close the door smoothly!

You can’t understand why you still closed the door!

At least let me take Chu Yang to the hospital!

“Ahem, Shanshan, you go out first Bar. ”

Chu Yang said to Dai Shanshan in a low voice.

He is different from other men. He has a system of invincible skills. Dai Shanshan probably can’t hold him back.

Tonight, she can only rely on the “girlfriend” she was born with. It’s time!

Dai Shanshan looked at Chu Yang on the bed, the ascetic and charming Chu Yang, and an unknown impulse arose in her heart!

She walked to Chu Yang and gave him a green kiss.

Chu Yang’s brain was in a mess after being kissed. fiery。

“Dai Shanshan, I’m sorry. ”

Chu Yang gritted his teeth and apologized with his remaining sanity.

He followed the torn clothes and the woman’s soft singing until the next morning.

Dai Shanshan, who didn’t know when she fainted, fell asleep in a hazy state. .When

she woke up again, Chu Yang was coming out of the bathroom。

“Shanshan, how do you feel? ”

Chu Yang walked to the bed, moved a chair and sat down.

His handsome face and elegant temperament made Dai Shanshan couldn’t help but think of everything last night.

She moved her hands slightly, and her whole body seemed to be falling apart. Dai Shanshan knew clearly that she couldn’t handle Chu Yang by herself.

Chu Yang was so powerful.……

“What time is it now? Dai

Shanshan asked sheepishly.

Chu Yang touched his nose and said, “It’s three o’clock in the afternoon. Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something?” ”

Dai Shanshan knew that he had cleaned it up for her personally, but she was still a little shy.。

“Yes, I’m so hungry. ”

Dai Shanshan’s voice was a little soft, which made Chu Yang feel uncomfortable.

There is a difference between those who have eaten meat and those who have not.

Otherwise, Chu Yang would not have reacted so strongly.

He coughed lightly and said, “I’ll go right away. I’ll bring you some porridge to cushion your stomach, and I’ll eat anything else after you recover a little. ”

Dai Shanshan nodded lightly. Chu Yang was really interested in her.

After a while, Dai Shanshan saw Chu Yang come in with a bowl of white porridge. After feeding it to her carefully, Chu Yang said in a low voice.。

“Shanshan, how about renewing the contract after one year? ”

Chu Yang still has a strong possessive desire in his heart. Naturally, he doesn’t want Dai Shanshan to be with anyone else.

Even if there was a reason for what happened yesterday, Chu Yang still wants Dai Shanshan’s accurate answer.。

“Renew? Will you be your Mrs. Chu? ”

Dai Shanshan’s eyes were filled with light and radiance, which made Chu Yang feel a little moved.。

“Well, what do you think about renewing the contract for life? The future Mrs. Chu. “

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