The time will soon come for Xianyou to recruit new recruits.

Due to the large number of candidates, this recruitment meeting will adopt two rounds of written examination + interview.

The written test will be arranged in the morning and the interview will be arranged in the afternoon. The unified written test time is at 10 o’clock in the morning.

Those who do not arrive on time will be eliminated.

Sun Yuchen came today wearing casual clothes.

In his opinion, a company where even a rich second generation like Dong Shao could join, he, Sun Yuchen, could also join!

Thinking of this, Sun Yuchen even dug into his pocket.

Wang Qi, who was walking over, saw Sun Yuchen taking out money at a glance!

Good guy, if you only have a dozen small coins, you still need to start with ten thousand!

I won’t be eliminated in the end because I am too poor!

Wang Qi thought about it and touched his pocket and found that his pocket was cleaner than his face.

Damn it, if I had known that I would have to bribe the interviewer or something to enter Xianyou, I would have pocketed a thousand yuan in cash for anything today!

Wang Qi looked at the time, nine forty.

It’s too late to go out and get the money, that’s it!

I can’t believe that such a big Xianyou company can still bribe people with such small amounts of money!

I am the manager of the human resources department of Changyou, and I have no problem making a living based on my ability!

Wang Qi was just cheering for himself when he heard the same greeting sound ringing in his ears one after another.。

“Hello Mr. Chu。”

“Hello Mr. Chu。”

“Hello Mr. Chu. ”

Mr. Chu’s greetings came, instantly attracting the attention of all candidates.

I saw Chu Yang wearing a custom-made Armani suit and a Patek Philippe worth more than two million yuan on his hand. He had

short black hair and a handsome appearance. He has the aura of a superior and a touch of elegance.

There are many legends about Chu Yang on the Internet. His skills can be described in one sentence: apart from giving birth, he seems to know everything! No one thought that

they would actually be in the interview. I met Chu Yang on the first day!

“Mr. Chu, the interview will start in a moment. Do you want to go up and say something?” ”

Guan Pingle is very satisfied with the number of new recruits today.

After this week’s screening, most of the people who can be gathered into the company today are the best of the best.

With Xianyou’s current situation, what is needed most is top talents!

Among the crowd , Wei Xiaoming also secretly concealed his figure. The

person he was going to interview today was also the evaluator of the game department. After learning about Chu Yang’s deeds yesterday, he resolutely signed up. Of course, he was backed by The character is still a mad dog.

There is nothing that can be done about the mad dog. He lives in a farmhouse and is harassed every day, but he does not dare to do anything in it. At any rate,

the eldest brother was forced to panic and arranged a place for Wei Xiaoming to go in for an interview.

Anyway He just wanted an interview spot, and Xie Jianhua agreed.

Precisely because of Mad Dog’s sudden operation, no candidate present expected that the difficulty of his interview would be temporarily increased by a new check last night. The final re-examination Interviewed by Chu Yang。

“This is no longer necessary. ”

Chu Yang touched his nose. He was only here to take charge of the final interview. Why is there a new link?

“It’s useful, Mr. Chu. It’s the happiness of the employees to stay in Xianyou and work with you. ! ”

Xie Jianhua quickly helped.

Chu Yang knew that he could not shirk, so he said that he would assemble in advance in ten minutes. He said a few words briefly.

Guan Pingle, who had dealt with Chu Yang, looked at Xie Jianhua gratefully and left happily.

Xie Jianhua He also sincerely invited Chu Yang to inspect the co


Ding Hao arrived at the company after Xie Jianhua and the others left, so naturally Wang Qi mistakenly thought that he was also here for an interview.。

“Ding Hao, are you here for an interview too? ”

Wang Qi greeted Ding Hao enthusiastically, and the smugness on his face made colleagues in Xianyou Company couldn’t bear to look directly at him. The

relationship between these two people is plastic at first glance!

Ding Hao is now the deputy manager of the human resources department. !

Wang Qi actually thought that Ding Hao was also going for an interview!

Ding Hao was a little uncomfortable with Wang Qi’s enthusiasm. He nodded in agreement and said: “Yes, I am also here for an interview. ”

Xianyou staff:“……”

There seems to be nothing wrong with what Deputy Manager Ding said.

He is indeed here for an interview!

He is the interviewer responsible for interviewing new people!

All the Xianyou employees looked at Wang Qi inexplicably with a hint of pity in their eyes: “When the interview takes place in the afternoon, you will know what kind of interview it is with Ding Hao.”

At that time, Sun Yuchen also saw Dong Shao.

He walked up to Dong Shao triumphantly and showed off: “Dong Shao, you didn’t expect it! I also came to Xianyou for an interview!”

Dong Shao looked at the proud Sun Yuchen and had an urge to laugh.

Mr. Sun, you wouldn’t have thought of that either!

I’m today’s interviewer!

He held back his laughter and covered his mouth with his hands, almost bursting into tears.

He originally thought that today’s interview would be quite difficult for him.

Now that Sun Yuchen is here, he actually thinks that being an interviewer is a very good thing.。

“What’s wrong with you? Why are you still crying? Do you feel sad that if I interview you, I will definitely be able to get you? ”

Sun Yuchen rarely works in the company. He has always believed in a concept, that is: Money can solve all problems!

His confident tone made all Xianyou employees who learned the truth almost burst into laughter.。


“Pfft. ”

The two Xianyou employees who had a low point of laughter couldn’t hold it back and burst out laughing.

Sun Yuchen was confused: “What are you laughing at? Employee

1 coughed twice and said seriously: “I’m sorry, I thought of a very funny thing.” Sun Yuchen asked employee 2 again: ”

Why are you laughing again?”

Employee 2 was suddenly CUE and said seriously: “I also thought of something funny. ” ”

Did you think of something funny at the same time?

I believe you are a ghost!

Sun Yuchen pulled Dong Shao aside angrily. Although Sun Yuchen and Dong Shao had some personal grudges, Sun Yuchen still wanted to take the opportunity to find out who their interviewer was this time.。

“Dong Shao, you have been in Xianyou for so long, can you tell me who the interviewer of the game department is? ”

Sun Yuchen said as he stuffed the banknotes into Dong Shao’s hand.

His operation shocked the employees of Xianyou!

Bribing the interviewer openly?

Dong Shao openly took Sun Yuchen’s money, with a smile on his face An inscrutable smile: “You will know this afternoon. ”

After Dong Shao finished speaking, he took Sun Yuchen’s money and turned around to leave.

Sun Yuchen was almost mad.

I wonder if I can bribe the interviewer until the afternoon!

Employee 1 and 2 not far away saw Sun Yuchen in black. He came over and asked him curiously: “What question did you just ask Dong Caiping? Sun

Yuchen rolled his eyes: “I asked him who the interviewer was and paid him. He said he would know in the afternoon!” ”

Employee 1 and 2 couldn’t hold it back and laughed again.。

“Sorry, we are very professional and we generally don’t laugh easily unless we can’t help it! ”

No, just thinking about Sun Yuchen’s expression when he saw Dong Chaiping sitting in the interviewer’s seat during the later interview!

They couldn’t help but want to look up to the sky and smile!

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