Liu Wei suddenly thought of a possibility

"Grandma Yuanyuan, are these piano manuscripts all written by Mr. Jiang?"

In order to confirm his guess, Liu Wei's voice was trembling a little, and he took the manuscript to show it to Jiang Ma.

"Yes, these music scores were written by my son, what's wrong?"

Jiang Ma said with a little doubt.

Liu Wei's head suddenly"buzzed", and everything went blank.

Shen Qingqing and Zhou Shuya looked at each other when they saw Liu Wei's appearance, and their guess in their hearts was confirmed.

"Maybe we guessed wrong before!"

Looking at the piano manuscript in his hand, Liu Wei's eyes were shocked and excited, extremely complicated.

But everyone in the live broadcast room was confused.

"What does Teacher Liu mean? What did we guess wrong?"

"I was also confused as to why Teacher Liu was so shocked when he saw the manuscript. Is there any secret in the manuscript?"

"Could it be that he saw the new work of Jiang Laoze?"

"Even if you see the new work, you can't be so shocked, right?"

In the eyes of many people, Liu Wei's expression and behavior are very abnormal, frightened, nervous, shocked, and a little happy, giving people a vague and mysterious feeling.

"Mr. Liu, did you find anything?"

In fact, not only netizens were puzzled and surprised, even Moaudes, who was far away in the West, couldn't help but become interested when looking at his mobile phone.

"Why are there other sounds in this room?"

The sound of the phone suddenly ringing startled Jiang Ma..

"Aunt Jiang, Teacher Liu is communicating with the world-renowned piano master Moods on his mobile phone!

Shen Qingqing, who was standing by, immediately explained Moods's situation to Aunt Jiang.

"It turned out to be a cell phone. I thought it was some kind of supernatural event!"

Jiang's mother breathed a sigh of relief.

However, this little episode made many netizens in the live broadcast room laugh.

"Jiang Laozi's mother is so funny, she is actually afraid of weird things? If I remember correctly, Jiang Laozi's family is a Taoist priest!"

"What's so strange about this? It's like a voice suddenly appeared and no one was seen. Anyone would be scared!"

"That being said, the problem is that this is at the top of a Taoist temple, and Jiang the old thief is a Taoist priest, so even if there is something strange, it will be eliminated!"

"It's true that Jiang Lao's ancestors were Taoist priests, but Jiang's mother was not. Do you still expect a middle-aged woman to catch weird things?"

Liu Wei didn't pay attention to the controversial issues among netizens.

He took a deep breath and said in a low voice to the phone:

"President Moodes, didn't we previously speculate that Mochat is most likely a good friend of Bedofen?"

"Yes, that's right!"

Moaudes responded on the phone.

"But now I want to overturn my previous guess!" Liu Wei said firmly

"If they are not friends, then why is the Warsaw Piano in Beethoven's place?

Although Jiang Fan's identity as Beethoven was exposed, Moods preferred to call Jiang Fan by his name as a pianist.

"Is there a possibility that both Beethoven and Mozart are Mr. Jiang himself!!"

Liu Wei exhaled and said something that shocked everyone present.


Moaudes' shocked voice suddenly came from the phone.

"What evidence do you have?"

Moaudes immediately asked back.

"Because I have not only Beethoven's score, but also Mozart's score, and these score manuscripts were all written by Mr. Jiang!"

Liu Wei held two score manuscripts and said to the live broadcast drone in the air.

"What? What did Teacher Liu say? Jiang the old thief is Mochat?"

"Damn, this reversal is too fast. I just thought they were good friends, and now you tell us that Mochat and Bedofen are actually the same person?"

"It's impossible. How can one person write songs in two different styles?"

"Yes, if one person writes a piano piece, why should he publish it under two identities? Isn't this redundant?"

"Upstairs, you guys don't know the character of Jiang Laozi at first glance. Jiang Laozi has to use two accounts to draw comics, and one is Longguo and the other is Xiaorizi."

Many comic fans have a deep understanding of Jiang Fan's two vests.

"My God, Mochat is Bedouin, Mr. Liu, did you see it wrong?"

Moaudes' voice was shocked and a little doubtful.

"Chairman Moaudes, you can take a look at these two scores, one is by Mochat and the other is by Beethoven!"

Liu Wei held up the two scores and said loudly to the live broadcast drone.

The live broadcast drone also humanely aimed the screen at the two scores.

"Is there any difference between these two sheets of music?"

"Yes, there is nothing special about the notes drawn on this music score except that their positions are different!"

"The person above meant the way the musical notes are written. Everyone's writing is different, but the way the musical notes are written in these two pieces of music are simply written by the same person!"

"It’s true! The notes in the two music scores are written in exactly the same way. It’s obvious that they were created by the same person!"

""Shit, is it true? Is Mozart really Beethoven?"

Netizens were a little skeptical at first.

After all, the battle between Mozart and Beethoven was world-famous.

But now

, someone told them that

Mozart and Beethoven were the same person. How could they believe it?

But when the two piano manuscripts appeared in Liu Wei's hand, many people stared with wide eyes.

Among them was

Moodes who was far away in the West.

At this moment,

Moodes was in his own manor, looking at his mobile phone in shock, as if he was petrified.

"Grandfather, what's wrong with you?"

At this moment, a tall woman with blond hair and blue eyes and delicate features came forward with a puzzled look on her face.

"Evelyn, I want to go to Dragon Country!"

Moaudes stood up suddenly and said anxiously.

"Grandfather, why are you suddenly going to Dragon Country?"The blond woman asked in surprise

"I want to go meet that Mr. Jiang!" Moodes said firmly.

The blonde woman looked a little surprised.

It was the first time she saw her grandfather so anxious.

But she was concerned about her grandfather's health, she said:"But grandpa, your health, Dr. Green said that you should pay more attention to rest!"

…… the other side

"Didn't you just say that my son is that Bedouin? Why are you saying that my son is Mochat now?"

Listening to Liu Wei's words, Jiang Ma looked puzzled.

"Aunt Jiang, this is what happened!"

Seeing Jiang's mother's doubts, Shen Qingqing immediately told her about the separation of Mochat and Beiduo.

"My son is the same, he created two identities just to write a piece of music."

Jiang Ma shook her head, with a hint of complaint in her tone. Shen Qingqing:"……"

Official complaints are the most deadly.

Zhou Shuya, who was standing by, couldn't help but cover her mouth and laugh.

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