
The viewers in the live broadcast room looked at the crowds of people running around, and most of them were stunned for a moment!

After a brief moment of confusion, someone quickly called the fire department.。

“Hurry, take the escape stairs!”

“My foot is sprained, can anyone help me?”

“Mom, I want mom, wow, mom。”

“daddy daddy……”

Children were crying, adults were calling for help, and figures were running around like headless flies in the huge shopping mall.

The sudden fire turned the original shopping paradise into a disaster place.

Chu Yang looked at the chaotic scene and couldn’t help but take a deep breath.

The number of viewers in the Qiqi live broadcast room also increased due to this sudden accident.

When the audience came to the live broadcast room, they saw a scene that was like purgatory on earth.

The explosion continued, and thick smoke began to spread visibly to the naked eye.

Some spectators who reacted quickly even picked up their mobile phones and called for help from the fire department.。

“Anchor, run away! I’m outside. The smoke from the fire seems to be on the fifth floor. It’s too late to run now.。”

“I’ve called the fire department and they’ll be there soon。”

“Qiqi, what are you still doing in a daze? Let’s go quickly! Hurry to the escape tunnel!”

“Who is going to save that child? Where is her mother?”

“What does Jiarong do for a living? How could there be a fire in such a big company?”

“The smoke is getting thicker and thicker, why doesn’t Qiqi move?”

“Why is that anchor still standing there? Hurry up and save people!”

“Save Nima, this is a shopping mall, on the third floor! How many people can be saved? You are awesome, go ahead! ”

Among the viewers of Qiqi’s live broadcast room, some are die-hard fans of Qiqi who want their goddess to run away quickly.

Some people see the scene is so miserable and want Qiqi and others to help.

However, many people who are fans of Qiqi You know, their goddess is powerless, let alone saving people, it would be great if she can escape!

“Chu, God Chu, what should we do now? ”

Qiqi has completely forgotten that she is live broadcasting now.

She spoke in a trembling voice, and the panic in her tone could be heard through the screen.

Chu Yang stared at the crowd and said in a low voice: “There are people moving down from the third floor of this shopping mall. There are two hundred people, but only seventy or eighty people have found the escape route. Among the one hundred people currently active, there are 16 elderly people and 10 children. I need your help, Qiqi. ”

Qiqi was confused by the data that Chu Yang suddenly blurted out.。

“What can I do?

Chu Yang stared at the crying children downstairs with a serious expression: “Hold those crying children! ” ”

Coax, coax the child?

You said you need me to coax the child?

Qiqi was confused!

However, Chu Yang’s instructions were not finished yet. He continued to say to Qiqi:

“Well, you can call the fire department. Calculate according to the distance. , it would take them ten minutes at the fastest to arrive. ”

After Chu Yang gave the instructions in a low voice, he immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call.。

“Absolutely… I just listened to Chu Shen’s wave of data, and I was fascinated!”

“I wonder how he knew there were two hundred people!”

“Isn’t it a case of being blind? It doesn’t look like it! ?”

“After listening to the whole story, I started to count the number of people silently. There were exactly 10 children, no more, no less.……”

Chu Yang’s calmness in the face of danger and conclusive data analysis convinced the viewers of the Qiqi live broadcast room.

They were even curious about how Chu Yang would let the remaining people escape from the fire!

The viewers in the live broadcast room saw Chu Yang pick up his mobile phone and make a call.

Chu Yang dialed the number of the driver, Lao Chen: “Old Chen, there’s a fire in Jiarong, please hu

rry up and get a ladder to come over. The location is based on the window I broke.。”

“By the way, let Zhengping come up and take people down for me. Prepare dozens of quilts and put them underneath. ”

After Chu Yang finished instructing Lao Chen,

he quickly walked to the nearby floor-to-ceiling window and stopped. Then, he punched out and shattered the entire glass!

“Fuck, fuck, fuck! What kind of magical power is this!”

“Cowhide! It’s okay to just punch the tempered glass! ?”

“666, Chu Shen V587, if it is said to be broken with one punch, it will be broken with one punch, and there will never be a second punch!”

“But what does Chu Shen want to do? With all the chaos now, who would listen to him?”

“I think so too. In this chaos, who cares whether you are a billionaire or not?”

“If you ask me, if Chu Shen has this ability, he should just run away with Qiqi! ”

The audience became more and more curious about Chu Yang’s next behavior. They couldn’t guess what Chu Yang wanted to do.

After the glass shattered, Chu Yang suddenly looked down and shouted to the downstairs: “Zhengping, come up! ”

Who is Zhengping?

Where are you coming up?

The viewers in the live broadcast room were in a daze when they reacted: If they understood correctly, Chu Shen was calling a normal person to come down from below! How do you

go up to this third floor?

A group of live broadcasts The audience looked at Chu Yang’s actions with confused eyes.

Then, a young figure jumped up and burst directly into the eyes of the audience on the third floor and the live broadcast room.。

“Just, just outrageous!”

“Am I dizzy? A man jumped from below to the third floor?”

“Is this some kind of stunt? I feel like I just made a mistake!”

“Be more confident upstairs and get rid of the feeling! Can your live broadcast also be previewed?”

“wipe! What the hell kind of jumping ability is this! I’ve seen people jump from the third floor, but this is the first time I’ve seen people jump up!”

“It’s a waste to jump off the third floor, I’ve seen it all from the 28th floor! ”

Qiqi’s live broadcast room was very lively.

Under Chu Yang’s instructions, Zhengping jumped directly from the escalator to the second floor very flexibly.

After breaking the glass on the second floor, he jumped up again and jumped to the fourth floor.

He needed to make sure Regarding the number of people on the fourth floor, if you see someone, just throw them to the place where the quilts are placed. Zhengping

thought so and began to search all over the fourth floor. Chu Yang also raised his voice at this time: “Everyone who is still in the mall, 2

The tempered glass on the first and third floors was broken by my subordinates, and there were quilts underneath. Those who were still able to move could escape first.。”

“The elderly and children can wait by the window first, and our people will take them down specially. ”

Chu Yang’s voice was actually not loud.

Strangely, everyone in the mall calmed down at Chu Yang’s two simple words and began to act according to what he said. This is the

advantage of the speaker’s skills.

The listeners of the speaker will take corresponding actions after judging that the speaker’s statement is correct. In

this way, the escape rate of the people in the mall will rise sharply.

Under Chu Yang’s hint, Qiqi began to patiently Coaxing the three children who had not found their parents.

The originally chaotic scene was resolved by Chu Yang, and the escape in the mall was proceeding in an orderly manner!

In less than three minutes, everyone on the third floor and below was The escape was successful.

The people on the fourth floor also completed their escape under Zhengping’s arrangements.

The viewers in the Qiqi live broadcast room who were watching this scene were all shocked. No

one expected that things would turn out to be different because of Chu Yang’s presence. Everyone survived!

Is this why people deserve to be rich?

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